Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1047: abnormal

"Your Excellency, he left like this? What does this arrogant villain consider the law of our Elf King's Court? Because half of the blood of the elves is flowing in his veins, don't you think this is the case? Hoth!

Watching the morning star mage dressed in black walked into the portal of Jiucai without saying a word, feeling the last subtle wave of laws also dissipating among the blazing woodland, being taken from the very beginning. The legendary Druid "Quenching Bite" lady, who has been barely keeping quiet after punk ignored it, finally began to sigh with emotion that the "guest" was at fault. ~~щww~suimеng~lā

Obviously, Rodati, who believes in the goddess of life and abides by "tradition" and "order", is very dissatisfied with what punk says and does. Although due to the strength and identity of the opposing Morningstar professional, until just now this rigid "enforcer" "They just stood quietly beside Aikar and didn't say much, but now they saw "Destroy Whispers" and turned around and left without complimenting the "gift" sent by the chief priest. Of course, the female druid treated as an "indecent intruder" is inevitably angry.

It's just that these complaining words are not suitable for speaking to the "piety" who is in the leadership position, so Rodati suddenly asked the taciturn Rikhors.

Of course, it is useless to speak badly about people behind the scenes. The "Misty Morning Wind" who seems to be in a state of thinking is also obviously not thinking about answering Luo Dati's purely complaining questions. The anger of "Quenching Bite" can only be confined to the verbal. What he insisted to say had no meaning at all. In fact, even the Pastor of Morning Star, Aikar, didn't have the mind to dwell on some so-called etiquette and rules at this time.

Perhaps from the beginning to the end, the expression of the chief priest is still habitually maintaining an elegant and perfect smile, but if his two followers have sharper eyes and richer life experience, it will not be difficult to find out. At this moment, Aikar's pair of squints In the eyes of the eyes, the sharp and cold emotions at this time are absolutely rare and solemn and even gloomy.

"Well, Ms. Luo Dati, Mr. "Destroy Whisper" is not a member of the Elf King's Court after all. The ancient "White Leaf Family" has long been turned into history and has been buried forever in the book pavilion and notebooks. There is always something in this world. We can’t save and awaken the people who enter the abyss. What we can do is to stick to the teachings of kindness and order and keep moving forward... No matter what, this matter has come to an end temporarily, and I’m going to give The Lord Goddess reports, and you must closely monitor the movement of the surrounding areas of the Eternal Forest. I have a foreboding in my heart-the plane of Faerun might really have something to happen."

With the sharp breeze blowing gently between the few young leaves remaining in the narrow woodland, Pastor Chenxing's tone quickly became serious.

Obviously, Aikar paid much more attention to the matter of "The Silent Alliance dispatched legendary members to the Elven King's Court to visit" far more than his indifferent appearance, even if the last letter card was still missing. He accidentally fell into his hands, and the current chief priest still needs to make decisions as soon as possible to deal with the intensifying rain and thunder.

As a Morningstar pastor, of course, he cannot really make any major decisions to be “alone, arbitrary and fully responsible.” Today’s Elven King Court needs to complete a very troublesome “extra step” to implement any policy. .

So after a hastily perfunctory complaint from his subordinates, Aikar, who hurriedly stuffed the green parcel into Rodati's hand, immediately began to release the magic portal.

The goal of his trip is the kingdom of God-the ancient kingdom of God, the great goddess of life, Lady Seciona, and during the time he travels to the kingdom of God, the huge eternal forest will be temporarily handed over to Rodati and Likhos These two ordinary legendary levels are taken care of by "followers".

"We will inevitably stick to our posts and perform our duties, and wish the call of life to accompany you forever, Lord High Priest... But what should we do with this bag of jam cookies..."

Mechanized taking over the snack package that Aikar handed over, his expression and attitude instantly wiped out all the anger and ferociousness of Luo Dati at this time actually looked a little dull and cute.

According to the tradition of the elves, the gifts decided to be given out cannot be taken back again, and the imported food should not be wasted. These snacks that punk did not accept seem to be really difficult to deal with...

"You take it and eat it"!

Well, this is an answer that is considerate of the subordinates. Although the opening speed of the magic portal is much slower than that of the magic portal, at this moment, the priest of Morningstar has already stepped into the door that exudes a light golden brilliance. , Followed by a flash of white light as if the sun suddenly appeared, the figure of the "piety" disappeared in an instant. It is estimated that the answer he gave to Luo Dati at the last moment was just a casual comment.

But in the eyes of a subordinate who has a monotonous feeling...This package of sweets is a precious gift.


Luo Dati with red cheeks, "Here, this is a snack from the chief priest, and only the kind of shameless, rude, and lawless rude people will not cherish it... well, this is incense. Crispy fruit honey biscuits?"

Rickhouse with a helpless expression "stare~~~"

"At most, I will give you one more"!

"...I don't want your cookies...Forget it, hurry up and start working when you are done. Your Excellency the High Priest told us to monitor the area around the Eternal Forest."

-----split line-------

Regardless of how the two "fellows" who were thrown in the Eternal Forest added to, Aikar, who entered the kingdom of the goddess of life, has been walking straight towards his goal.

But I am afraid that no elves can guess...At this time, the "Holy Land" where their chief priest is living is completely different from most people's perception!

Yes, it is a pity that there are neither bright flowers blooming in all seasons, nor gentle caressing by the gentle sunshine. All the laughter and laughter are nothing but dream bubbles, and all the "braggers" are completely misnamed. In fact, now the entire kingdom of life is huge. It looks like an extremely clean and empty plate, empty and lonely. Although the turquoise floor is flat and brilliance, there is not even one of the simplest decorations. Now the environment here can only be described as empty, desolate and quiet. , The kingdom of life with a pale green dome, not only did not have the fragrance of birds and flowers under the nourishment of life elements, but became hazy and empty because of unknown reasons. How many years have passed in the great kingdom of divine power, and even the souls of prayers who should have filled all corners of the kingdom have not seen one............

And the most weird thing is-walking in this lonely place, indifferent to disperse the dark green mist, Aikar did not show any extra expressions because of the strange world in front of him, he still maintained that elegant and gentle smile Face-eyes slightly narrowed, walking lightly.
