Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1012: Phantom

The plane of Faerun, among the deciduous forest. bookmark our website

The name deciduous forest sea sounds like it is describing a vast and luxuriant woodland. In fact, this beautiful place is a whole lush forest located northwest of the Faerun Plane. When it enters the golden autumn season of the "harvest season" At that time, brown-yellow fallen leaves will slowly fall in the entire forest sea, and a thick layer of leaves spread on the ground will cover every inch of the forest.

And I don’t know it, these leaves with bright golden light will reflect the dazzling brilliance in the sun like golden sand scattered in the lake, so from the sky, you can’t see the edge at a glance, and are completely composed of deciduous trees. The forest is as beautiful and gorgeous as the golden yellow-brown-yellow ocean. The breeze blowing along with the rustling of the trees sounds quiet and pleasing.

It must be admitted that the scenery of this forest sea is truly beautiful, but due to the large number of monsters in the forest, few intelligent creatures can have the privilege of seeing this magnificent spectacle in front of their eyes.

However, for powerful legendary professionals, some low-level "beasts" can't be regarded as obstacles, so they step on the thick and soft fallen leaf ground, and the punk who walks into this beautiful forest can enjoy their eyes peacefully. And all the sights.

"The ancient plane of Faerun has created many beautiful and magnificent spectacles. Sometimes these natural scenery are not even less appreciated than the artist's hand-painted scrolls. Well, this deciduous tree that is unique to the deciduous forest has absorbed too much. Can more light elements condense such dazzling light spots on the leaves? They have begun to slowly become semi-element plants. Maybe in several hundred million years, the light elements gathered in this woodland will be enough to give birth to There are hordes of elemental creatures..."

He stretched out his palm to catch a leaf falling from the sky, watching the texture on the leaf like a golden dragon carved into the brown-red rock wall, the "Whisper of Destruction" Punk-Sean, who had just arrived in the woodland, analyzed the leaves The elemental composition of, while watching the golden gleaming woodland haze lingering in the distance.

It’s just that, in the end, punk’s emotions are just casual talk in my heart. In fact, the caster who has now taken out the pale scepter and began to prepare the morning star spell will not have any regrets about the beauty in front of him, even The entire beautiful woodland is destined to be shattered and destroyed in the near future, and the indifferent "Whisper of Destruction" can still maintain the calmness of the inner clouds.

Yes, this is indeed a beautiful natural landscape. Young deciduous trees still have a long life span and a gorgeous future for semi-elemental creatures. But after all, the magical work of nature is weak and calm. It may not take too much time. The scenery swaying in the wind will be destroyed by the raging law storm.

Because according to the plan of the Morning Star Mage and the Mad Knight, the ambush location of their hunting plan this time is in this deciduous forest sea far away from the center of the Faerun Plane!

If nothing else, the morning star mage Belein-Nika, known as the "split of the sky," will inevitably be buried here, just like Ankazan, another legendary member of the Mage Guild who was attacked by punk-the sudden fall, The inexplicable fall...

After all, this time, the "tool" responsible for deceiving the poor prey is the "phantom mirror" Miss Deya who should be absolutely loyal to Messoul in theory!

In fact, the legendary professionals who are completely on the fallen leaves at this time are not just the expressionless Morningstar Mage, including the crazy who has worn a golden armor, a golden magical riding spear and the same golden shield. The knight also arrived in the "battlefield" early, but the mad knight now does not have the time to just seize all the time for punk bickering and chatting like before, because on the left side of this slacker stuff, one has lavender A beautiful girl with long hair and a light gray robe is standing side by side beside the "Instant Kill Gun".

Obviously, the beautiful woman with a quiet expression and silent eyes is the phantom mirror of the mad knight's nominal "group leader"-Dia Egerzo.

At this moment, Kane should have already talked to Deya about the "Chairman"'s "Ambush and Assassination" plan in advance, and the silent "Phantom Mirror" lady should have also agreed to it, just to make sure that "Little There should be no flaws in the performance of the girl. The Morning Star Knight, who has to be cautious about this mission, is carefully teaching Miss Daya how to send a perfect "fraud message."

By the way, it’s worth mentioning that Kane, who patiently trains his "girlfriend", looks much more humorous than his usual careless and indifferent one. Now this golden **** with all his body is really like a wandering The bards between the wind and the moon are as "skillful", the graceful words specially used to deal with the innocent girls can be described as one sentence after another. It didn't take much time. It seemed that there was still a nervous "phantom magic mirror" and quickly calmed down. A nervous mood.

"That's right, relax, and feel as relaxed as the blooming petals of crabapples... Don't be too nervous or too calm. If that guy asks a question, you should use this one with a little bit of anxiety and expectation. Answer him in the tone, I believe you can do it, Dia, I will stand by your side forever."

Looking directly at the shining eyes of the "phantom mirror", Kane's gaze is almost comparable to that of the top drama expert, without much admiration, just full of seriousness and seriousness A little giggling look?

Just a long glance, the caster who has been arranging the Morningstar level trap array while paying attention to all the actions of the Mad Knight and Deya knows how the "scumbag" Kane makes the ignorant girl like it. It's his own There is no chasing and no pursuit, he just shows this serious and poetic attitude is enough to attract the opposite **** who thinks perceptually.

For example, now, she looks a little cold and her body movements are slightly stiff, but in fact, Dia, who trusts the mad knight in front of her, nodded seriously and replied:

"Well, I understand, I will succeed, for sure"!

Gently clenched his fists, and slowly took out a dark green magic crystal card from the storage ring, the "phantom mirror" did not show the passion of a passionate woman as punk expected. Her feeling for the “snap-killing gun” around her is not so much love as it is the ignorant favor of the little animal who has tasted wisdom towards the owner. Even now with Kane’s encouragement, she is not outgoing at all. I took the card in my hand very carefully with both hands and began to rehearse the next "distress signal" that needed to be forged.

However, at this moment, standing among the colorful leaves, under the bright outline of the sun, the slender and graceful body of the "Phantom Magic Mirror" looks strong and thin.