Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1008: Mournful accident

There are many so-called "stories" that are far more real than the fantasy of third-rate bards. Although punk has not had much contact with the world, he is still very aware of the existence of this situation. ~~щww~suimеng~lā

It's just...Even the Morningstar Mage never expected that in this weird era of legendary islands, under the conspiracy of the strong and "destiny", even the "story" of the legendary professional can still become so mysterious or even worthy. Called "magic", especially if this "story" was "spoken" by a guy like Kane with his own halo of "cheat money and **** with a third-rate bard", then it has the "legend" The color will be stained with more dog blood.

Without pause or waiting, under the silent projection of the "guildmaster", the mad knight, who has always been informal without hesitation, began to "explain" to punk... or "show off" his own experience.

"When the butterfly emerging from its cocoon is bathed in bright sunlight for the first time, will it be immersed in the beauty and fragrance of the flower? The answer is obvious, because even the slow-moving larvae already possess strong It has powerful wings, but it has never imagined the scenery of the sky. For an ignorant butterfly shadow, there are too many novel things and beautiful existence that can tempt them to plunge into a warm embrace."

Still the poem aria that I don’t know where I learned from, Kane’s narrative techniques full of inappropriate adjectives and obscure metaphors contrast sharply with the concise and clear interpretation of the "chairman".

Fortunately, "Instant Kill Gun" also knew that he was telling a story in the presence of a shining strong man in a serious meeting, so his "Psalms Prologue" was not too lengthy, as the embarrassing atmosphere eased Slowly spreading and converging, the mad knight's solution quickly entered the topic.

"As Mr. "Chairman" said, it is always hard to say whether abnormal "legendary creation" can be called "legendary powerhouse", just like the group of irrational demons in the endless abyss. Can lord be considered a "legendary"? No, no, people with imperfect minds can't be called "legendary powerhouses". They are at best "lower creatures with legendary powers." It is that some inferior goods are indistinguishable from some inferior legendary golems and even ordinary children. Among the poetic and beautiful stories of this uncle, the beautiful Miss Diya is undoubtedly this kind of typical "low mental legend" !

Kane, who wantonly belittles his team leader, speaks unconsciously and dances with his hands, even the luster on his armor appears brighter, and he sees a high-spirited tone of mind, and the golden light "instant kill gun" continues on his body. Said

"Before the first meeting of the Enforcer, Miss Dia, who was secretly trained as a spy and secretly sent to the Silent Alliance, was obviously as rigid as a build golem that had not been promoted to a true soul. Her excellent and mature After all, her performance is just a disguise, at least in the eyes of the uncle, as a "product" of the "absolutely closed militarized college receiving soul-level brainwashing education" since birth, she actually has no legendary power. A child from a farmer’s family is of sound mind, and during the first executor meeting and the first executor’s mission, our pure white "phantom mirror" was also infected by totally unknown "accidents" A shining sun plague specifically aimed at the possessors of magic bloodlines-the soul of mourning, so... a sad and ridiculous story happened like this."

With a helpless look and state of tone, Kane, with a joking expression and a very unserious expression, does not look "sad and sigh" at all. In the eyes of the "swift kill gun", he can't see other people's gloat. The mood seemed to be very high, and in the following commentary process, this attitude full of ridicule and contempt became more and more lingering and striking in the fluctuation of Kane's mental power............

"As we all know, the Soul of Sorrow has an absolutely subversive influence on the soul of the bloodline owner of magic creatures. It can even force a legendary warlock who has broken out of the cage to return to a state of madness that has not broken out of the cage. The kind of stimulating bloodline emotions bursts and has no upper limit. The growth of weird power is not something that the will of ordinary legendary professionals is capable of resisting. At present, there is no way to abandon this terrible power except to upgrade the level... And in the face of such a terrifying "kill", poor After being infected with this plague, Miss Dia naturally did not want to survive.

So in the calling voice of "sorrow", in her soul and heart, the magical bloodline of "White Moon Sparrow" who craves for emotional comfort quickly invaded the original loyalty due to the erosion of "Soul of Sorrow" The rigid soul of thought, tusk tusk, for the "phantom mirror" whose mind is like a piece of white paper, what is the difference between this kind of emotion written in blood and paper immersed in an ink bucket? The magic used by Messoul to brainwash the "subordinates" must be far less powerful and effective than the "soul of sorrow" he invented in order to subvert the entire multiverse, so it is estimated that it did not consume much time at all. , After finally breaking into the Silent Alliance, the "spy girl" who has been loyal for hundreds of thousands of years has become a little girl with unconscious head and unable to control her emotions!"


"Is this the power of "it", the unlucky "teacher" just lifted a rock and hit him in the foot like this? The "sorrowful soul" he invented finally ruined his loyal subordinates? And "phantom mirror" The reason why the lady did not know how much time and energy to become an "executor" should be burdened with a very important plan? Now it seems that Messauer's plan was completely destroyed before it started."

After carefully and patiently listening to Kane's entire speech, the slightly frowning spellcaster quickly understood the horror of the accident caused purely by "accident".

It is conceivable that if Messul, who has been hiding in his magic tower for tens of thousands of years, knew that his plan would fall short for this reason, no matter how good his temper, he would definitely feel aggrieved and unhappy.

Or...Is the whimsical "legendary talent training plan" he formulated at the beginning to pave the way for today's failure?

The development of things always follows the logical and clear causal relationship, but the relationship between causality often exceeds the data of the parties... The most powerful force in the long river of fate is by no means just a little adjustment. The probability of occurrence of "accidents", the power to reconstruct cause and effect, calculate cause and effect, and calculate cause and effect is the real deterrence for it to control the entire multiverse and secretly manipulate all legendary professionals.

And it is obvious that even if the "Soul of Sorrow" invented by Messoul has ruined a conspiracy he made himself, it is nothing, the accident brought by this story is far from ending.

Because after punk’s calm analysis, the voice just fell off, and Kane, who seemed very happy, immediately announced loudly.

"It's just that? Just following the arrangement of "it" doesn't it seem that the uncle is irrelevant? In fact, when facing the "phantom mirror", the charm of this uncle is the real weapon that really works, because It only takes a few simple words, and that sad little girl is hopelessly in love with the handsome man, haha"!
