Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1126: select

"Traitor", these two words are absolutely intolerable no matter in evil or lawful legendary organizations. Especially in terms of the harsh and brutal style of the Chantalin Society, if a traitor has a chance to escape, it will be inevitable. You will be wanted forever, if you are unlucky enough to be caught on the spot............ a dead end is basically inevitable.

So at this moment, when the ferocious mad knight pierced the legendary white dragon's skull and flesh with the spear tip while asking Seralin whether he had betrayed the Santarin Society, "Princess Wintering" immediately understood the vicious "instant kill". "Gun" wants to express what it means.

   Only a traitor can feel sympathy for the enemy, so now Selaline will either eat Har Jones’ determination to prove her evil, or die as a traitor, it’s that simple.


Death is the most essential fear and horror in the soul of all normal lives. The more powerful and long-lived people tend to be, the more afraid of death. Mortals chased and rushed towards the legend to avoid the risk of death. Unanimously forming an island...There are many times, living a life itself is a great achievement and luck, and when this indispensable "achievement" is about to be lost, there are a few people who can let go of the burden of the soul and face it calmly. What?

   Seralin-Hantooth cannot do it, she is deeply afraid of death.

In fact, it was precisely to escape death that she would not hesitate to lose the dignity of the dragon on the Horaka defense line and use the "soul charm" to capture the heart of "the meaning of the spell", and it is precisely to avoid death that she will do her best. To fly away from the plane of Faerun, fly away from this land of war.

So now it is still to avoid death... Is she going to bite the "His Royal Highness" who silently lies on her sharp teeth and does not know what she is thinking like a truly cruel and tyrannical dragon. Where's minced meat?

   "No... I... what should I... what should I do? I..."

Looking around a piece of deserted land in confusion, watching his five red-robed "companions" all stand in place as if they hadn't seen anything and continued to say nothing, "Princess Winter" just felt like she was now The white mouse that was put on the experimental table was as anxious and confused.

Although Kane is nominally a "non-staff mercenary" invited by the old Eman to supervise the battle, according to common sense, it has nothing to do with him if there is no traitor in the Sandalin, but in fact, if a moody person The Morningstar powerhouse must volunteer to help his employer "clean up the door". I believe that at least the few red robe legends present have no guts to say anything. It is precisely because of this that the "Princess Winter" who has no resistance at all Without the "instant kill gun", the lance in his hand will inevitably penetrate his head and soul without mercy.

   Wait until then... The ruthless death is about to fall on the hapless White Dragon.

   "No...I...I don't want to die, I must...I must kill Ha Jones, I am a five-colored dragon, I..."

   The huge fear seemed to extend from the mad knight's lance into Seralin's mind. For the first time, the legendary Bailong, whose whole soul was trembling before death, felt that his mind was cold.

  Only when he is so close to death, can the "Princess Winter", who usually thinks he is brave and strong, have the opportunity to realize that he is so afraid of death. Death can actually make a creature fear to such an extent.

   Of course, she finally had a chance to realize what she would be willing to do to escape the clutches of death.

   Anyway, in order to improperly be a so-called "traitor", and not to be killed by the evil mad knights, what choice can a white dragon with a professional level of less than 20 have?

   After all, she is a selfish five-color dragon. She can't sacrifice herself and protect anyone else. If she has a chance, if she can live...

   "You saved me, but I can't save you after all. I'm really sorry, Lord Ha Jones".

   muttered to herself deep in her heart, Seralin could only feel the soft body on the tip of her tongue that was still breathing slowly while silently closing her eyes.

   "Then...bye, Mr. "Inspiration of the spell", I...I decided to eliminate all goodness and order on behalf of evil and chaos"!


Almost forcefully forcing her jaw muscles to close her teeth, listening to the crisp sound of broken bones in her mouth, Seralin could clearly feel the fragrance of blood blooming on the tips of her teeth filling her mouth, and At the same time, the fluctuation of the soul belonging to Ha Jones naturally dissipated with the wind like candlelight............

There are few opportunities to feed on the flesh of a legendary professional. Even the legendary white dragon is the first time to taste the flesh and blood of a legendary powerhouse. The exquisite fragrance is absolutely possessed by any carnivore. With fascinating magic power, Ha Jones, who accepts fate indifferently and has no struggling action, will not cause any harm to the dragon’s mouth-in fact, after the cutting of the sharp teeth like a blade, "The meaning of the spell "It was indeed a soft dessert when I lost my life in an instant.

   But... mechanized chewing on this delicacy that most legendary magical creatures will never have a chance to enjoy, Seralin only feels that a vomiting desire full of complex emotions seems to have penetrated into the depths of her soul.

It was a feeling of nausea that could be called pain and sadness, swallowing the "precious delicacies" in his mouth. The only impulse that "Princess Winter" can produce at this time is to cut open his stomach and remove all the dirty internal organs. Just burn the fire.

It is said that both evil and justice have their own costs. At this moment, Seralin can already feel how heavy the price of "evil"枭枭枭枭, very good, cold Miss Tooth! Yes, eat clean this little snack, you fully prove your own evil and chaos."

   Watching the dragon with a tangled expression in pain, he ate a prescribed food. The lustful and perverted Kane finally took back his lance with satisfaction.

For the hapless Seralin, the act of "killing the gun instantly" is undoubtedly a threatening insult and persecution, but for "Kane"... he just compares himself with his free time The weak "toy" made a little harmless "prank".

   Now that the short and happy prank is over, Kane, who is not interested in continuing to care about the white dragon who collapsed on the ground, must also do business.

The progress of time never ceases. Before you know it, the advance of the wave of demons has almost stepped into the Horaka defense line, and the Pantheon priests who came to the border of the Karamus Empire to "troubleshoot" have also been cleaned up. , The war between "Whisper of Destruction" and "Wolf of the Stars" in the distance has entered a white-hot state-then since the atmosphere of gun smoke on the battlefield is becoming more and more intense, it is determined that there is no threat to prevent the release of many abyss rifts. Kane of the Demon Army will naturally start thinking about "retire"



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