Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1109: Familiar enemy

Punk’s trip to Doth White did not gain much. Although he found a few strange shadow energy containing the power of the **** of hurricane near the ruins of the Golden Palace, but only such a little ambiguous information can not calculate the madness. The secret hidden by the knight.

And later, because of the "flicker" words left by the "instant kill gun", the cautious "Destroy Whisper" can no longer venture into Doth White, who is unable to determine whether there is a fatal danger, so now the one who was once served by Morningstar In this way, the prosperous plane of the ruler lost the last point of use value and turned into a handful of gorgeous fireworks that light up the starry sky in the face of the brutal killing of a Huiyue mage...

Spellcasters from the plane of Faerun traveled all the way to the distant astral space to play with fireworks, so even though Baron Besadas’s lair has been destroyed by his own power, it’s punk. But the mood is still very bad.

Note that the mood of Mr. "Destroy Whisper" is only "very bad", and after receiving a completely unexpected magic crystal card communication... his mood can only be used " "Extremely bad" was described.

It was an emergency call for help from a group of executors in the "Plague Box" and "Thunderstorm". The two legendary professionals who formed a team to go to the goddess of harvest goddess to search for intelligence had obviously encountered their completely invincible. The huge danger, in fact, in just one millisecond, the emergency call for help that can be called "hustle and bustle" appeared on the punk magic crystal card tens of millions of times, and it can be seen that it is ongoing. Just how eager was the "emergency help" person in danger.

It is true that Mage Huiyue could not understand how weak his temporary subordinates were to be overtaken by the enemy in such a simple intelligence work. He now wants to bluntly turn off the communication request and said that he does not know such a thing. waste.

But there is no way. Who makes him a "temporary reviewer" who has received a generous salary from the "chairman"?

Even if it is just to give an explanation to the returning Throne of the Sun in the future, a spellcaster who is unhappy now can't really ignore his "companions".

So carrying the undisguised anger and mood swings, the bright "Destroying Whispers" with dark golden pupils stood in the dark and silent starry sky to connect his sudden "urgent" communication:

"What the **** are you doing? Kesanoya, Dietburn? Why didn't I know that you two wastes were so weak when I first joined the executor? Why didn't you just die a little bit more neatly?"

The tone is low and indifferent. Punk's words are not at all polite, and he does not have the need to be polite to such subordinates who "successfully fail to fail". Even the words spoken by the caster at this time are infallible. The truth of the buckle-he really hopes that certain two guys will die quietly and cleanly and it will be over, so I have to spend time to save them.

But from the perspective of the unlucky "Plague Box", Master Huiyue’s gloomy curse is not...or it can’t be a truthful word. She is still waiting for her boss to save her life, so even if Master Huiyue’s words Kesanoya, who was vicious and unpleasant, with a trembling tone, could only smile awkwardly and explained in pain:

"Then... that, hello, boss, we were accidentally caught by the enemy, hey, haha...hahaha..."

so awkward.

It’s useless to pass a cute mess, "Destroy Whisper" is not a foolish wizard Huiyue, and from the tone of the "Plague Box" she does not seem to be in a critical state of escape, the kind of a little desperate. The characteristics of the rhetoric are obviously more like a troublesome situation that has been imprisoned for freedom.

So after listening to the message of Kesanoya's mental power trembling, the words of "Destroy Whisper" suddenly became cold:

"Shut up, waste, now let the "Mr. Kidnapper" next to you communicate with me. I think the initiator you caught has been peeping aside for a long time, right?

"...Hey, hey, Mr. Kidnapper, peeping or something like this is too ugly, your Excellency Sai'an, the concubine is really just inviting your subordinates to be a guest. We have more than 100,000 years. I haven't seen each other, why is your cold-faced iceberg still so unsentimental?"

Something to punk’s surprise was that the brand-new mental power fluctuations passed from the magic crystal card sounded very familiar, and even no extra energy authentication was required. Master Huiyue almost recognized that he was on the opposite side of the magic crystal card. Who is the guy who established communication with himself?

There is no doubt that there is one and only one person who can talk to "Whisper of Destruction" throughout the entire multiverse, and that is a girl **** who has been silent for more than 100,000 years-the "God of Red Sand" smiles!

"Alice-Saratilla... I didn't expect that the person who was against me would be you, a little girl who sucked me up... Very good, very good! I think you are ready to pay for your own actions. Right"?

The expressionlessly conveying a provocative spiritual message, punk's words appeared extremely cold and biting in the wind blowing in the star realm.

Since the last time we were separated in the Kingdom of God in Atdylan, "Whisper of Destruction" hasn't heard any news about the girl **** for a long time. I didn't expect this ambitious guy to take refuge in the Pantheon. , And now I am running against myself!

Of course, since the smile has the courage to control the "Plague Box" to send mental power messages to provoke a powerful spellcaster, it is naturally because she has a certain degree of confidence in her own power, so this time even the threat of punk sounds very cold, but The undaunted God of Red Sand still proudly responded:

"Don't call the concubine body by that name! I am "smile"! Do you think that the concubine body is still the low-powered "God of Red Sand" after such a long time? Do you think that only you are running on the road to becoming stronger? Don’t dream, you should now respect your concubine as the "God of Red Sand and the Hurricane and Slaughter"! The concubine has already obtained the middle-level divine power of killing, and you are self-proclaimed I am afraid that the proud mage still stays in the realm of Morning Star and has no action!"


She seemed to smile and didn't know the fact that Punk had become the caster of Bright Moon. She might think that she was very proud of her promotion to medium power.

But for the Master Huiyue at this moment, the rare feeling of being underestimated by the enemy is really wonderful...

"Do you think you have become stronger than me? Is that really the case? Wait a minute, poor Alice, I will come over and witness what you call a "new" power. I just want to ask Ask you about Kane"!


Decisively hung up the communication request of the magic crystal card, and immediately began to prepare to transmit the spell "Destroy Whisper" suddenly felt that his mood was much better than before.

Play pig eat tiger? After tens of thousands of years, such a perfect thing has made him punk catch up.