Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1179: fear

"Dead Wind Lantern" is an out-and-out genius. This can be seen from his ability to develop the absurd and powerful morning star spell "Teleportation" with his own power. It can be seen from the talent of the caster alone. On the one hand, even punk is probably not as handy as Walkway's "rune dancer".

It is a pity that the advantage of talent does not mean perfect character. In this cruel and cold world, even the most powerful genius will have to withstand the test of fate, although Walkway’s life is considered magnificent and frustrated. , But after all he fell into madness because of the grief and despair of losing his lover, and finally died in the hands of the "Whispering Destruction" golem for a heavy dagger...

His story is destined to be buried forever in the depths of history that no one knows, and the last trace he left in this world is ultimately only an ingenious model of magic.

Yes, a morning star powerhouse who called the wind and the rain fell.

"It's really a sad madman, but this guy is the strongest enemy I've played against so far. If I ignore the advantages in equipment, I can't beat him if I fight with spells alone. ...Walkway-Zuo Fan, really an incredible Morningstar Mage."

While silently muttering to himself, the punk who had perfectly remembered the spell model suspended in mid-air also converged the mad mage's body into his storage ring.

"Whisper of Destruction" does not know the past experiences and stories of "Dead Text Lantern", but this does not affect him looking at the body of the defeated opponent to summarize the advantages, disadvantages, and shortcomings of a battle.

In this battle, although punk won the bet offered by the enemy and obtained an incredibly powerful and unique morning star spell, he also found that after all, he still somewhat underestimated the strategy that a "lunatic" could come up with. With strategy.

In the initial assumptions of the caster, even if a madman like Walkway is able to use Morningstar kills 80%, he will only be stupid and brainlessly release and confront the enemy head-on. After all, the last time the Karamus Empire was performed During the war, the persistent "dead writing lantern" did not use any strategy or tactics to flexibly respond from beginning to end.

In fact, it is precisely because of the existence of this idea of ​​underestimating the enemy that punk will risk sending the long-hidden Morning Star Golem to attack.

But the facts proved it very slapped-this was a wrong decision.

Walkway not only worked out an ingenious strategy, even he also included the idea of ​​punk. With the help of the weak image of a "brainless lunatic" like himself, the alchemist who pretended to be a pig and eat a tiger almost destroyed it. The enemy’s Morning Star Golem.

Although to a certain extent, the strategy of "dead writing lanterns" using their own lives as bait is indeed very reckless and tempting. It is not surprising that punk, who has always been full of adventurous spirit and greedy thinking, is fooled inadvertently, but in This time, in the incident that almost ruined his precious tool, the "Destroy Whisper" who was good at learning and thinking still seriously kept this dark history in his heart.

Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger is an excellent strategy that is simple to operate and can still try Bailing. Although it is limited by poor acting skills, such a perfect strategy is destined to never have a relationship with the expressionless punk, but even if you can't use such a Bailing As a prudent spellcaster, the Morningstar Mage, who already has forty-eight spellcasting levels, has no reason to allow himself to be fooled by someone else's "pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger".

He will keep in mind the lessons of this "War of Lights", and in the future, any enemy who pretends to be mentally retarded or lunatic should not fool the defensive "Destroy Whisper"!

Of course, apart from the summary of gains and losses in combat, punk, who has already reflected on mistakes and never neglected any details, naturally did not forget that he still has one thing to deal with as soon as possible...

That is the Morning Star Golem that clearly has a problem-Xvia!

As the creator and owner of the golem, Punk has the right to arbitrarily query the memory information record of a "tool", although the torrent of violent laws during the battle blocked the information exchange signal between Xvia and the Morningstar Mage , But after the battle, the "Destroy Whisper" who walked to the girl golem without a word still easily retrieved the entire battle process of this "weapon".

He knew about Xvia's violation of orders to change the mode of action, and also the fact that the Morning Star Golem took the initiative to release curing spells.

He already understood all the changes that had taken place in the "tools" he made by himself.


"You did a great job, isn't it, my beautiful girl, Xvia... You protected my property and helped me defeat a tough and powerful enemy. From the perspective of an alchemy construct, your What he did is really perfect."

Senhan's dark golden gaze was hidden in the shadow of the hood, looking down at the petite girl golem, the caster's words were as cold as a cold wind.

And between that emotionless compliment statement, the dangerous and dead atmosphere seemed to dissipate the warm sunshine that had just shined into a zero-dimensional space.

" don't kill me, okay? I...I'm still useful, I will never betray you, I want to live, I want to continue to be yours Help, I will continue to follow your figure to kill any incoming enemies, I...I..."

She raised her head shiveringly, and stared at the handsome and cold face of Master Chenxing. The pupils of the girl golem suddenly constricted because of the great fear.

She understands what she is doing, and she also understands what the fear in her heart at this time means—to know that for any sane spellcaster, the golem that doesn’t even need to think has self-awareness. Emotions are something that can't be tolerated, so Csvia knows that punk's "praise" is definitely not pure "praise."

In the cold tone of "praise" of Master Chenxing, the girl with a pair of amber-like emerald-green eyes seemed to have a foreboding of her upcoming ending.

Death-eternal sleep and destruction............

If such a terrible thing is not worthy of being feared by a "creature", then there is probably nothing in this world that can be called "fear".