Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1001: Silent

The "candy merchant"'s concerns are obviously justified, and the aggressive attitude of the Hell Council is obviously not an exaggeration of the small businessmen, but to understand Mimibez's concerns, two very important things must be mentioned, one It is an important legendary organization that exists as a background-the Hell Council. One is the birth process of the two "legendary twins", she and Grand Duke Oakris.

In the multiverse of this legendary island era, the Hell Council can be said to be a very rare legendary organization that still follows the ancient traditions, even though almost all legendary organizations are now forced to implement similar restrictions due to the long river of fate. The "club" is the same loose system, but the Hell Council, which has been passed down since the era of Netheril, still has no intention of changing its "strict rules".

Yes, although even the Legendary Warlock of Bright Moon does not exist anymore, and although the once influential Hell Council has only a few Morningstar professionals left to take charge, it still guards the only treasures-"Devil Contract" and "Hell" The nine devil grand princes of the Morning Star are still unswervingly implementing the decadent centralized dictatorship...Even the Hell Council’s insistence on such a poor system cannot be explained by “common sense” at all. They would rather be The scorching gaze of "The Long River of Destiny" also forced all the demon warlocks who are about to advance to the legend to sign the weird contract that belongs to hell, and then squeeze the many "subordinates" to the extreme, and have to fight all year round like Oakles on a **** battlefield. "The Guardian of Hell" is basically an unlucky ordinary legend who has been under such oppression.

Perhaps to this day, the only remaining confidence in the Hell Council is the "plane of **** that is part of the abyss, full of secrets and magic" and the "devil's contract" which is made as if imitating the contract of the eye of judgment, but this A little bit of mystery and the confidence of not knowing the strengths and weaknesses obviously can't give people sufficient self-confidence, so now the **** council that is bullying and fearful of hardship seems to be closed day by day and caring about the so-called "rules" day by day.

They are like old scholars clinging to secrets while trembling, while looking at every helpless traveler who might approach the treasure house with sullen and suspicious eyes...

But it is a pity that there are no perfect rules in the world, especially some incomprehensible "coincidence" forces are even more inevitable, so under the eyes of hell, there are two legendary twins who have ignored the decadent iron law. It rose slowly in the dark hell.

Because of a "coincidence", Mimibez was very surprised to rely on her own efforts to promote the legend, even she not only avoided the tricky process of being forced to sign the devil contract, but also because of this mysterious "accident" joined the Silent alliance.

And the first thing she did after using such a little "accident" to succeed was to conceal her existence and began to help her brother also make strides towards the legend, so she waited until the morning star members of the Hell Council discovered the two new legendary battles. After the power...The two legendary twins who have not signed the devil contract and resolutely refused to sign the contract have almost blatantly existed.

In a sense, Mimibezi and Oakleys themselves are the greatest provocation against the Iron Rule of Hell. The reason why the final decision of the Hell Council is only to "remove the name of Obalon, expel the "candy merchant", and order Ou Archduke Chris guarded the rift of Belesius for 30 million years" 80% of it was forced by the dilemma of a real lack of manpower and... fear of the "silent alliance". In fact, several ancient Morningstar devil princes are very unable in their hearts. Accept that strict rules are broken.

But today, after being forgiven once, the rule-breaker of "causing trouble and making trouble" has not settled down and continued to obey the rules of **** honestly. On the contrary, he has once again caused horrible troubles... no matter what the trouble is. It was not provoked by the diligent Oakris. It is estimated that the Hell Council, which has been irritated, could not continue to remain quiet. It was obvious that a group of old nobles made some extreme decisions.

Thus, the most unacceptable fact of Mimibez happened without any objection............

The decision to "execute" Oakleys-Obalon passed the vote at an alarming speed. Now, the "executors" arranged by the Hell Council may have entered the road to the rift in Beleisius!


"My dear sister, it seems that you already know what my illness is, right? You can't do anything about the howl deep into the soul, can't you? Give up on me, you know, my Oakleys is the last What I like is that it drags down relatives"

Lie down among the dirty dust and gravel, looking at the "Candy Merchant"'s beautiful big eyes, and shook his head, the Devil Grand Duke softly expressed his true thoughts.

Legendary professionals are always stubborn and stubborn, and their consciousness is difficult to change regardless of good or bad...

It's just that, because Oakley is so stubborn, Mimibezi naturally doesn't let it go.

So watching his brother's helpless gaze, the "Candy Merchant", whose orange-red hair gradually faded from the heat, retorted gently without hesitation:

"Don’t show that most important brother, as long as you live, you still have a chance. I believe your will is much stronger than you think. If you don’t want to leave, I will treat you If you can’t move it, you can drag it away! As you know, the thing I don’t like most about Mimibez is to abandon relatives"!

Not everyone’s goal is simply to climb the peak. There are many travelers who just enjoy the process of advancing with the cherished ones. Being able to embrace and warm up on a dark and dark journey is itself a pursuit... But there In a world full of loneliness and coldness, can candlelight really feel warm because of the dancing of moths?

I don't know, I don't know... The legendary twins who are in the abyss don't know, nor is Ganatika who is standing on the edge of the cliff watching everything happen.

It’s just that at this moment, I don’t know what to think about. "Young Avengers" suddenly picked up a "weird habit" that he had no idea how long ago he had no choice but to change. He stretched out his hand and stroked his right again. The red ruby ​​in the eye frame...

He was suddenly a little grateful that he did not bring the silly bird "vector" to this banquet.

"Pandora... If the flame burns the dead wood, is it the flame or the ashes that go away with the wind that gets warm from the crackling firelight?"

Exuding true feelings and muttering to herself softly, Ganatika raised her head and looked towards a gloomy red sky.

The storm accompanied by the law slowly calmed down, the blood-colored clouds all over the sky had disappeared without a trace, the scarlet sun belonging to **** still shone on the fragmented and hot ground, and the sound of the breeze blowing through the canyon still faintly rang in my ears.

At this moment, the glow was shining, and there was silence.


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