Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1013: Magic mirror

"Okay, I have sent the help message as you requested. Bellein didn't ask anything. I think he will be here soon."

After not spending much time to deliver a perfect rescue signal, her body stood straight, but Dia, whose eyes were somewhat depressed, also gently retracted her magic crystal card.

It can be seen that although emotionally, the legendary girl has got rid of Messoul’s thought control with the help of the power of "Sorrowful Soul", it is still difficult for her to remain calm and rational when facing many things. So far, the "Phantom Mirror" can barely maintain its restraint in front of the person she admires, but from the shining gaze, it is not difficult to find that the girl is actually very worried about the upcoming Morning Star Wars.

It was a rather complicated worry. Poor Dia was not only worried about Kane’s safety, she was also worried about her own future and the future of her "companion", because even without common sense, she had already achieved a legendary " "Phantom Magic Mirror" also knows how dangerous and even "a matter of time" the battle between legendary powerhouses is.

Perhaps in the deepest part of her heart, she also vaguely felt the "guild leader"'s deep dissatisfaction with herself.

"After this event is over, do we really have a chance to stay together? I will no longer follow Messoul's orders, and I don't want to be involved in the disputes of the multiverse... Thousands of years ago, I saw a beautiful plane full of flowers and trees in the astral realm. After everything was over, how about watching the sea of ​​flowers in that place together? In the "academy" of the Master Guild, Girls’ favorite contraband is brightly colored bouquets. There are so many on that small plane..."

Slightly raised her head and looked at the mad knight standing beside the woodland. The legendary girl's gaze was like a child who had fallen into a deep well and begged for the light at the end of the dark tunnel, in order to be able to see the smiling face of the tall Kane clearly. , Dia of average height had to raise her head to look up at the handsome Morning Star Knight.

Maybe she didn't realize it at all. At this time, her voice full of "pray" and trembling voice seemed extremely humble among the falling autumn leaves.


It was noon at this moment, and the two suns hanging in the center of the sky were casting their brilliance almost straight. Kane looked down at the girl’s face a little fuzzy in the shadows, and the only thing that kept the brilliance and beauty was that. A short golden hair dancing in the wind...and a pair of bright golden eyes with more and more weird eyes!

"Of course, my cute little cat, when everything is over, we can definitely step into the sea of ​​flowers and dance. Let me guess what color bouquet do you like? Is it lavender? Or golden? Then I will take them all off and make a wreath for you, okay? Don’t worry too much, I know that forcing you to betray your former friends will put a lot of pressure on your heart, but don’t be afraid, this We can bear and endure the sins together..."

Gazing at the beautiful girl with affectionate eyes, the "Instant Killing Gun" with a little vindictive wave around her body did not refute Deya's words, he just walked gently and slowly until it was like a timid little animal Next to "Phantom Magic Mirror", while gently pouring her into the cold embrace, he recited the beautiful verses in a stranger tone............

Slowly speaking out from his mouth is a poem of "love" written in lingua franca with a slight dialect.

"The flowers of Fendai fall with the wind, and the whispers of the ocarina arouse the wind.

The sun sows the afterglow of redemption, and the worms sing softly the tranquility of summer.

Beautiful girl, beautiful girl, please dance in the colorful ocean.

Your graceful dance is as if a cat is stepping on a lotus leaf, and your beautiful singing will attract colorful butterflies to look for.

Under the lush fruit trees, beside the gorgeous bonfire,

Who is singing?

Who is laughing?

Who put away all the blades of the past?

Every girl is the only elf in the world.

Every girl is an elegant princess in the prince's heart.

They should have dashed lightly among the emerald green leaves and bouquets until..."


A little bit of red was scattered on the tawny fallen leaves, and the sound of flesh and blood being penetrated instantly shredded every trace of tranquility in the air.

At this moment, the mad knight who still maintains a graceful smile is still looking affectionately at the girl's eye pupils, but in the golden embrace, Miss Daya with her eyes widened in surprise can no longer tell the moment. The desperate question of birth and death.

"Yes, they should have been flying lightly among the emerald leaves and bouquets... Until the darkness swallows the girl's last phantom... Goodbye, lovely Dia-Egerzo, thank you It’s a happy time for my uncle.”

After reciting the last obscure and heavy poem without hesitation, the mad knight's vindictive palm turned into a sharp blade in an instant, and without hesitation, it penetrated the slender body from behind the girl. , Just in a moment, the extremely powerful morning star level fighting energy found the ignorant and innocent soul in the blood of the "phantom mirror".


In this way, a budding flower was shattered against the golden leaves.



Just like throwing away an insignificant package, she casually threw Dia’s corpse with the remaining warmth and did not close her eyes on the ground, and the "Instant Kill Gun" wiped out that pair of Binbin almost in another second. A polite fake disguise, at this moment, Kane who doesn't need to conceal his true emotions is the real Kane who is evil, chaotic and perverted!

And by this time, the mad knight who was still observing the "results of the battle" just now was like an inhumane Haha, my uncle finally~ got rid of this annoying mental retardation, really. Yes, this kind of little girl is useless except for her performance in bed, you know Sai'an? She has reached the legendary level, but she still refuses to accept a little "sentiment" gameplay. After playing for a long time, it will really become boring and boring. Hey..."

The Morning Star Knight, who ridiculed the "lovers" who had just died, and put away the corpses on the ground while playing with guns and flowers, really didn't care about the death of the "phantom mirror".

As the "chairman" said, after sending a false signal for help, Diya's value has been completely squeezed out, and the "instant gun" that never knew what "humanity" was. Losing her makes her feel at ease and even enjoy it.

Until the last moment, the reason why the mad knight had to calm the girl’s emotions and use sneak attacks to carry out despicable killings was only to prevent the opponent from resisting and exposing the ambush... and satisfying a little bit of his own evil taste. For example, from the current state, Seeing that the happy eyes of the beautiful girl instantly turned into a stare of horror and despair, Kane seemed extremely happy.

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