Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1160: Next step

The "guildmaster" left, and her departure was as silent as her arrival. The gray mist quickly dissipated in the laboratory of the Morning Star Mage, and the punk "Haitz Tower Magic "Xia" was also naturally taken to reform as promised.

According to the Crown of the Sun Throne, the brand-new magic box enchanted by the spell will be sent to the punk by the lady of "Eternal Sleeping Eye" in 10,000 years-although "Destroy Whisper" does not know why it was given to him The mission of is to be completed by the "Eternal Sleeping Pupil" who is "a member of the executor Huiyue, who is actually only responsible for predicting the punishment mechanism of the long river of fate", but it is obviously not the "guild leader" that is related to a mysterious prophet. Isn't it within the scope of interpretation?

Just like the "chairman" would not explain to punk why she never let the lady of "Eternal Sleeping Eye" actually participate in any of her actions, she would not explain why a shining-level spell enchanted item finally Will be removed to the hands of a bright moon professional.

  In fact, the crown of the throne of the sun at this moment has completely disappeared in the caster’s perception, and the many mysteries she left are destined to be unanswered...

"I really don't know what happened to this beautiful "Supreme Leader of the Silent Alliance". Although "Piknut's Soul Fusion Art" is indeed well known, I have never heard of it. Other Yaori professionals went directly to the Chaos Sea if they didn't agree with each other. Why did the "guildmaster" act so hurriedly that she even had to put so many rights into the hands of a mercenary with the highest interests"?

   silently staring at the place where the shining sun projection dissipated, the spellcaster with his eyes slightly squinted, and his lips were obscured.

It is a pleasant surprise to get a generous salary and a complete job, but before cheering for the "pie falling from the sky", punk feels that he has to seriously think about why a good ceiling suddenly throws stuffing down. Where's the cake?

   Is this "ceiling" so generous that it suddenly reached the posture of a holy man?

   or simply because... the ceiling is leaking? Broken?

   Once the conspiracy theory that is not optimistic arises, the voice and words of the caster's self-talking in the depths of their hearts can no longer be lightened:

   "President" was not injured in the battle with Messoul, right? Then think about why she suddenly identified Tiama, the "colorless dragon mother" who was an ally some time ago, as an enemy? Is it because the evil mad dragon who participated in the battle of the Karamus Empire was also one of the culprits that caused her serious injuries? "

   was a little surprised thinking about this very likely factual guess, and the slightly frowning "Destroy Whisper" the more he thought about it, the more he felt that he did not guess wrong.

After all, the "guildmaster" is just a Yaori professional at the same level as Messul. She can defeat Mr. "Archmage" many times, and that the opponent who has repeatedly persecuted him from leaving the gate of the Yaori Magic Tower does not mean it. She could really kill an ancient Yaori mage "without injury".

   Judging from a series of low-key measures after the "guildmaster" won the war, the ceiling of the Silent Alliance's combat effectiveness may have been seriously damaged.

Moreover, this kind of "injury" is not a type that can be quickly healed by taking a few bottles of potions. Punk is a little hard to imagine the extent of the soul injury that can make a shining professional spend hundreds of thousands of years. Can't ensure a perfect healing

And in this way, the weird policy of "taking Tiamat as the enemy but not attacking and revenge against the Pantheon but not declaring war and hostility" made by the "chairman" also makes sense-because it is to protect oneself from weakness. The secret does not allow other Thrones of Yaori to see this embarrassing sternness and restraint. The always strong Master Yaori can only choose to enter the sea of ​​chaos to ensure his own safety while continuing to order the "executors" and even the entire Silent Alliance. Continue to be active on the big stage of the multiverse............

   She delegating power to punk is both a necessary and helpless move.

   "Chairman" has a problem, is this a good thing or a bad thing? Can the suspicion of other professionals of the Yaori be concealed under the crown of the Yaori Throne hiding in the sea of ​​chaos? Is my current special situation safe enough? The trouble is so terrible, it's impossible to say that the job of this "temporary reviewer" is still a hot potato."

   While thinking about the various changes in the situation and strategy, he stretched out his white fingers and rubbed his temples. The "Destroy Whisper" with confused thoughts now feels a very rare headache.

   His ingenuity can always help him analyze many, many things easily, but how much can the caster really deal with?

   There is nothing more than improving strength, becoming stronger as soon as possible, and gaining huge benefits with solid strength. In addition, any professional who is at the beginning of a great era will have no choice.

"Huiyue's promotion can't be delayed any longer. Since the "guildmaster" has promised generous rewards, it is the most important thing to study magic as soon as possible to upgrade the professional level, up to 80,000 years...80,000 years Must be promoted to This is my goal in the next phase"!

  Punk, who seriously strengthened his beliefs and implemented his goals on a practical basis, quickly formulated his own strength improvement plan.

He needs the strength of the Huiyue level too much. He needs to perform the duties of a "temporary reviewer" to retaliate against the Pantheon, and be careful to ensure that his personal safety is not threatened. If given the opportunity, punk even wants to take advantage of the absence of the "chairman" The opportunity of the main material plane to obtain some precious benefits............

   These are things that can only be manipulated after having a professional level as the basis, so it does not need much thinking about punk to determine that the promotion of the strength level must be the top priority of the next stage of efforts.

   But apart from the annoying things in hordes, there are also things that are worthy of the caster's pleasure.

For example, just now, the complex spell model structure originating from the Yaori level gave the Morningstar Mage a lot of inspiration. After he perfectly remembered the "Piknut Soul Fusion Art" left by Messoul, he "destroyed The cast level of "Whispering" has been improved smoothly.

   Punk-Sean is already a 47th-level Morningstar spellcaster.

   And this critical level also represents... He can finally learn an extremely powerful legendary skill-"Double Casting".



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