Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1090: Anthony's Prayer

"First of all, I must truthfully tell the truth about this incident. Every member of the Good Guardian League also needs to understand this sad and terrible fact. Yes, we also need to understand this accident. I would like to express my sincere respect and sadness to the pastor of the Lord of Dawn, who gave his life for justice and salvation, Mr. "Holy Light Robe", Mr. De Clay, because it was the first time in the Guardian League We have lost too much due to force majeure in the action of clearing and suppressing the invasion of the abyss"…………

In the royal hall of the Mithril King City, next to the huge three-dimensional map that is more than ten meters high, the morning star priest Anthony, who bowed his head and nodded and folded his hands in a gesture of prayer, is leading a group of ordinary legendary priests who have not been attenuated to use incomparable grief. With a heavy tone, he told of the terrible accident that occurred in this "Clear Morning Star Devil" operation.

   Of course, what was mentioned first was a terrible news that shocked everyone and made everyone indifferent--Deckley, one of the two Morningstar professionals dispatched by the Pantheon, fell on the Horaka defense line! He was decapitated by the powerful and crazy red-robed mage "Dead Wind Lantern" Walkway. When Anthony, who received the signal for help, came to the scene, there was only one loss left on the battlefield bombed by the morning star magic. The body of the soul lay alone on the clean and cold rock floor.

After all, the kind-hearted professional league is different from the loose club legendary organization. The fact that a member of the Morningstar died will of course be publicly announced and be valued by everyone, not to mention the fact that it is impossible to see the true idea. Using this "accident" to make some articles, so when many "Guardians" temporarily completed the task at hand and sent projections or the body to participate in the meeting again, Anthony did not even wait for the "interim leader" Donnela to arrive. It directly talked about this "heroic sacrifice" in the Pantheon.

"There is no doubt that Mr. De Clay is a great selfless and powerful Morningstar pastor. He took the responsibilities and obligations of the Pantheon and came to the battlefield to save many innocent people. Although according to the plan, every Morningstar professional You only need to solve the two Morningstar demons to complete the task, but in order to help the younger generations with unsatisfactory levels to share the pressure, neither I nor Deckley actually made the adventure of fighting against the three abyss lords alone. However, it turns out that ………… There are many times when overconfidence and short-sightedness really lead to tragedies.”…………

Anthony, with a low tone and a hoarse and serious voice, is now sincere and sad as if he is reflecting on his risky decision. In his words, De Clay and himself violated "The common legend attracts the attention of the devil," The reason for the plan of "Morning Star Professionals to Safely Fight the Two Abyss Lords" has naturally become a kind act of "seniors sharing the pressure for the younger generations", but this kind of act has now appeared a little unexpected.

Of course, until now, Anthony, who was facing the "valkyrie" whose eye sockets were rapidly reddening unknowingly and her pink fists tightly clenched, was still only emphasizing the facts of De Clay's death. Befel turned a blind eye to his hesitant gestures several times.

   I saw Pastor Chen Xing exuding a "scent of compassion" and continued:

"The conspiracy of the villains of the Santarin Society is obviously despicable and cruel. In fact, just when Mr. Deckley had just killed three demon lords and was in a state of exhaustion of divine power, the insidious red-robed mage Volkway suddenly took action. A sneak attack on the unsuspecting "Holy Light Robe", in his weird and evil magic curse, the multiverse finally lost a great and respectable benevolent priest, the twinkling stars will be dimmed by the tragedy of this scene No light...Let us pray, the great **** of justice will inevitably punish the existence of evil someday in the future. I also wish the soul of my good brother De Clay to be immortal in the kingdom of God." .


Of course, this is a series of nonsense. Anyone with a little bit of knowledge knows how the pantheon, which is used to being a bastard, treats any evil existence like a ridiculous attitude with one eye closed. The legendary professionals present also understood that De Clay, whose soul was wiped out in ashes, was destined to not have any "immortality" possibility.

In the final analysis, Anthony’s prayer is nothing more than the self-deception of the gods, and the focus of some real righteous knights present is not the sacrifices made by the Pantheon or the great deeds performed. How long will this ridiculous danger continue?

   After such a big loss, will the Pantheon continue to treat the war so perfunctorily? Will the Mage Guild continue to sit on the mountain and watch tigers fight like the old monk enters Ding? What is the attitude of "Destroying Whispers" from the Silent Alliance?

   This is the "volunteers" represented by the "Valkyrie" gathered in this magnificent hall to listen to Anthony's nagging and want the answer!

After all, it is said that ten thousand ways are ten thousand. Nine out of ten losses suffered by the Guardian Alliance are due to the almost blatant perfunctory results of the Pantheon, the Mage Guild, and the Silent Alliance. You know, in order to attract two demons all the time. The lord’s attention, the number of "volunteers" who had reached five is now only three! A kind and righteous spellcaster and his good partner, the legendary ranger, both lost their lives in this barely successful seduction Now only Iberfel and another warrior who are righteous rely on the same The protection of a piece of one-time magic equipment survived intact. As for the last hapless legendary mage who entered the battlefield as a "volunteer", he was still in a state of serious injury to endure the erosion of the abyss energy and unconscious.

Yes, now everyone knows that the plan of "ordinary legendary priests attracting the devil’s attention" as mentioned by the Pantheon does not actually exist, because the two "old men" of the family take care of all the work, but The "volunteers"'s "going through fire and water" was real, and in the end two poor people out of the five people unexpectedly sacrificed their lives.

And now we have reached the "Conference Discussion" link. As the nominal leader, Donnela continues to be "late" as always. Punk still stands silent in the dark corner, acting as the "host" planner "Clean Hui" Guang" even insists on the "three nos" principle of "no reflection, no summary, and no mention of volunteers." Opening up and closing the mouth is only advocating the great sacrifice of the Pantheon and the shamelessness of the Santarin Society.

In the face of such "inexplicable" meeting situation, it is no wonder that I have been unfamiliar with the attitude of the Pantheon. I believe that this time the demon eradication operation has caused such a heavy loss to be the cause of Anthony's perfunctory inaction. Iberfeld is angry. .



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