NBA Opening Draw To Twilight Shaquille O’Neal

v1 Chapter 508: Chicagoan crying in the toilet

Pat Riley, who has always been hailed as a **** operator, has been in a bad mood recently.

Just last night, he hesitated again and again, but picked up the phone and called James' agent Rich Paul.

He has already met with James, but the latter's attitude is very firm, so he can only start from the agent now.

But what he didn't expect was that the call passed, but the other side was unanswered... He couldn't even get in touch with James' agent!


Riley is a smart guy, of course he knows that James is the key to this turmoil, and if James hadn't nodded, this wouldn't have happened.

But he is still unwilling, so he has been making his last efforts. For example, on the 13th, he hurriedly signed a 5-year, 118 million maximum salary extension contract with Bosh, just to show James the determination of the Heat to strengthen.

It is a pity that it is too late, the scenery of the Heat's two championships in 4 years is doomed to be gone.

the other end.

Ricky Paul looked down at the screen of his mobile phone, and then glanced at James in front of him: "It's from Riley."

James nodded, took a cigar, but remained silent.

The failure to defend the title last season seems to have exhausted the last trace of the Heat's energy. With Riley, there is very little action in the free market. Looking at the posture, it seems that he only wants to keep the winning lineup of the past two years.

This is obviously not possible. Wade is one year older, and Ray Allen also has rumors of retirement. He doesn't know if he can still play.

While the Heat are getting weaker, their rivals, the Blazers, Pacers, and Thunder are still young, and will only get stronger in the future.

And after the finals, when the Cavaliers owner Gilbert, who had publicly cursed James, licked his face and contacted James again, a brand new idea was born.

During his 7 years with the Cavaliers, James has all won the best rookie, best double first team, scoring champion, regular season MVP and a series of personal honors that can be won, except for the coveted O'Brien Cup.

To this end, he made a decision that was criticized by countless people.

Of course, James does not regret this decision, because he brought himself two championship rings and two FMVP trophies.

But it's never enough.

James took another puff of his cigar and said nothing, turning his head to glance at the beach outside the window.

He is about to turn 30 and is no longer young.

But the gap between him and No. 23 is still not small.

He still needs to build up a lot of honors to defend his determination to be the No. 23.

Now that you've won a championship in Miami, it would definitely make sense to go back to Chrisland, where the dream started, and bring a championship to that city.

More importantly, Kyrie Irving is still very young and his shooting ability is far better than Wade; the young Maple Leaf player who uses himself as a template currently looks full of potential and should be able to trade for a good All-star insider...

Thinking about it this way, hometown basketball is not bad.


Suddenly, the ringing of the phone interrupted James' thoughts.


James asked, looking a little impatient.

"No, it's Dwayne."

Ricky Paul picked up the phone and replied cautiously.

"Dwyane?" James raised his cigar's hand and slowly put it down, looking extremely complicated, "Give it to me."

At this time, he can ignore anyone, but Wade can't.

Worth mentioning, just take it as a final farewell to the Heat's 4-year college love.




And at this moment, the Lakers couldn't help but started some action.

The Spaniard, who had a close relationship with Kobe Bryant, suddenly announced his intention to leave Los Angeles after this season, which made Lakers general manager Kupchak feel genuinely uneasy.

When Kupchak contacted Paul's shackled agent Arn Tailem, he learned that the reason why Pau Gasol rejected the Lakers' contract extension and chose to test the waters of the free market was that he was tired of playing in the Lakers. Feel.

It's right to think about it. He was obviously the second-biggest player in the Lakers' two consecutive championships. However, in the previous seasons, they were put on the trading shelf by the Lakers one after another. Even after forming the Lakers F4 in the 2012-13 season, Dwight Howard dared to jump. On the head of Pau Gasol, in addition to his own strength, more importantly, the Lakers management also leans towards Howard in attitude, and Hefei Pau Gasol.

Also, after the death of Old Buss, the internal disputes of the Lakers continued.

To sum up, Gasol’s desire to leave the Lakers to join other teams is the result of a combination of reasons.

At the beginning of July, with the announcement of Pau Gasol to test the waters of the free market, it caused a stir in the outside world.

As a 4-time All-Star player and a two-time champion insider, Paul's family said he quickly won the favor of many team management.

At present, the Spurs, Bulls, Grizzlies, Knicks Cavaliers and other teams have all made contact with Paul Gasol's agent.

However, the career has reached this stage, and there are also championships. Pau Gasol now hopes that he can get a salary worthy of his worth while also realizing his value on the court.

So, the aggressive Spurs were kicked out by him first.

There are two reasons. First, the Spurs management can only make a special case for the middle class with an annual salary of about 5 million for Paul Gasol, which is too low; second, the Spurs currently have 4 available inside players, Duncan, Split, Diaw, Bonner, Pau Gasol feel that he has little room for development after going to the Spurs.

After excluding the Spurs, in fact, the best destination that Pau Gasol revealed in private is to return to the Memphis Grizzlies, and he wants to play with his younger brother Mark.

en, true brother basketball!

Unfortunately, according to Pau Gasol's friend Dave, the Grizzlies were unwilling to abandon Randolph, making his hopes in vain.

After the Spurs and the Grizzlies, Gasol has another option, the Chicago Bulls. Because he himself and the Bulls' dual-core Ross, Noah and head coach Dunleavy are very good.

If they can get Pau Gasol, the Bulls will definitely dismantle Boozer without hesitation, with Ross on the outside and Gasol + Noah on the inside...

Recently, after learning of the close contact between Pau Gasol and the Bulls, countless Bulls fans burst into tears and chanted the same slogan:

"Bull Championship!"

However, the Bulls seem to be too happy too early. Just before Pau Gasol is about to decide to join the Bulls and plans to disclose it to the media tomorrow, a man came to Pau Gasol’s residence in Los Angeles.

The two had a long talk all night.



At 9 o'clock in the morning, Wang Zelin and the members of the summer hard training camp will start another day of training.

At present, the players in training together are: DeRozan and Lowry of the Raptors, Oladipo of the Magic, Drummond of the Pistons, good partner Lillard and ... the last to join the team headed by the Mosaic team The star mustache golfer.

How did Harden get in?

This matter has to start from Harden going to Toronto after the offseason, ready to let his friend DeRozan show him some northern customs...

After learning that Wang Zelin had set up a training camp, Harden's originally leisurely offseason stopped.

Of course, Harden doesn't regret it.

Although there is no way to appreciate the style of the north, the hot girls on the beach in Hawaii also made him so excited that he couldn't close his legs...

After warming up, when Wang Zelin and the others were in a 3-on-3 match, Harden rushed into the training ground with coconut milk in his hand. Seeing everyone was there, he quickly said:

"Brothers! Breaking news! The two giants in the league have traded, and the captain of the Celtics has gone to Angel City!"


Everyone quickly stepped forward and asked.

Harden took two breaths, took another sip of coconut milk, and then continued: "And Pau Gasol, who was rumored before, also agreed to stay in Angel City!"

Hearing the news, Wang Zelin and Lillard looked at each other and had only one thought between each other:

The Lakers are going to do something!

at the same time.

The Chicagoans who heard the news were already crying in the toilet.

No, the promised Spaniard wants to join?

Why is there no shadow?

My big bull, when will it be revived!

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