Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1108: Visitor

The dark sky looks dark and dead because of the energy of the abyss, the thick **** cloud squeezes every inch of the sun that breaks free from the cloud cover, and the dusky air seems to fall to the ground. There are only a few clear and dazzling bright beams of light. The chains of heaven and earth brought a little light to the world from the gaps in the clouds.

This scene is too gloomy and too cold, the gloomy feeling is chaotic drowsiness, and the cold feeling is the piercing pain of the blade. This depressive atmosphere makes the whole world seem as if it has fallen into an apocalyptic, desperate and dying wilderness. It is more like dying slowly under the raging chaos.

This is the outermost position where the demon invaded. This is also a tragic land that has been penetrated by the aura of the abyss. All the low-level creatures that did not have time to evacuate the Great Plains quickly turned into terrible monsters with deformities after the cracks appeared. After more than a month of self-destruction, the mutated wild animals and plants and the demons who vented their desire for destruction were almost completely wiped out.

As for now...the current Karamus border has no "now" anymore.

It is more appropriate to say that it is not so much an area occupied by the demons as it is a completely barren wasteland, and this is still a terrible ruin that only "legendary scavengers" are qualified to step on, presumably even if there will be one day in the future. The abyss rifts have all been closed, and this wasteland may also have to rely on the serious transformation of the spellcasters or priests of the morning star level to restore the normal ecological balance.

"It's a terrible disaster, it's a sad heart. Evil monsters have invaded this land that should be full of beauty and vitality. However, none of the resident legendary professionals in the entire plane of Faerun wants to protect their homeland. Stand up and fight the evil to the end, even the powerful Morning Star Mage has to obstruct others from saving the poor innocent lives...Ah..."

The sad side sighed and squatted on the icy dusty ground, watching the dark red tones in the soil and the reddish ballast in the cold wind intertwined with each other. Iberfil, the "valkyrie" with half-closed eyelids, couldn't help feeling sad. Stretch out his palm and gently brush it across the cracked ground.

The shiny silver hand armor blocks the girl’s skin touch, and the faintly surrounding waves of vindictiveness shields the erosion of the abyssal energy. Even if a small piece of ice on the surface is wiped away, Iberfeld still does not feel that there is any in the dust. The warmth of normal life.

Here only the devil virus from the abyss is slowly wriggling in the blood-red energy, they devour life, they erode the soul, these little demons with naked eyes are constantly devouring all they have the ability to eat things to strengthen themselves.

When they mature, the lowest and most basic abyssal creature "Abyss Worm" will be reborn on a blanket of scarlet fungus. At that time, this sudden disaster will expand its own footsteps. Every piece of clean natural land around.

Just as life can find a way out, evil can always find a way out, because they all have one thing in common, that is, they do whatever they can to benefit.

But in the face of the evil force that "always finds a way out," where should those "brave men" who insist on justice hold the looming sharp blade?

"The Valkyrie" doesn't know the answer. She is just a naive and just girl who stubbornly sticks to her own. What she can do is to purify all the "Ququmais" she can find, then grind and smash them and use fighting spirit. Make high-temperature baked hard bread and bring it back to the Horaka defense line.

No matter how long this kind of disaster relief rations can last, no matter whether you will be targeted by the "long river of fate" for helping ordinary people on such a large scale, no matter how many pairs of invisible eyes behind you are staring at you, compassionate fighters are all Will not give up pessimistically.

She is a legendary "valkyrie" with determination!


What if the evil that has found a "way out" is not satisfied with raging in the deserted wilderness and wind, but it has also found the little kindness that hides for "self-entertainment", what should it do?


"Excuse me, are you the "Legend Valkyrie"-Miss Iberfel Marta"?

The gloomy air gradually solidified due to the sudden drop in temperature, and Iberfeld, who was panting and controlling a large oven built with hot vindictive gas to roast bread, also silently stopped his work.

I saw that she carefully stuffed the hundreds of tons of crusty bread that was just half baked into the inferior storage ring with a small space, and then wiped her forehead with sweat to maintain a friendly smile. The beautiful girl who turned around was friendly. 'S seriously answered a man standing in front of him:

"Hello, I’m Iberfeld Marta, but I’m not a "legendary Valkyrie". In fact, even this exaggerated title is just a leisure joke from a few of my friends. If necessary, you can just call me Iberfil."

A kind-hearted girl always treats others with politeness, politeness and thoughtfulness, although the young man who is now "standing" like a pillar in front of her looks very dejected in a fat, loose, and a bit tattered devil skin robe, but is polite and considerate. The "valkyrie" still doesn't feel unhappy because of the slightly rough appearance of the stranger she is talking to.

This is true and aristocratic courtesy is also the friendly characteristic of professionals in the good camp. This kind of courtesy and friendliness depends only on the quality of the interviewer and has nothing to do with the status of the interviewee. ——I believe that even the man who is using the hoarse voice for questioning is not a legendary professional with faint legendary fluctuations all over his body, but an ordinary farmer. Iberfeld’s attitude is not There are too many differences with the present.

Of course, politeness goes to politeness, and goodwill goes to goodwill. The "just girl" with rich life experience and normal IQ will not relax his vigilance just because the stranger she meets "looks" less aggressive.

In fact, at the same time that she answered, the muscular "valkyrie" had secretly put her fingers on the hilt of her waist.

"Excuse me, Mr. Legendary Combatant, what is it that you came here to find me? The Karamus Empire is now in a state of war, and there are many innocent poor people who are suffering in the cold winter wind. Hungry, I need to hurry up every bit of time to purify the wheat and send it to the Horaka defense line. If you are volunteering to join the "League of the Guardians of the Plane of Faerun" to contribute to the great cause of justice, you can follow Follow this road to the direction where Mira fell to Moka City, where our "temporary lord" Augustine is stationed."