Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1078: New battle

"Mr. Zuo Mi, does your Excellency "Eman" know what you are doing now?"

"Eman? No, no, no, how can such a funny thing be known to that rigid old man? Please don't tell him, okay? Please, maybe that guy will lock me up again by then, and I finally get out It’s not enough for one trip!"


Haven't you played enough? If your Eman knows what you have done, maybe you will be mad at you!

For all the actions that Walkway has done at this time, punk can only comment on one, that is, the red-robed mage's technique of holding back himself is really amazing! The Pantheon really wants to perfunctory and even calculate Messoul, but they are not full of angry sandbags to be bullied? After the crazy red-robed mage actually killed a Morningstar priest, how could the hapless Pantheon drama be performed? Or to enlarge it, who would dare to act with the lunatics of the Hongpao Mage Guild in the future?

The Morning Star Mage doesn’t know if the "Dead Text Lantern" knows what his original mission should be, but it can be seen that what this guy is doing now is like a brain-cuffing action. command.

Wasn’t Walkway said that he himself, after all his plans were left behind, he abruptly opened up twice the number of rifts in the abyss, and it was precisely because there were too many rifts in the abyss, punk and Several other Morningstar professionals who only needed to sit in the Mithril King City to pretend, had to go out in person to eliminate the Demon Lord.

As for now...

Looking at the red-robed spellcaster who looked like a big horse monkey and didn't know why he started to laugh and dance again, the helpless "Destroy Whisper" could only ask a few questions casually to pass the other party while secretly preparing for his own morning star Spells.

Yes, after seeing the shattering of the deadly head of De Clay, and knowing that Walkway did not hesitate to kill people just because an abyssal fissure gate was destroyed, the caster knew very well that this battle was not destined It might have been avoided. After all, he couldn't let a madman open up the abyss crevices everywhere, because in that case, the number of abyss lords would be enough to make up a strengthening company in a few months.

At that time, the Pantheon was forced to send the Pastor Huiyue to Faerun, the plan of the "Chairman" was hindered, and Messwul’s thoughts were nothing. The most important thing is that Punk doesn’t think of his own strength. The Morningstar Devil who can be strong enough to deal with more than double digits at the same time has the opportunity to retreat all over!

So even if it is just to ensure the safety of his own life, a madman who can only find trouble must be cleaned up!

Of course, even if there are some unpleasant punks, you must admit that although Walkway is a lunatic at this time, he is the kind of morningstar lunatic with an extraordinary degree of danger. You must know that a few seconds ago, this lunatic had just killed himself. He dropped a Pastor Morningstar who could not be described as "weak" by any means, so "Destroy Whispers" had absolutely no reason to underestimate the enemy because of his stupid appearance.

On the contrary, Punk had a vague hunch that the potential enemy in front of him was probably the most dangerous enemy he had encountered since entering the Morning Star. At least he remembered that the "President" had told himself about Walkway. One sentence that was mentioned in the intelligence of:

"Walkway has an incomparably absurd, but highly mobile morning-star spell. If necessary, I hope you can focus on this caster who cannot be predicted by common sense."

"Perhaps the "chairman" had long anticipated that there would be a conflict between me and the "dead writing lantern" with a diseased brain, so now let me just take a look at what can be highlighted by the throne of the sun" Super mobile skill "what is it".

Gu Jing Wubo thought quietly, his dark golden eyes lit up silently like a candle in the dark, and the slowly rhythmic shadows waited for an opportunity behind Master Chenxing, and the pale scepter reflected the scarlet sun... ...Unconsciously, a silent translucent energy ball has been condensed in the palm of Master Morning Star.

"Walkway, I heard that you like to make flesh and blood golems"?

"Golems? Oh~ dear, I like golems the most. I like their lifelikeness. I like their tight skin texture. I like them. I like them. You are still asking me if I like flesh and blood monsters. Does it look like? Haha! Compared to walking corpses like you and me, don't you think that those carefully polished little guys are the most beautiful artworks in the world"?

"...It seems that you have a unique insight into art, but now I just have a great work of art that is unparalleled in the world, how about it, are you interested in appreciating it?"?

"Then you are looking for the right person, my friend, now standing in front of you is the greatest art appraisal expert since the birth of the multiverse-Mr. Walkway-Zuo Mi, what artwork do you want to appraise? Show it to me, hurry up!"

"Really? Expert appraisal? That is really an honor for me. Please wait a moment. This artwork is..."

Morning Star Conjuration System Spells-Time Imprisoned!


A few nondescript conversations attracted the attention of the crazy When Walkway with messy hair craned his neck and looked at him like a country boy who had never seen the world before, he burst into attack." "Whisper of Destruction" immediately released the morning star spell that had just been completed at the enemy without hesitation.

In this kind of high-level combat, preemption is a very important combat link, especially when knowing that the enemy has powerful mobility skills, punk is more aware of the necessary characteristics of such a "preemptive" attack. The plan is to put a few layers of control spells on the opponent first to abolish the so-called "super mobility and displacement" ability, and then release one or two "tracer waves" to let Walkway feel what it means to "head and cover up" "The storm bombing.

It is conceivable that as long as this sudden battle plan is successful, the powerful attack damage possessed by "Destroy Whispers" will completely have the opportunity to "kill" Morningstar professionals of the same level. After all, from the size of the body at this time. From the wound, it can be seen that the opponent is not the kind of spellcaster who is particularly good at defense, and even punk is a bit doubtful whether the opponent has superimposed more than three layers of defense spells on his body.

But... Will the battle really go on so smoothly?

In fact, the "clang" sound that accompanied the forced suspension of time in a large area resounded through the sky, and even the well-informed "Destroy Whisper" could not help but be a little surprised at this moment...