Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1063: night

From the perspective of punk, Morningstar Pastor Anthony is undoubtedly a very enthusiastic person, although this guy still can’t avoid a mouthful of "what the great gods give us?" This way of degrading himself and exalting others. , But at least his camp position is extremely firm, and his practical goals are also very clear. The first time he saw himself, this correspondent who had accepted the commission of the "chairman" had already used almost "explicit" methods to identify many important things. The information told myself.

And he was also very wise to not follow Miss "Valkyria"'s intentions to launch a messy debate over the Mithril King City-in Iberfel, he was preparing to risk "blood splattering three feet" again to warn the new guardian. When the punk of the Confederate League "guarantee kindness at all times", Anthony, who knew that the two "big guys" were not fuel-efficient lamps, was smart enough to push the two trembling refugee children to the helpless "just girls". Finally, the argument was postponed for the reason of "leading the new members to the new room".

This is definitely a good decision. There are enough contradictions that have been brought to the table for a whole day today. There are more contradictions that can only be detonated at the right time and place after the fermentation of time. Only by opening up can we maximize the benefits to those with vested interests.

In fact, anyone knows that if you want to completely intensify a certain kind of opposing thought that can be solved by calming down and explaining it clearly, then the most important thing you need to do is to pretend that you can’t see the contradiction and bury it deeply. Go into the depths of the soul soil, and then wait for it to breed painful rhizomes and sinful flowers, until it grows into a lush, towering tree............

Now the war has just begun, and there are not many demon lords in the abyss. There are some grim plans that need to be brewed and fermented for a while. Anthony understands this truth, and the punk who has done a lot of homework in advance is also Understand this truth.

As a result, the punk who had arrived in the Mithril King City now had the opportunity to quietly stay in his newly assigned room and think about plans instead of standing in the center of the royal palace’s conference hall.

"A good ally is far more able to help a wise man approach victory than a stupid enemy. After all, what is there to say? Not afraid of opponents like gods but teammates like pigs. Now it seems that "clean glow" At least it's a qualified teammate, but for the poor wizard guild.........this kind of guy's existence is probably not just described as a "pig-like teammate", a troublemaker who is addicted to finding fault?"

Feeling the smooth process of joining the Guardian Alliance, standing in an obscure dark environment, standing next to the soft velvet bed, sniffing the appropriate and beneficial aromas released by the burning of noble spices, watching the Mithril King City outside the wound The punk in China is full of lights, and punk can't help but sum up the many things he has experienced recently with his expressionless habit.

First of all, using the "guild leader" advance payment, "Destroy Whisper" has renovated his magic tower, completes the wall, rebuilds the energy circuit, and cleans the element pool... It is a tedious and big project, but even in urgent tasks Under the circumstances, he still worked overtime and squeezed out a little time to make a brand-new construction butler to take care of the beautiful Morning Star Tower while he was away.

Although the inefficient magic crow vector has not found Ganatica who doesn’t know where it went until today, and the reluctant "Young Avenger" has not taken the initiative to return to the basement of the punk magic tower... But it doesn't matter. Punk doesn't need that guy for the time being anyway. Compared to these "little things", the peace of mind of having a Morning Star Magic Tower is what makes him feel most happy and comfortable.

You must know that even if the Khatak Empire is theoretically extremely far away from the location of the Karamus Empire, and the area of ​​the Faerun Plane is more than 10,000 times the surface area of ​​the sun in the punk universe, no one can guarantee this. What an astonishing scale an abyssal war will eventually develop into is, in such a dangerous world with wind and rain, nothing can be more reassuring than a Morning Star Magic Tower...

But in addition, there are actually two things worthy of the Morning Star Mage.

For example, "Destroy Whispers" has already obtained the Yaori-level magic equipment that the "guildmaster" lent him at this moment. In fact, he is now holding this magic equipment that will not reveal any breath to the outside world in his hand and carefully perceive it.

That's right, this palm-sized transparent crystal ball that flashes with clear fluorescence in the dark and looks almost like a rough glass product produced by some small workshop is the "powerful glorious Japanese magic equipment" temporarily lent to punk by the "guildmaster". Now, it not only possesses the anti-reconnaissance effect that is sufficient to shield the perception of Yaori professionals, but it has also been solidified with a Yaori-level descending spell that is full of energy and can be used three times in a row-"Eternal Shield"!

According to the "Chairman", the "eternal refuge" three times in full is definitely capable of helping punk resist Messoul's full attack without any damage in 0.3 seconds, because of this "unknown crystal ball" However, the "guild leader" made magical equipment that was very powerful and could be used as a hole card to save his life.

It is estimated that even in those legendary organizations with profound foundations and ancient history, only generous professionals like the "chairman" of the Silent Alliance would be willing to take the risk of loaning course," "President" dared to borrow out, but punk didn’t dare to "get back without repayment, and escape with money". Needless to think about it, there must be some powerful tracking methods hidden in this Yaori-level magical equipment. No matter how wealthy a professional is, he cannot take a piece of Yaori equipment that he has the opportunity to pay a huge price to improperly. Therefore, nowadays punk puts a small crystal ball in his hand, only holding a kind of "study and research" He who perceives his attitude will not be greedy for wealth he is unable to seize.

Even if "Whisper of Destruction" has been promoted to the current level of forty-fifth after completing the repair of the magic tower, he is still only a morning star mage-he knows where his current strength is.

"You can neither overestimate yourself nor underestimate yourself. Perfect judgments related to strength are sometimes more difficult than obtaining strength."

Silently put away the transparent "small glass ball" in his hand, and the punk who had become a forty-fifth-level morning star mage also silently set his eyes on the edge of the distant sky.

Where, a thick black and red mist is slowly devouring the deep night of the Karamus Empire............
