Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1107: Bring words?

The Pegasus riding on the Royal Guard of Honor by Molly Moss is not an ordinary breed at all. This beautiful snow-white creature with every fluff lingering around the wave of light is not a product that can appear on a barren plane, so it only needs to be used. The prophecy spells can be recognized by scanning the punk a little bit. Each of these flying horses is an extremely thoroughbred Atbius horse. They should be semi-element magical creatures unique to the plane of "Holy Star".

Moreover, in accordance with the religious regulations of the "Justice Gods", the Atbis Warhorse belongs to the "free creatures" that are not allowed to be ridden by anyone in the jurisprudence of the God of Justice. As an ordinary Pegasus riding behavior, if discovered by the Church of Justice, it would definitely be sent to the torture. They are ignorant and fearless guys who really should be thankful that there is no redundant religious organization on the plane of Doth White.

But now the question is again, why does this kind of magical creature, which is quite rare throughout the multiverse, appear in Kane's old lair?

If you think about a certain crazy knight's inconspicuous character, punk will probably deduce an "outing" action that the "instant kill gun" might have done.

Baron Besadas is not a guy who will simply take risks for fun, so he must go to the "God of Justice" Tyre to do something to bring this back. Pegasus, although the reason why he brought back such a bunch of magic creatures and let them become mortal mounts may be just because of a little bit of evil thoughts of childish revenge, but the most worthy of the spellcaster’s attention is that the "Instant Kill Spear" once went The fact of passing the sacred star plane can basically be determined.

What did he do to the Divine Star Plane? There is the closest place to the great **** of justice, the **** of power!

"Reptiles falling from the sky, answer my question, since when did you have these Atbes horses as mounts"?

Frowning slightly to the members of the royal guard of honor who stood up embarrassedly and asked his own question, punk dark golden eyes faintly shining with cold light.

Kane is a powerful combatant, and punk seriously suspects that this guy has some sun-shielding equipment that is not inferior to the Hetzita magic box, so with the current ability of the wizard, he wants to use the prophecy spell It is basically impossible to obtain information about the "Instant Kill Gun". In order to know when a certain mysterious mad knight went to the "Holy Star" plane, the impatient "Destroy Whisper" is now only Can try to ask members of the Molly Moss royal family about the history of these details.

And in order to prevent the insidious Kane from leaving behind the souls of the creatures on the plane he once ruled, Punk was cautious not to use any soul search methods to detect any creatures on the plane of Dothwaite.

It must be admitted that the mad knight is indeed not a spellcaster with many methods, but it is not a wise choice to underestimate a monster that is not inferior to oneself-it may be a shame to say it, but in fact the current Master Huiyue has already done it. If something is wrong, immediately activate the preparation of the "Pale Scepter" to turn and run.

Before descending on the plane of Dothwaite, punk had been holding a "super long-distance teleportation technique" in his hand.

"Bring all the history books of your country. I need to know the entire history of this plane."

Watching vigilantly at the gray-headed Queen Molly Moss and the members of the Royal Guard of Honor, the heart of "Destroying Whispers" has actually been observing the overall situation of the Dothwaite plane.

"Hello, respected legendary powerhouse, I am Ofina-Molly Moss, the first queen of Dothwaite Kingdom. I can answer your question. Do you need to know our history? Most of our country's history books They are all stored in the Royal Library, but the kingdom on this plane has undergone three reconstructions, and many ancient histories have been lost during the war..."

Seeing that the legendary professional in front of her looks like a big enemy, the emperor named Ofina is actually a little puzzled in her heart, but in order not to irritate the handsome boy who looks so strange in front of her, she Still very seriously explained the historical issues.

After completing this useless explanation, Princess Molly Moss, whose sweat dripped on her forehead, seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and added very carefully:

"Um... that please let your concubine ask in a silly way, may I ask you... are you the luminous moon spellcaster Punk-Sean with the title of "Destroy Whispers"?"

"...Why? You know me"?

Suddenly stopped the hand of the mage who had already patted the "ants", and looked at this pretty-looking young princess in confusion, as if he had smelled some weird smell in the air.

He is a "Legend Killer", "Supernova of the Silent League", and "A Witness of the Great War". Yes, his fame is indeed resounding in the multiverse. If any ordinary legend recognizes his punk at a glance It will feel strange.

But no matter how famous he is, no matter how famous his title is, it would be too ridiculous that a mere mortal in a small plane can quickly recognize himself.

So after hearing the trembling words in Ofina’s mouth, Mage Huiyue, who squinted his eyes, instantly guessed how the other party’s so-called "knowledge" came from:

"Kane-Bissadas...Is there a mentally handicapped knight known as the "Instant Kill Gun" who told you these ants about me? Let's talk, what does that baboon have to ask you to bring to me? "?


An unprovoked legend is scolding another unprovoked legend. What should I do if I dance on the tips of two knives? Waiting online, very anxious!

Princess Molly Moss, who wants to be watched by punk’s gloomy eyes, must feel such a scary reality at this But fortunately, the psychological quality of having the courage to meet the royal family members of the legendary professional is still considered to be good. It's relatively clear, so even though Ofina is already shaking all over because of the danger in the air, she still answers the caster's question in a polite tone and tone as much as possible:

"In return, my respected legend, an ancient legend has been widely circulated on our Dothwaite plane since ancient times, that one day there will be a bright moon named Punk Sai'an, known as "Destroy Whispers" A strong person of a level descends from the sky with flames and anger. At that time, we must tell him in order to avoid disaster-there is a "big..." on this plane.

Pale Scepter curing spell-"Powerful Suspend"!

"Huiyue Level Conjuration Magic Spell-Magic Structure Stable Enchantment"!

"Legendary Skill-Double Casting"!

"Huiyue Level Conjuration Magic Spell-"Ultra-long-distance Extremely Effective Teleportation"!
