Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1006: Archmage's plan

"Thank you for your appreciation, Mr. "Chairman", just like Chifeng chasing honeydew, the delicious benefits are always irresistible, so I decided to participate in this "extra mission", and I will make my enemies feel it. The fear of death". WWWW.SUIMENG.lā

Seriously answered the question of the "guildmaster". The caster who has already decided to take risks will certainly not refuse. As he said, interest is always the most powerful driving force, and the strength is enough to be called "strong." "The Morning Star Mage is not afraid of any enemies of the same level.

After all, unlike most reclusive legends, such an adventure is too common in the course of the caster.

"Very well, it seems that higher levels of strength have not extinguished your courage and confidence. Even the brilliance of "it" is destined to be unable to extinguish the endless darkness and shadows... Then in order to save time, I will explain it first. The relevant "background" of this extra mission."

The Throne of Yaori, who had predicted that punk would agree to this proposal, didn't have any special reaction. He just calmly said his approval, and then opened the top secret topic with a gloomy tone.

And just as punk had previously envisioned, this time the "extra mission" is really closely related to the current enemy of the "executors"-the "division" Messoul!

I saw the gray projection on the round table using a gentle mental power to narrate calmly without emotional fluctuations

"My old friend-"Teacher" Messoul-Biknat is a restless guy, from a long time ago...probably when the second generation of the Silent Alliance was declared annihilated, this ambitious The throne of Yaori seized the throne from the founder of the Mage Guild and took charge of the Mage Guild. Of course, his so-called "holding" is not much different from mine. After all, in this sad era, there is no such thing in the world. The leader of the legendary organization can order every legendary member under his own... But anyway, the ambition of the "teacher" is still clear. He has started to do a lot of incredible since occupying the position of the president of the wizard guild. For example, about six million years ago, Messoul personally formulated an extremely secretive "Legend Training Plan"!

Speaking of this, the "chairman" finally revealed the most important news, and this news fully proved how powerful the "chairman"'s ability to obtain intelligence is.

In front of the "silent leader" who is fully prepared and understands every detail. I'm afraid Messoul really doesn't even have any secrets.

"Maybe Meswuer thinks that the fact that "the entire wizard guild calls him "President" from top to bottom, but no one really listens to his orders" is too unbearable, but he really has no choice. Management has long been turned into a mess of legendary members of the Mage Guild, so the ambitious Mr. "Master" formulated this ridiculous and bold "legendary training plan"-he planned to cultivate a group of loyalty to himself from scratch. 'S legendary subordinates, and ignore the gaze and warnings of the long river of fate in the process"!

Speaking of Messoul’s grandiose ideas in a contemptuous tone. I don’t know whether to use "courage but not arrogant" to describe the magnificent idea or "courageable". He always likes to use huge profits to "employ." The subordinate "chairman" naturally disagrees with the idea of ​​his "old friend" at all.

I saw that after a pause, the Throne of the Sun, who completely disagrees with Messoul’s thoughts, continued to explain in a not salty or indifferent tone.

"A shining professional certainly has the capital to make some "big events". Messoul’s plan was also secretly and smoothly launched in a certain corner of the multiverse at the beginning. This ambitious man "Masters" used the vast network of the Mage Guild to collect hundreds of millions of potential apprentices, and then concentrated them in the so-called magic academy for completely closed brainwashing training............ Attention, this "brainwashing" It’s not just about instilling some simple concepts of good and evil from an early age. It’s a soul-level transformation aided by magic and potions! After a long "education" process, almost all apprentices recruited by Messoul will be able to Become a diehard who absolutely obeys orders and is almost nonexistent."

Obviously, the "guild leader" faced the two of his men in very detailed explanations. The powerful Yaori Throne had no reason to conceal things about Messoul, so the "master" carefully planned and executed it. So the secrets came one by one.

"It must be admitted that Messoul’s secrecy measures are pretty good. Even I discovered the clues of this plan after a long time. It is estimated that the other legendary members of the entire wizard guild do not know that their president is so bold. …………And as an ancient Yaori spellcaster, the “teacher” invested in the “closed brainwashing training” that I don’t know how much time and energy has also achieved some results, that is, one of the apprentices who went on to succeed in the billions. The three legends that stand out from the crowd-these are three excellently talented and theoretically absolutely loyal "qualified subordinates". They have stepped into the realm of legends under the cultivation of Messoul, and even progressed without stopping." .


The quiet rhythm and the shadowy fog projection, the quiet atmosphere still permeates the small meeting room, the white fluorescence still turns into circulating energy hovering on the clean floor, the tone is strange "The president finally said about it. The result of the Messoul Super Project.

No one knows whether the "teacher" of the Yaori Throne is satisfied enough with this result, and no one knows what kind of ambition and ambition he has that would not hesitate to provoke fate.

But in any case, in theory, Messoul is still successful. He has successfully obtained three "legendary creations" who will never violate orders and only loyal to a strong man!

However............ After carrying out such a large-scale operation and high-profile conspiracy the "teacher" who did not know how much cost wanted to get a few loyal subordinates could really get the idea. Is it realized?

Now the storm that is destined to sweep the entire multiverse has not officially arrived. No one knows what the results of each of their actions will bring, but what is certain is...a one that is no longer secret, and can even be called a thorough insight by the enemy." The deterrence provided by the "big plan" is almost gone, because the "chairman" has already investigated his enemy clearly.

"Messoul has created three legends. He has a good hole card. However... his idea is destined to lose the opportunity to practice, because I have already got the list of the results of the "Legend Training Program". Now, The initiative of the "division" conspiracy has been held by his enemies."

Very plainly commented on this "Legend Training Plan", and the "Chairman" immediately announced the name list in his hands without any cover.

So far, the names of the three "top secret legendary powerhouses" trained by Messoul have finally been revealed!
