Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1079: Teleportation!


Staring in surprise at the deserted battlefield where time is frozen but empty, punk's eyes opened very rarely for a while, because it was almost when the morning star mage faced Walkway in front of him that he released the "time imprisoned" In the next moment, the red-robed mage, who was still waiting for punk to display great artworks, suddenly lost all traces as if he had never existed. This amazing displacement method and speed of action really cannot be prevented by anyone. Look sideways, because with the thinking speed of the punk standing in place at this time, even the reaction is almost too late!

Yes, it's too fast, Walkway's displacement is so fast that it can only be described as "disappearing"! In fact, before the translucent ball that imprisoned time flew to the target location, "Whisper of Destruction" had noticed that his enemy seemed to instantly change the position of space and appeared in another low distance away from the effective range of "Time Imprisonment". Above the hills.

At this moment, the guy who was squatting down on a blood-red rock and laughing wildly, not only didn't feel fear because he was attacked, he was still waving to punk to provoke him.

"Hahaha, you can't hit you, you can't hit me~ You can't hit me, hehehe, out of breath? Is it uncomfortable? Isn't it uncomfortable? My greatest invention-"Teleportation" is so powerful? Do I exist? I don’t exist? No one wants to kill a non-existent monster.........Yes, no one thinks about it, hahahaha"!


"So, is this a morning star spell of the Mind System? No wonder the "guildmaster" will use the adjective "absurd" to describe..."

Without the slightest anger due to the enemy's provocation, the punk who turned his head silently to look at Walkway just reduced all the surprised expressions on his face in the blink of an eye.

Being on the battlefield to quickly analyze any unknown means used by the enemy is a basic quality that any professional should have. Surprised emotions are never necessary. After combining the observations just now and the boasting of "dead writing", the knowledgeable Morningstar The mage already probably understands what kind of magical means this amazing displacement skill is...

First of all, punk must admit that there are geniuses in any era, but there are more geniuses in the era of Netheril, and fewer geniuses in the era of the legendary island. For example, Walkway is definitely a person who is extremely extreme even in the era of Netheril. A rare crazy genius, his talent for inventing spells is absolutely beyond doubt.

At this point, neither the caster himself nor the many Morningstar Great Austrians could compare with it. It is estimated that this is also one of the reasons why the old Emman was reluctant to kill him from beginning to end, at least his original spiritual spell It's too genius and crazy.

Take a look at this morning star spell called "Teleportation". To be honest, its principle is quite clear. Its characteristic is to completely obliterate its own "existence" and then force it on the scale of nothingness and paradox. Change your position, and then immediately cancel your "non-existence" state to show up!

The first time he explored this spell, the caster’s reaction could only be described as "surprise", and he must also admit that he might have misunderstood Walkerway—because this frenzied spell needs to ensure that the will is extremely strong. In order to prevent the soul from losing itself between "existence and non-existence", it can be said that this spell is completely a death spell. Punk is even confident to determine that more than 90% of Morningstar professionals in the entire multiverse use "teleportation". The result will only die on the spot, even a very small number of geniuses such as Walkway with an astonishing willpower will become madmen and become more and more mad almost irreversibly.

Therefore, before inventing this spell and practicing it personally, Walkway was definitely an excellent caster with a very sensible and strong willpower. It is no wonder that the "guildmaster" would say that the "teleportation" spell used to "dead text". Has become what it is now.

At the same time, because of so much intelligence to make judgments, it is not difficult for the Morningstar Mage to understand why his enemies never have more than three levels of defensive spells—because Walkway’s will is not strong enough after all. "Death Spell", he had to devote all his energy to maintaining a stable consciousness without flaws and control too many defensive spell models, so it is good that his defensive spells can have three layers, and the low defense power is for choosing "Teleportation" "Dead writing" is destined to be inevitable

Of course, although the side effects are too outrageous and heavy and terrifying, since a wonderful invention is eligible to be paid attention to by the "chairman", it still has its own unique features. If you use the list to analyze the advantages in detail, the caster can still analyze the following About the great advantages and disadvantages of this spell:

The first is the advantages:

1. Extremely fast speed-it is the fastest morning star mobility spell known to punk, after all, the speed of the mind can even break free from the shackles of time.

2. Ignoring all the punk-level imprisonment methods currently known by punk, it is estimated that even the moon-level spells will inevitably be ignored by the "non-existent" if they are not specifically aimed at the imprisonment effect of the mind.

3. In the very short "movement process (the transition period between "non-existence" and "existence" all the morningstar-level killing methods known to punk are ignored. Similarly, even the moon-level spells are not specifically aimed at the mind. 80% of the killing effect will be directly ignored by "non-existent" things... But fortunately, such an "invincible state" seems to be unable to be maintained for a long and during its own "non-existence" period , Walkway, as the caster, cannot build or cast any other spells, so this special effect seems to be used only to evade instantaneous explosive killing attacks, although this is already very powerful.

4. At least punk doesn't know what kind of negative states below the shining sun level can be applied to things that don't exist, so teleportation can erase the negative curse below the shining sun level that the caster bears.

Then there is the disadvantage............

1. Just as the negative debuff effect is erased, the positive buff effect will be instantly erased by the "psychic teleportation".

2. When the soul is injured, the consciousness is not clear enough, and the soul's negative pressure ability is insufficient, using this spell is not a death, but a real death.

3. If a person whose will is not strong enough to use it, he will either be killed on the spot or become a neurotic lunatic who cannot control himself like Walkway.

The final summary: "Teleportation" ignores the control effect, ignores the damage effect during the movement and removes all the buff states on the body. The movement speed is still scary......throwing away the inadvertent mind loss, using a few more schizophrenia, soul In addition to the side effects that cannot be used when injured, it basically explodes all the morning star spells currently known by punk. This thing is indeed a crazy invention of a genius spellcaster!

Then the question facing the "Whisper of Destruction" now arises-how should he deal with a thorny and powerful enemy with such a powerful technique?