Netheril’s Brilliance

v1 Chapter 74: Bilan

Bilan Stone is eighteen years old this year. As the second daughter of a nobleman, she is also an apprentice-level little mage. Most noble children like her will be married into a family when they are sixteen or seventeen. Victim, but because Bilan has a good mage talent, she can't get out of it without being trapped in the social circle of aristocratic moose. Under the guidance of an old mage, young Bilan set foot on the path of mage early. However, because the Stone family was eager to gain benefits within a certain period of time, and they also wanted to try to control the seedlings of the mage that seemed quite promising at the time, Bilan became an alchemist under a series of inducements. The road of fineness.

   However, the difficulty of training the alchemist was beyond the Stone family's expectations. Without the correct guidance and sufficient resources to support, Bilan, who had just stepped into the threshold of a professional, could be said to be difficult.

It didn’t take long for the diligent Bilan to find that the path of the mage was getting harder and harder. She was stuck at the pinnacle of the apprentice level, but after several years of hard work, she had no intention of breaking through. Most of the people in the family were Think she has no potential at all.

As a low-level alchemy master, she is still unable to make any contribution to the family at this embarrassing stage. She has no way of refining difficult potions at the apprentice level, and the family has made it clear that she wants to give up on a potentialless potion. The mage continued to invest, waiting for Bilan's fate to fall into the end of a more advanced marriage tool. This was a future that Bilan with lofty ideals could not accept at all.

   But as the so-called heavenly road, when the girl was sad or even desperate, a sudden news made her see a glimmer of hope again.

Some time ago, an official-level spellcaster from the Kingdom of Camos came to a small town near Dolazi to live in seclusion and study. The Minohorn family that he supported runs a business that no one dares to compete with. Alchemy medicine business, the name "Minohorn Alchemy Firm" is like a rising star in Dolazi. Bilan also saw this legendary favored by the official-level mage in an aristocratic dance party. "Lady" Luo Taran. The heroic impression that Luo Taran left on her still remained in the girl's mind.

Just a few days ago, Lu Taran, who had just "meeted" the legendary official mage, returned to Dolazi City. In addition to the big box of alchemy potions, she also brought back a very unusual one. News-the official mage who lives in the small town of Niailan actually has the will to beckon the "assistant apprentice"!

Although almost all the wizards in the entire Dolazi City want to become apprentices of a full-level wizard, the adult has made a clear request-only recruiting wizards who are good at alchemy, this has eliminated most of the wizards. Men, alchemy is really not something that ordinary mages can play.

Then the news came that made many alchemists who were planning to try it hesitate. It was said that this mage had openly opened the portal connecting the evil plane in the small town of Niailan without any concern for the townspeople. Our safety.

   Although this kind of thing is said to completely ignore the law and order, because punk is an official-level mage, even the lord of Dolazi City just expresses a few words of condemnation and it is over.

However, in the hearts of many professionals, including Bilan, the faction and temper of this true mage have been drawn with a big question mark. Many young mages who originally wanted to try whether they can become apprentices have retired. Dignified, who knows if I will be killed by a fireball because of a small mistake or simply unpleasantness, a formal-level mage of a suspected evil camp... I feel that my scalp is numb just thinking about it, prudent professionals. Most would rather give up this opportunity than risk their lives.

   However, Bilan was moved.

Fed up with the endless aristocratic princess brothers coming to harass, and can’t stand the sordidness and sordidness of the aristocratic circle, she knows that if she continues like this, waiting for her fate is to become exactly the same as those caged birds. Tools", so she has to work hard to change her life, this opportunity can not be missed!

Maybe it’s because there are too many mages who are afraid of the official-level powerhouses. With Bilan’s high level of alchemy, he was selected as an apprentice. Until she got on the carriage to Nigeria, there was another beautiful girl. This kind of unreal feeling, myself... just "escape" that filthy Dolez became?

Sitting on the slow-moving carriage, Bilan leaned against the window, her long light green hair blowing in the wind, her slender phoenix eyebrows, and her eyes were as bright as stars and moons. Bright off, exquisite Qiong nose pink cheeks are slightly dizzy, dripping cherry lips half open, flawless melon seeds face is shy and affectionate, tender and snowy skin is beautiful, light body, refined and elegant, The beautiful Bilan is like an orchid in a quiet room, elegant and quiet.

Away from the hustle and bustle of Dolez City, and feeling the faint morning breeze across her face, Bilan was almost intoxicated in the fragrance of nature. Although her future was still unknown, at this time, Bilan was actually very interested The official-level powerhouse who knew nothing about this horror was born with a little expectation. In the heart of the beautiful girl, hope and beauty always prevailed, and the anxiety that was mixed with fear quietly subsided a lot.

   Aquamarine eyes quietly stared at the beautiful scenery of the wilderness outside the window. In the faint turmoil in his heart, Bilan fell asleep gently.

The direction of the future is always unpredictable, but if you don’t move towards the future, how can you know whether the future is good or bad? Maybe the girl is stepping towards the bottomless abyss that she thinks is “opportunity”. , But at least at this moment, at this moment when riding a carriage among the fields and paths to enjoy the beautiful scenery, the girl truly has freedom and hope in her heart.

   The mountains in the distance are rolling up and down, and every inch of silhouette becomes more and more green. The grass on the nearby hillside also quietly drilled out of the air. They were tender and green, and clusters of them adorn the steep hillside. The trees on the hillside also quietly pulled out new branches and sprouts new shoots like small grasses, and the branches of the joy tree hang down like green cotton threads hanging on the tree. The small yellow leaves covered with branches are like petals tied on the line. On the field next to the small town, Ququ wheat seedlings gradually turned green, endless, like green waves. The golden wild cauliflower, shining in the green waves

   What a beautiful view............