Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1106: Doswhite

The arrival of an "external visitor" is absolutely catastrophic for a small plane. The fragmentation of the crystal wall of the plane will spill a lot of air and precious temperature during the moment, and only see the star space. The stream of icy energy that reached more than minus 800 degrees roared into the atmosphere of the rotating and converging plane. It took not only a few minutes, but the small plane with a surface area of ​​2 billion square kilometers was reduced overall. A full temperature of two or three degrees.

Anyone knows that professionals who have the ability to travel astral will have legendary strength at the worst, so when an "external visitor" suddenly arrives, those planes that do not have legendary professionals will often pretend to be Nothing happened to deal with the coming of the unknown strong.

You know, "Don't disturb the great legend is the most correct way to respect" this sentence is more than just talking, any kingdom with normal brains can't go crazy to the point of trying to talk to the legendary strong, after all, that kind of thing is dangerous. The degree is too ridiculous just thinking about it.

However, on this small plane that once also had its own legendary powerhouse, once named "Golden Kingdom", and now named "Doth White", the royal family members who are the rulers of the kingdom now have to send people there. The "Golden Basin" that the film was promoted tried to negotiate with a great legendary powerhouse who came here all the way. The reason for supporting them to take such a risk is also very simple-because normal life cannot be without plane crystal walls. Those who survived on the plane, if the hole in the crystal wall of Dothwaite's plane cannot be plugged in time, then the life of the entire small plane will be extinct in the raging cold and radiation.

So far, in order to allow the 2.6 billion intelligent creatures of the entire plane to survive, and to save a world that is on the brink of destruction due to "man-made natural disasters," the peaceful Molly Moss royal family must send people to think of ways to persuade them to bring them. The instigator of the disaster can fill in the holes in the sky. Even if this "salvation" plan sounds a bit of a dead end, it is no way.

So after a brief emergency meeting of less than twenty minutes, the first queen of the kingdom took the blessing of the only master magician in their country and a team of honor guards "enough to maintain the decent royal family" riding on the fly. The horse went to the legendary "Forbidden Basin"...

Yes, the only person who has the courage to negotiate with an unknown legendary powerhouse is only this young princess who is just a trainee-level combatant. The kings, ministers, and even magicians of the Dothwaite Empire are obviously more willing to be in the palace. Dig a deep pit and hide in silent prayer.

Although it's hard to say that their choice was unwise, at least it's shameful enough.

A kingdom that once belonged to the top Morningstar powerhouse now only has this courage? If this kind of thing is known to Kane, the mad knight who has always cared about face and is unreasonable will definitely be very upset to clean up the door, right?

In any case, at this moment, the royal guard of honor, with the gloomy clouds and the cold current, finally rushed to the sky above the huge basin that had been torn apart every tree by the shock wave, and the visitors who looked at the ground from mid-air also Soon I saw a figure in a black robe standing in a hot pit.

From the perspective of Her Royal Highness Princess of the Dothwaite Kingdom, the thoughtful young man with a hood standing in the center of Yunkeng must be handsome. After all, the dark and shining robe is absolutely like a starry sky. It is a beautiful piece of clothing that combines mystery and beauty, and the temperament of the young man wearing such a robe is by no means comparable to those of the vulgar nobles who only decorate their clothes with a lot of gems.

If the current encounter takes place in an ordinary town market, Queen Molly Moss feels that she will pretend to be a young lady of aristocratic family, and go to talk to such a young man with a mysterious and handsome figure. After all, she is still For the first time I saw such an elegant and temperamental man.

It's a pity...This is a broken basin that has just experienced an energy shock, and the young man she is watching is undoubtedly a legendary powerhouse who descended from the sky!

Great legend-these four words are enough to make any mortal who has heard of it feel trembling and fear from the heart. You must know that even in the story of the bard, the legendary professional is often the kind that is not to be ridiculed. Although the black-robed boy standing in the Yunkeng has greatly reduced the legendary level of terrifying power, every "mortal" flying in the sky can still be in the hot air. I felt a kind of depression that made people breathless.

That is the repression of danger, but also the repression of death.

At this moment, the rider on the horseback was not even needed to control the reins, and the flying horses, which only possessed apprentice-level magical creatures, had been planted directly from the air to the ground because they could not withstand the pressure of fear everywhere.

So before the curious princess took a look at the specific face of the "Mysterious Legend" that turned around, the "Molly Moss Royal Guard of Honor" who was still trying to maintain the formation just now followed her one by one like dumplings. The horse fell into the basin.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

People turned their backs on their backs, chaos The flag of the kingdom was shrouded in dust, and the so-called "royal decentness" turned into a complete joke in an instant.

But for a lonely legendary professional, did a group of ordinary ants make jokes, and what kind of jokes do they make?

Perhaps if the legendary professional standing here is a certain inconspicuous mad knight, he would definitely use his golden lance to point at the fallen "Her Royal Highness" on the ground and laugh.

But now the person in the Broken Basin is not the crazy Mr. "Instant Kill Gun".

In fact, the last flying horse that fell from the sky did not even have a chance to touch the dirty ground, because before it hit a piece of dust, it was caught by a naked eye in the process of panic neighing and struggling. The hand of the invisible mage directly grabbed the vicinity of the burning Yunkeng.

"A...Aitbess horse? Isn't this a magical creature that is only special in the "Sacred Star" plane? How idle does Kane go to the eyelids of the **** of justice Tyr Grabbing a group of flying horses and raising them on your own plane? Or is it...the matter of grabbing horses is just a piggybacking behavior in the eyes of a certain "business"?"