Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1182: Bakery

   The plane of Aldola, the kingdom of Aldola, in the honey city.

The pleasant climate, warm and comfortable Honey City is a very inconspicuous small city in the Kingdom of Odola. When a small light rain fades the impetuousness and sultry heat of the sun season, it seems that a small night has passed, and the quiet and peaceful town is exquisite The pen and ink add the color of the harvest season. In this golden autumn day, the weather is warm and fresh. On this spacious and clean street, crowds and horses pass by from time to time. The spacious streets are so green and golden chrysanthemums bloom. Welcoming people with a smile.

Perhaps because of a falling rain, even though the irritating sun season has just ended, the not-so-large Honey City is not at all bleak, but the yellow leaves scattered on the stone road are in the original elegance. A lot of unique charm is added to the foundation............

Honey City is rich in honey as its name suggests, and delicious and sweet honey is an indispensable ingredient when making soft waxy bread. Therefore, in this small honey city, which is not very prosperous, the baker’s workshop will always be smoked every morning. It is one of the harmonious scenery that complements the fragrance of nectar and flowers.

   This rare and precious tranquil atmosphere and scenery has always been the best condiment for enjoying food. After thousands of years of inheritance, the beauty of flowers and cooking smoke has even become an essential part of Honey City.

And in a bakery on Honey Street in Honey City, such a spirit of "food and beauty" complementing each other is the most abundant embodiment, because if someone can walk into this restaurant called "Sweet Zizi" in the deserted morning "Small Box" bread workshop, then he will see a peaceful scene full of life breath.

I saw a beautiful girl in a light green dress gazing carefully at a plate of fragrant bread dough. With the swaying of the fire, the white bread that was slowly bulging in the ceramic stove changed under the high temperature. It's golden and soft...

I am afraid that no one would have thought that this girl who is cooking bread seriously, smelling the fragrance of flour and twitching her nose is not an ordinary bakery owner, although she prefers to be called by others when she is in the bakery in Honey City. She is "the proprietress of a sweet little box", but if she wears a robe and enters the multiverse, her other identity is a powerful legendary professional!

   That's right, the girl who is baking bread at this moment is the "Plague Box", the legendary member of the Silent Alliance and the leader of the third group of Enforcers-Kesanoya! The plane of Odola is her territory, and the kingdom of Odola is also a peaceful country that she has carefully managed!

In the past ten thousand years, although the "Plague Box" full of life interest has not improved even one professional level, she has learned to make honey bread, sweet and sour jam, grape tarts, maple sugar donuts, etc. Traditional cuisine too.


   "Miss Kesanoya, Miss Kesanoya, good morning beautiful Miss Kesanoya"!

The fragrance of wisps of bread permeated the clean and tidy workshop kitchen, and a large oval-shaped bread dough was about to be baked. At this moment, I saw two cute little guys suddenly drilled out of the shadow of the flame. Come out, and they are carrying a large pot of golden sticky honey in their hands.

   Those are two petite young shadow monsters, they have snow-white skin and jet-black eyes and hair.

   "Miss Kesanoya, we brought the honey, but the copper coins for change have been used up."

   blinked gently, a little shadow demon with short hair said in her smart voice.

  Behind this very lively-looking shadow demon, another long-haired little shadow demon shook his head helplessly and said:

"Miss Kesanoya, it's not just that the copper coins for change are gone. The gold and silver coins we prepared have also been spent. After the bread business for the past six months, we have successfully lost the capital of two shops." !

   Well, it seems that although the pastries are made perfectly, the "Plague Box" as a legendary spellcaster is not good at commercial operations.

   Her bakery workshop is beautiful, clean, tidy and beautiful, and the bread she makes is extremely delicious, but it does not have the "insignificant" function of making money.

   "The coins have been used up again? Is it so difficult to earn money through a serious business? Fortunately, when I was in the apprenticeship stage, I chose to be a bandit to converge gold coins..."

   While praising her clever self, she gently reached out and caught the honey jar handed over by the little shadow demon. The slightly surprised voice in Kaisanoya's mouth was as pleasant as a cappella of a lark.

It can be seen that although the shop suffered a serious loss and could not make a penny, the "Plague Box" who was not doing business properly was very happy in it. She was enjoying "using expensive noble special sweet flour to make food by herself, and then almost free The price of "sell" to anyone who comes to buy food" happiness.

Perhaps in the cognition of ambitious legendary professionals like punk or Kane, absurd business games like Kaisanoya can only be called boring, but for girls who have lived for more than 100,000 years As far as the mage is concerned, this "too boring" thing is already one of the few hobbies she still has so far.

Yes, there are no resources, no knowledge, no allies, no enemies, the magnificence of the outside world has nothing to do with him, the eyes of fate are still watching in the dark-in this quiet and legendary island A spellcaster who loves research but is not strong enough can only spend endless leisure time in these life games that have no special meaning...

"Well, it’s not a problem if you don’t have gold coins or anything. Just tell the noble ministers to send more gold coins as soon as possible. Next, let’s start trying to make this latest honey bread. I personally think Lowering the temperature of the stove by one-ninety thousandths of a thousandth may make the skin of the bread a little crispier, Naruo, Nado, what do you think?"

  , lightly passing the embarrassing fact of revenue loss, Kesanoya, who didn't care about the gold coin problem, quickly turned her attention back to the honey bread in front of her.

Accompanied by the buzzing resounding of the wooden sealed box, the long black hair of the "Plague Box" that was combed into a ponytail was also slowly swaying lightly. It seems that today's Kesanoya also has a very good mood. , If she is not disturbed, she must be able to maintain her good mood.

   Of course, "not being disturbed" is the most important prerequisite for "maintaining a good mood".

  Maybe the guests who walk into the bakery after early morning will not disturb the girl mage who is playing the "little boss lady", but if there are uninvited guests, please come before the bakery opens............

  Whether such a "surprise" is regarded as an interruption is not necessarily true.


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