Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1177: Passionate effort

Unlike Setis’s poor talent, Walkway’s spellcaster aptitude can be said to be the top type in the entire multiverse. The magic in his hands is like the silk on a dancer. The runes are right. For him, it is simply an extension of the body.

With a magical talent that can be called a "monster", Walkway's career as a professional was of course smooth sailing in the early days of youth. In the first attempt to awaken the magic power, Mr. Zuo Mi, who was surprised, easily became one. An apprentice-level mage full of magic power, lightning and flames danced under the control of the young man's excitement, and the light and darkness both called out the favor of this genius.

Although in a sense, a guy with too extreme personality like Walkway is actually not suitable to be a spellcaster who relies on reason and calmness, but a warrior with courage and strength as a glorious fighter is more suitable for his will. But in this world full of coincidences and surprises, how many professionals have the opportunity to choose their favorite career at the moment of awakening power?

The young Walkway is no exception.

Whether it is the talent of the caster or the knowledge recited by Setis, it is destined that the future "dead wind lantern" will become a mage professional at this moment, while maintaining the thinking of a warrior into the hall of magic. The facts seem to be doomed to his sad life............

With some flexible thinking and dare to delve into the character, Walkway's career level advancement is as smooth as the "novel protagonist" circulating in the bard population. It only took him three years to become a trainee. Level Mage, when Walkway was twenty-five years old, this undoubted genius had successfully entered the threshold of a formal level!

Until this period, the young mage’s wish of "Don’t bully young people" can be said to have been basically fulfilled. He used his achievements in killing many beasts in exchange for the ownership of a city, and he joined the powerful Mage Guild at the time to gain weight. With sufficient backing, he became a powerful and powerful nobleman. He not only regained the superior living environment for his lover, but also gave the beautiful Setis the glorious countess status.

There is no doubt that the first half of the life experience of "Dead Writings" is a routine story that perfectly fits the protagonist's template. Walkway in his youth has already embarked on the pinnacle of a perfect life, and his power can make the king respect and salute , His power is enough to earn him the title of "Left Fan Lord". He is also one of the core members of the local Mage Guild branch. With the support of resources obtained by hunting around and killing Beasts, the magic of the future Morningstar Mage Knowledge is becoming more and more full every day.

However, these abundant resources can include various spell-casting materials and rune theory, but it only does not include time...

The passage of time will not stop. As Walkway's professional level is increasing, the blade of the years has long been unable to leave any traces on the handsome boy. Official-level spellcasters have a life span of thousands of years. For Walkway, the time span of only twenty or thirty years was nothing more than a peaceful afternoon tea and rest.

However, for Setis, who took ten years to become a mage apprentice... Even if only ten years have passed, it can be said that a death knell is constantly ringing.

Her lifespan is too short compared to Walkway, who has become an official-level powerhouse. The lifespan of a mortal for a powerful professional is just like a mayfly that is dying forever, and Setis recognizes it. Clear this fact, and Walkway will naturally not forget this matter.

But in the face of such a cruel reality and the life-level gap that seems like a moat, what can couples who love each other have?

Setis understands how bad her talent is, and she also understands how loyal and persistent Walkway is to her love, so she thinks she has no hope of promotion, she has already begun to try to help when she is about twenty-nine. The infatuated teenager has forgotten a useless mortal wife.

She found beauty and wine for Walkway. She persuaded her teenager to spend time with her to devote herself to the study of magic. She hoped that she would not become a burden to a promising lover. She dreamed of becoming a master spellcaster. The "Left Fan Lord" can abandon his short-lived "wife of dross" and concentrate on pursuing endless truth.

She didn't want her sweetheart to run around for her aging, and she didn't want her sweetheart to grieve for her doomed death...

But for Walkway, who regards "promise and loyalty" as the creed of the law, how could he abandon his beloved wife?

He personally promised that he would never be separated from Setis forever!

Perhaps in Setis’s cognition, this love sentence often seen in love is nothing more than a sweet talk of a teenager, but for the “dead writing lantern” who admits to death, this is the “love” he will never give up. "The realization of "!

So for the eternal love he had promised himself, Walkway, who was obsessed to the degree of stubbornness, started desperately. He worked hard to study alchemy. He put all his efforts to search everywhere that might help professionals continue their lives. All the auxiliary promotion materials obtained were given to his lover.

Even after entering the next level of mastery, the talented and talented young left fan did not hesitate to swear to let Setis have eternal youth and life anyway!

In a sense, part of Walkway’s ideas have really come true, at the cost of slowing down his millennium promotion process, and at the cost of being seriously injured and almost to get out of the good camp professionals. At the expense of organization, the "death lantern" who had just stepped into the realm of master level successfully killed a young silver dragon and stripped away the precious blood of the opponent.

With the help of this blood, he finally helped Setis, who had almost exhausted her life, become a "seemingly promising" master professional!

And even though the young girls at this time have become the absolute masters of a small country, they still love each other and enjoy the beautiful youth and powerful power............

What a beautiful story, what an inspirational experience, as long as you work hard, you can be rewarded, as long as you move forward, you can see the light, and my heart is burning with enthusiasm. I can't help it!

However, what is sighing is that the realm of a mere master is far from being "eternal". After all, there are too many things in this world that cannot be solved by blood and passion.

After all, it doesn’t take much time for Walkway to have the qualifications to be promoted to the legend. However, correspondingly, Setis, who is entangled in guilt and guilt, is still unable to complete the "break free"...