Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1061: Fruitless argument

Many people are easy to get one thing wrong, and that is the kindness and even the piety of the legendary priest.

First, is a legendary priest pious?

The correct answer is-most legendary priests are not religious at all. Strictly speaking, 80% of legendary priests are not even believers, and most normal gods can't stand a legendary strong. Therefore, the god’s request for the legendary pastor only needs to maintain a basic friendly and cooperative attitude between them and themselves. If a legendary pastor suddenly becomes religious, that’s the biggest trouble that annoys the gods. .

And with a foundation of "impious", then the answer to the second question is naturally not difficult to answer-are the legendary priests of the good **** camp kind?

The correct answer is-most are not kind!

Just as the evil required by the priesthood of the evil camp is too strict, the goodness required by the priesthood of the good camp is often too harsh. Except for extremely devout believers, most of the rules and regulations written into the canon by the priest can even make the gods feel nauseous. If it is said that a **** who is under clergy surveillance at any time does not have to personally practice those terms related to the camp, then most priests only need to use basic disguise to maintain their own camp image and are qualified enough to meet the requirements of the priesthood. The priesthood is the shackles that belong to the gods alone. It does not care to monitor the actions of a priest.

With such a twist and turn, similar to "my men are not my men", the complex relationship between the priest-divine-pastor exists, and the hypocrisy of many self-proclaimed legendary priests is not difficult to explain. Up.

In fact, it is precisely because the legendary priests only need to do the "superficial skills" in place without worrying about punishment from the priesthood, so many gods will be able to correctly understand all kinds of cues and metaphors, and be flexible in thinking. Priests are rushing, you know, good legendary priests are the important core of their perfunctory duties, such as the "Guardian League" that perfunctory this time.

As for this moment............ Now that Anthony has the title of "Clean Glow", he is qualified to represent the interests of the Pantheon and appear on the conference table of the Royal Palace of Mithril King City, then it is enough to prove that he is a sufficiently "excellent" person. Pastor Morningstar.

So now when a good enough Pastor Morningstar is confronted head-on, what is his reaction?


With a huge sound that almost burst out of shock waves, the dark red round table, which symbolizes equality and justice, was directly photographed into fragments flying around...

"Shut up! Miss Iberfeld, what qualifications do you have to question the supreme sacred scriptures of our Lord? I think your current ignorance is really bad intentions! Have you not seen how terrifying our current crisis is? How can we continue to care about those private boring emotions at this time? Take a step back, don’t you see the two child refugees behind Mr. "Whisper of Destruction"? A strong morning star who is willing to rescue ordinary refugees How bad can it go? What's more, isn't this kind of salvation that doesn't care about status and status is the good-hearted long-cherished wish we all pursue? What reason do we have to reject true goodness along with the innocent people we pledge to save? After all, the rumors you heard are just hearsays, and I don’t know that it is the shameless and unscrupulous idiot who uses that kind of despicable words to blacken out such a benevolent and just great soul"!

This set of arguments can be said to be conclusive. Not only does the argument have sufficient arguments, but it also uses various beautiful literary techniques such as examples, numbers, etc., and all aspects of the rationale can almost wash the briquettes into clean soap. The breath of kindness and justice is blowing slowly like a spring breeze mixed in thunder.

Didn't you see that it was just a set of hurricanes and rains, and the angry chest of the "valkyrie" lady was choked and speechless?

It’s just worth noting that... At the end, Anthony's eyes were quite abrupt and suddenly looked at the three legendary members of the Mage Guild sitting aside, and at this moment, he was insulting " The shameless idiot" implies that who is already self-evident.


"Ahem, Mr. "Clean Glow", pay attention to your words, this is the Mithril King City, not the Pantheon"!

Following Anthony’s **** words, there was a quiet and cold atmosphere. At this time, the Pastor Morningstar and the justice girl were still standing face to face and confronting each other. The idle Mr. Donnela was watching the steak on the ground with an indifferent expression. Behind this "temporary leader", Karan, a gentle-looking female wizard with round glasses, stood in front of Ha Jones, whose eyes were red, while she spoke sharply to remind Anthony to pay attention to the words.

Obviously, everyone knows that the phrase "shameless idiot" refers to the true leader of the Mage Guild, Mess Ul, and as a legendary member of the Mage Guild... Donnela’s expression did not indicate that, Karan His reaction was only helplessly exhorting, only the confessed "loyal man" Ha Jones looked raging.

However, for the time being, this verbal abuse cannot replace the heated discussion about "new allies"...

"The Pantheon accepts Mr. Sai'an to join. This is a perfect method clearly stated in the doctrine of the supreme **** of justice. If everyone sitting does not respect the sacred canon of our lord...then Pantheon will consider again Whether to join this war."

This is Anthony's final stern announcement.

"Ahem, please note that Mr. Punk-Sean belongs to the Silent Alliance. IMHO, the relationship between the Silent Alliance and our Mage Guild has never been friendly. Whether his arrival has any conspiracy implications is still unknown. …………"

This is due to Karan’s helpless suggestion that is full of intelligence and, everyone should calm down. If you have something to say, you can talk about something, that... Anthony, you guys don’t talk too much. Give others face, huh, if you talk too hard, you hurt your feelings, right? But Karan, you shouldn’t be too entangled with those prejudices. We casters have to learn to look forward... And, Miss Marta, you also know the helplessness of the Pantheon. Those doctrines are all There is no other thing, "Clean Glow" brother, he can't change a lot of rules, right? If you have to be so stubborn, then the Pantheon will simply quit, isn't Karamus going to be stunned by the wave of demons? That's tens of billions of lives. For the sake of kindness and justice, just bear with it."

Accompanied by the slight crisp sound of the wood chips splicing upside down and the fragments tightly stitched together, what is reproduced in the silent air is the wooden round table that was broken in the last second, and this peacemaker and muddy words... are from The theoretical "temporary" decision maker, Donnela Augustine who is winking at the moment.


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