Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1132: uninvited guest

Is punk a person who "makes trouble"?

Ahem, it is true most of the time. He is always adventurous and cruel and unscrupulous. He is good at killing and fighting as well as plundering and robbery. In his heart, there is only the interests of the strong and no trace of humanity.

But just because of this, can it be judged that a person has always been a person who “provokes trouble” only by relying on a little bit of “victim”?

The answer is of course no. After all, the Morning Star Mage, who is walking on the jungle path now, has absolutely no boring thoughts of "provoking right and wrong". His figure is just like fallen leaves passing by the dense green leaves. His His footsteps didn't even make any sound on the ground. At this moment, "Destroy Whispers" not only didn't have any conspiracy and malicious thoughts in his mind, he even seldom walked quickly while savoring nature. Life is fragrant.

As a spellcaster who owns one-half of the blood of the ancient elves, punk actually likes the natural scent of the forest trees. After all, the season is at the end of the winter, and the fragrance of the buds still carries a bit of drip. Sweet and tender, as long as he doesn't interfere with the speed of his journey, he doesn't mind savoring the wonderful smell in the air and temporarily stopping thinking about a series of troublesome things such as the battle of the throne of the sun, the war of legendary forces and so on.

It's just a pity that in this world full of frustration, troublesome problems and even bad dangers obviously won't take the initiative to avoid a "good person" who "enjoys life peacefully and doesn't like trouble making trouble."

For example, at this moment, even though the happy morning star mage rarely had the intention to cause trouble, when he stepped out of the tree-lined woodland, he still saw three standing on a piece of rubble. An unusually conspicuous and unexpected figure in the clearing...

Those are the three Morningstar professionals who are fully armed to stand in front of the caster, and most importantly, the punk guy with a sneer at the front is still known, because this typical "God stick" in a white robe "Awesomely, it is the Pastor Morningstar who should have stayed in the kingdom of justice-"Crystal Glow" Anthony Vodacali!


"It looks like... the three uninvited friends have been waiting in my imperial territory for quite some time."

There was no panic or surprise, the punk stepping out of the woods, stepping on fallen leaves, frost and snow, behaved as indifferently and calmly as if strolling in his own garden.

Since the magical power of the solar level interfered with the perception of all creatures on the entire plane of Faerun, even "Destroy Whisper" did not discover the existence of these three guys in advance when he was moving towards his magic tower. To be honest, Deep down in his heart, he was really nervous about the unfavorable situation that suddenly appeared in front of him. After all, from seeing Anthony, who shouldn’t have been here, standing in front of him with a smile, punk knew that he had already stepped into a delicate and dangerous scene. In the trap.

But when the real crisis comes, what use can panic and overreaction be?

Now the entire Phelan’s space law has been distorted. It’s not easy to escape easily with the power of a Morningstar professional, not to mention that since the enemy can be properly blocked in front of him, he must have some unknown tracking methods. , Then instead of thinking about the unrealistic things, isn't it more necessary to be calm and improve the deterrent effect of a little "mysterious caster"?

Anyway, now these three people who clearly have a certain advantage in the "come bad" have not yet rushed to fight with each other, and punk thinks that he still has the opportunity to secretly find the enemy's flaws while trying to obtain a little intelligence. of.

So after thinking of this, the vigilant caster who was pretending to be relaxed on the surface simply asked directly:

"How do you know where this erroneous teleportation will send me? Is it from the sad intuition of "destiny"? Or the magical power of the powerful magic of the day?"?

"...... Maybe it's both, or strictly speaking, it would be more appropriate to describe it as "indispensable"? But these are not important, the important thing is-Mr. Punk-Sean, do you think Why did we come to visit you during the dangerous time of the strong war of the sun from thousands of miles away?"?

Cautiously converging his formulaic smile, Anthony, who was holding a short staff, gave an ambiguous answer and then seriously asked Punk a question.

Yes, there are only a few ways for uninvited guests to successfully block the door. Obviously this kind of thing is not worth discussing more, is it? In terms of the current tension filled with air, the intention of the three powerful Morningstar professionals is obviously more worthy of the caster’s attention...

But compared to the previous question, this new question is obviously easier for punk to guess.

I saw that after silently pulling the brim of the star robe, the "Destroying Whisper" with killing intent in his eyes unhurriedly expounded in a dangerous tone:

"There is a saying in my hometown that "the tiger is not in the monkey is the king" allusion. Now it seems that such an absurd allusion will come true one day............This is your Pantheon. Would you like to take advantage of the "guildmaster" doppelganger to take advantage of the "executors" of the Silent League? What is this? Mandatory recruitment? If I guess right, there must be in front of the mad knight Kane now Three inexplicable guys like you are chattering with open mouths, right?"

"...Zhaoan? No, no, no, we just follow God's will to guide you on the right path."

The icy wind blew through the fresh green grass stalks, and Anthony's voice was as biting as the icy wind, and behind him, the attitudes of the other two Morningstar priests were obviously exactly the same as him.

"The evil forces and chaotic elements have caused too much pain to this world. In order to let the flames of goodness and justice light up the entire multiverse, and for goodness and order to become the eternity of all things, the pantheon gods will I have decided to carry out a sacred purification action against certain "typical people"... Lost Lamb, I am ordering you to return to the embrace of mercy in the name of God, as long as you are willing to go with us to the kingdom of God of justice to be judged , You still have a little chance of atonement"!

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