Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1076: Dead text lantern

The battle is over. After a simple and loose battle, the two demon lords Saan Rado and Sa Ansis fell into the destruction of the "Trace of Light" released by the Morning Star Mage, and their skeletons became ossified. As steam, the flesh turns into blood, the soul returns to nothingness, the chaos disappears, the towering giant monster has disappeared in the raging torrent of energy, and the entire open rift is finally left with countless large and small deep valleys and A towering mountain that collapsed and broke like a broken wall.

But...for the punk in the silent battlefield, the things he needs to pay attention to are far from over. At this moment, the caster with the dark golden pupils burning and holding the "pale scepter" is standing together. A huge but comparable to the wall of the abyss lord’s bones, looking at the scarlet hot sky in the far northwest, even after winning the siege of two morning star monsters, the expression of "Destroy Whispers" is still only a deep silence. .

In fact, as early as about three seconds ago, the seemingly cloudless sky was still bursting with brilliant white "little suns" one after another, and the morning star magic fluctuated in punk. 'S position can be clearly sensed, but when the caster has solved the demon lord at hand and intends to go over and see the situation, the Horaka defense line seems to have killed awe-inspiring attacks, but has disappeared. Up...

"It's really weird. This kind of fighting momentum is definitely not needed to deal with the devil. If a Morningstar professional's Morningstar killer can defeat the enemy, then he can release it three or two times in a row at most. If even the strongest assassin cannot bring victory to the combatants... Isn't it the most important thing to turn around and run away? Is there any Morningstar professional in the world that is strong enough to run and shoot Morningstar kills? The trick "after the break" fails?"

Looking at the cracked sky that is slowly being repaired by the laws of nature in the distance, feeling the solemn atmosphere of unknowingly killing in the air, and carefully analyzing some reasonable situations, punk feels that he has no reason to treat such obvious "abnormal phenomena" "Think of it as a trivial matter.

After all, no matter how you think about it, the reason why Morningstar professionals treat the "Morning Star Killer Move" as a hole card killer like a common spell for no money. There can be only one explanation in the battle under normal circumstances-that is, he is not at all. In the "battle" where every bit of strength and time is striving for meticulous planning, but struggling and even striving to die together, the gorgeous fireworks that shake the sky and the earth are enough to prove that the unlucky Mr. De Clay can't escape 80% of the time. A terrible attack to escape.

So the question that deserves punk's serious attention now is...The gorgeous light and shadow effect has disappeared for three seconds. At this moment, has the Pastor Morningstar, who seems to have two brushes, escaped? In other words, has it successfully perished with the unknown enemy?

And from the current situation, who will be the strong enemy that De Clay will encounter? It can't be the demon lord who just swarms up, right? Punk did not perceive the explosion of any Morningstar's ultimate move level laws carrying chaotic aura or abyssal energy.

"...The pantheon's sacred stick has encountered an extraordinary problem, so do I still need to go and see it? This is a question worth considering, but for the time being... …It’s better to destroy the chasm of the abyss at hand, or another demon lord will pop out in a while, maybe another fight will happen.”

While talking to himself in his heart, he shrugged helplessly. The caster with twinkling pupils finally suppressed his "nosy" mentality. Anyway, to him, the Pantheon guys can only be regarded as a group of "surface "Allies", what is the relationship between Declay's life and death and selfish "Destroy Whispers"?

What Morning Star Mage needs to do is just perfunctorily hit a dozen demons and smash the chasm in the abyss before going back to the affair. At that time, even if there is a major accident, he can throw it to the name of "Star Wolf" Donnela. The commander on board has a headache.

But, will things really go as smoothly as he imagined?

the answer is negative.

Yes, the sad part of this world is that there are always too many troubles that are destined to be inevitable. A slap on the face can still be slapped. Any legendary professional who goes out on an adventure actually never needs to ask for trouble. , Anyway, all kinds of troubles will always come to the door.

For example, now, Punk believes that his mentality at this time can be called peaceful and even "Buddha". As a traditional mage who has lived for more than 200,000 years, "Destroy Whispers" even rarely put down his own " "Excessive" curious, but... when the caster wields the giant hand of energy to push away the scarlet haze, when the shrewd perception captures a breath of extraordinary morning star for the first time, when it comes to a huge black and red door. When punk saw a thin and scumbag figure standing in a scorching blood-red haze waiting for him from a distance, the morning star mage, who secretly sighed, could only sigh that his luck was really bad.

Obviously, this time there was another terrible trouble that came to the door without warning.

"Hello, Mr. "Dead Story" are you doing here"?

"Shhh~~Don't make any noise, I am ambushing a very powerful Morningstar Mage, that guy named Punk-Sean is clever, and he can't let him find me until I get a few more powerful demons."


Yes, that's right. This crazy smile, thin, rickety, and a little embarrassed "brain-handicapped youth" guy is the red robe who once wrote the "Walkway's Flesh Golem Production Notes" The mage's "dead text lantern"-Walkway-Zuo fan, as the saying goes, seeing a real person is better than seeing it. This time I saw a real person, and punk has also seen this crazy guy who can be described by the "guildmaster" as "absurd" .

Look at the weird appearance of this neurotic spellcaster, his dirty red robe is almost invisible, his messy hair is more tangled than a chicken coop in the countryside, and his black claws are placed on the wide. The outside of the robes that are overdone is like a terminally ill version of Parkinson’s, with neurotic jerks from time to time............

And most importantly, even if there is still quite a long distance from the opponent, "Destroy Whisper" can still cautiously and keenly notice the completely unconcealed traces of battle on the "Dead Text Lantern"-being torn to the left. Half of the fabric reveals half of the body and the iconic red robe with floral underwear, as well as those large and small wounds that have been dripping with blood that have not been fully healed, and...

The head of the Morningstar Pastor De Klay, hung from Walkway's belt!