Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1181: Eye of Eternal Sleep

"It's amazing, Mr. "Destroy Whisper", I didn't expect that less than ten thousand years have passed, and you have already been promoted to the forty-ninth level! Obviously in my feelings, you still stay in the ordinary legend. It’s only a hazy’s really amazing. I have only seen this incredible speed of promotion in one person before.”

   In the dark and cold magic tower laboratory, a veiled female image projection in front of punk is sincerely expressing emotion for the caster's rapid promotion efficiency.

Undoubtedly, this hazy projection is the magical form of the most mysterious Huiyue member under the "guildmaster"-Lady "Eternal Sleeping Eye". Under the weaving of laws and energy, the mysterious woman presented in front of the morning star mage possesses With a tall figure and calm demeanor, compared to the "guild leader"'s sense of high coldness, quietness, and non-cannibalism, the "Eternal Sleeping Eye" feels like a mature lady. It's elegant.

   In the explanation of "President", Ms. "Eternal Sleeping Pupil" is a "Spellcaster" of the "Lunar level". Although until today, no executor has personally witnessed her class level and magic level, and she has never made even one shot in the course of the action set by the "guildmaster", but since this mysterious lady can get one The recognition of the throne of Wei Yaori, then she is naturally qualified to receive a respect for granted.

   Therefore, facing Shuya’s projection and praise, the punk who nodded slightly grasped the "pale scepter" in his hand and answered calmly:

"Thank you for your compliment, Lord "Eternal Sleeping Eye", but I don't think that my upgrade speed can qualify for such an exaggerated description as "Inconceivable". After all, as far as I know, there are also in our Silent Alliance. The promotion efficiency of a genius fighter is not inferior to me-if nothing else, the old acquaintance "Baron Bethadas" who wanted to come to me is about to start the sprint of Huiyue now."

   beware, vigilant, expressionless.

Mage Chenxing didn't trust the "Eternal Sleeping Eye" he had never known. He didn't know what the mysterious lady's promotion efficiency meant, so he faced an unknown strong man with unclear sentences. , Punk’s first reaction is to increase his vigilance.

   After all, don’t forget that the current "guild leader" has been to the Chaos Sea for 10,000 years...

   However, what is somewhat inexplicable is that after seeing the caster's eyes with such a lack of "trust", the "Eternal Sleeping Pupil" silently shook his head and gave way first.

   saw her say in a slightly helpless tone:

"My feeling is not malicious, Mr. "Destroy Whisper", you don't need to be so wary of me. In fact, the "unbelievable" person I was talking about is our "Chairman". I miss her back then. The promotion efficiency might be a bit faster than you... Well, forget it, this is the Moon-level magic resource left by the "guildmaster". This is the "Haite" who has completed the Yaori-level enchantment. Zita Magic Box", now I have been ordered to deliver them to your hands."

Plainly took out a storage ring and a square brown-red small box and placed them on the experimental platform far away from punk. The projection of the woman with the veil was like laying down a stone or a branch. care.

Even in the strict sense, whether it is the precious resource of the Bright Moon class or the "Hitez Tower Magic Box" that has become the Yao Sun class magic equipment, both are rare treasures that can arouse the greed of Bright Moon professionals, but " "Eternal Sleeping Pupil" is unmoved from beginning to end.

   The graceful attitude she showed was not so much self-control perfection... it was more indifferent.

   "The task is now complete, if there is nothing else, I will leave now".

The quiet white mist whirled in the empty laboratory, and the veiled female projection soon began to become transparent. It seemed that the task she was performing was really just "delivering items". "President" did not leave her other special missions.

   But while the mysterious lady hadn't completely dissipated and was invisible, the punk who had never put down the "pale scepter" from beginning to end suddenly asked a little.

   "Just five thousand years ago, I killed the "Dead Lantern" Walkway-Zuo Fan and won all the wealth in his hands. What do you think of this matter, respected Ms. Huiyue?"

   "...I don't have any special opinion, Mr. "Destroy Whisper"".

   answered indifferently, the "Eternal Sleeping Pupil", which disappeared without a pause, did not show any surprise or other mental power fluctuations.

  Even though the caster’s dark golden pupils stared at her face, this elegant lady simply explained in a simple tone:

"Only the "Chairman" has the right to give orders to the legendary members of the Silent Alliance, and only the "Chairman" has the right to determine whether an action is correct or not. I cannot judge the death of Mr. "Dead Wind Lantern". What kind of influence will Santarin bring, but I can remind you in a personal name——Punk-Sean, Walkway’s spells are not an easy power to control, and it’s not wise to overestimate your own will. Decided".


   The projection of Ms. "Eternal Sleeping Eye" disappeared, and in the end only a mist of mist that dimmed quickly remained on the position where she stood.


   "Don't overestimate your own will? It seems that this is indeed a kindly persuasion, but..."

   "Morning Star Conjuration System Spells-Teleportation"!


   Completed the release of the magic with an indifferent expression. The punk who disappeared in place and appeared next to the experimental platform for an instant did not change his mind because of the advice of the strong moon.

   Not all persuasion is a kind of good word, such as "Eternal Sleeping Pupil", the persuasion caster is destined to not need to pay more attention to Overestimate the will? "Overestimation" in the conventional sense is simply a huge "underestimation" for punk's willpower, OK?

Don’t forget, in the strict sense, “Destroy Whisper” is a void creature with “Void Soul”. His willpower is truly capable of being described as “unbelievable”, perhaps “teleportation” is absurd. Magic is enough to drive ninety-nine percent of the morning star wizards in the entire multiverse, but for punk... it is not much different from ordinary morning star spells.

   In fact, the reason why "Whisper of Destruction" was able to enter the forty-ninth level of the Morning Star peak realm in such a short period of time is to learn "Teleport" is a very important reason.

   And since he has now obtained sufficient Lunar-level magic resources, then a powerful magic improvement and upgrade can be put on the agenda...

"If the magic transformation is smooth enough, my Huiyue promotion will be just around the corner. Anyway, the small plane "farm" that Walkway left behind is also handed over to Ganatica. Then in the next time, I You have to put all your energy into the promotion effort."

   Seriously watching the shining storage ring on the test bench, the punk with dark gold eyes shining brightly thought so.



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