Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1120: broken

The roaring sound of rumbling spreads and settles in the earth, and the torn apart soil is overturned and frozen by the breath of frost and cold. In the roar of the cold wind, the legendary white dragon with Zhang Lai's wings has once again found himself The power of her, her pale claws also successfully shredded the heavy dome constructed by rock formations and magic. The fragments of the emerald green sky seemed to celebrate the rebirth of an evil soul. When the huge rift straight through the sky banished Frost Han and When it is bright, the figure of the dragon basking in the sun to stretch its body is just like a beautiful sculpture.

Yes, Seralin-Chantooth is free. She easily tore off the enchanted rune attached to her soul to absorb energy. Large sections of energy loops burst with fiery waves while breaking and breaking. Scattered, at this moment, Tiamat’s heirs once again obtained the right to fly into the sky, and she no longer had to be forced to continue to provide energy for the magical wall of Horaka’s defense.

And as the price of redeeming a dragon, the magical barriers that blocked the unknown number of low-level demons and shielded a large amount of legendary aura have naturally been turned into fragile and shiny fragments because of the sudden interruption of energy supply. Those that once represented order and The remains of the safe magical barrier shone in the sky like a meteor shower with the last gleam of light in the sky. They became a prelude to disaster and a recital called "Freedom".

The Horaka defense line, which represents the kind-hearted volunteers' selfless gift, has completely ceased to exist...

"You may have done a bad thing, you may have killed you and you may not say that, Mr. Ha Jones."

Standing on the fragmented frosty ground, the emotionally complex white dragon in her gaze did not begin to enjoy freedom for the first time and stretch her wings. On the contrary, she is now raising her head silently and condescending through a wide crack. Watching the young mage still standing in the dungeon.

Yes, "Princess Winter" doesn't need to be too anxious to escape, right? Anyway, since the powerful Morningstar Mage "Destroy Whisper" decided to let her go, there is no reason to suddenly stop her, she will have enough time to say goodbye to her "savior"... Although strictly speaking this behavior Does not meet the code of conduct of a five-color dragon


"It doesn't matter,... "The Archmage" Mr. Peternak once taught me that everything I have now is given by him, so I don't need extra thinking and fantasy, I just need to do what I see It's enough...I think what he said is right, so I have learned to give up any unnecessary thinking a long time ago, and now I never think about what to do "in the future".

As a legendary spellcaster, silently expounding this set of weird arguments of "giving up thinking", there is only a natural indifferent attitude in the eyes of "the meaning of the spell".

It is not difficult to see that "giving up thinking" is not just a simple rhetoric in the heart of such a young mage, it is even the "creed" and even the path that this legendary professional adheres to. After all, it follows Meswu Er’s serious teaching, Ha Jones thinks and does so, obviously he really hasn’t considered the consequences of his actions.

Even at this moment, facing the beautiful eyes of the legendary Bailong, full of worry, surprise, silence, anger, etc., a series of emotional gazes, Ha Jones, who has no psychological burden at all, has leisurely waving and smiling at the representative. Say goodbye to the free dragon.

"Goodbye, Miss Hanfang, goodbye, thank you for giving me a gift that I could never get in my entire life. My journey of legend is predestined, and your unknown future has just begun. Goodbye Now, yes, goodbye, I will continue to be Mr. Messoul’s assistant and tool, and you must represent my "legend" soaring in the sky!"

Seriously and sternly telling the farewell words that are almost "farewell", there is no fear and guilt, no regrets and helplessness in Har Jones' eyes. At this moment, he is like a child who has just enjoyed a perfect meal. Just as satisfied.

His goodbye was only to say goodbye to the most beautiful scenery in the cold winter, but this goodbye was just a simple goodbye.

"Really...what a hopeless idiot...bye, yes...bye, my "savior", bye"!

Looking at the legendary mage who was waving his hands in accordance with the noble etiquette, Selalin, who was a little bit dumbfounded and helpless, couldn't help but laugh out sadly.

She is an evil five-color dragon. She is a legendary warlock who has managed to break free. She mocks and despises the "fraternity" behavior of any intelligent creature from the bottom of her heart. She also despises anything that anyone makes from her heart. No brain decision.

But... But when a sadness surging in the depths of her soul like tides of sand and dust, why does the princess of Winter feel that the idiot or stupid she is laughing at is precisely herself?


The violent hurricane blew away the icy dust on the ground, and the strong dragon carried a mood that he didn’t know the so-called mood, danced its wings and flew into the sky. At this moment, it was still accompanied by the sun. The fragments of the magic barrier were hanging on the clouds. With the emerald green tassels, the "Winter Princess" hovering over the Horaka defense line has torn away the thick clouds and is ready to fly to the border area of ​​the Karamus Empire.

Goodbye, goodbye, the encounter between the guardian and the prisoner is just a coincidence of fate and the arrangement of the morning star mage. Ha Jones' absurd behavior is only a demonstration of the powerful power of "soul charm" and the eloquence of the legendary white dragon. That sentence is self-deception. Shouldn't goodbye be the abbreviation and interpretation of "never again"?

So what reason has the dragon flying into the sky to continue to let the silly face of an idiot spellcaster appear in his mind? She is an evil five-color dragon, UU reading www.uukanshu. com, she is the chaotic heir of Tiamat, she is... Seralin-Hantooth!

"Damn, damn, damn, I blame the Iberfeld for being nosy, I blame the "Destroy Whisper" for not paying attention, what the **** is my old lady thinking, ah, ah, that's enough!"


A heavy loud noise once again trembled the cracked gray and black ground, and the violent vibration completely shredded the cracked dungeon ceiling. Suddenly, the legendary white dragon that had just flew up to the clouds returned to the sun. In the corner of the dungeon, and under the gaze of Ha Jones in amazement, the "Princess Winter" who gasped heavily this time even grabbed his collar and threw him onto his smooth back:

"Ha Jones! What are you idiot waiting for? Why don't you hurry up to follow me and walk with me? If you are really sad, then you should be kidnapped by my "Princess of Winter" Seralin-Hantooth. Up"!

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