Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1183: uninvited guest

   "Clang clang clang"!

This is the dull sound made by the metal hitting the wooden door. The guests visiting suddenly in the cold morning did not choose to pull the small bell on the door to call. On the contrary, the sound he made when knocking on the door was compared to the dust blown by the cold wind. The slapping seemed extremely heavy.

   "Hello, this guest, the sweet box bread workshop is only open in the sunny and windless afternoon. If you want to buy bread, please come back later."

   After hearing a clear knock on the door, Naruo, who was obviously short-haired in the two little shadow monsters, immediately reflexed and uttered a formulaic polite remark in Kaisanoya's voice.

   It can be seen that she is very good at responding to visiting customers. In fact, most of the reception work in the bakery workshop is actually done by her instead of the "busy" female mage.

   But this time... it’s a bit inappropriate for the words used in greetings with ordinary customers to be used on the "uninvited guests" outside the door.

   In fact, before Naruo finished speaking, the long-haired little shadow demon Naduo, who was carefully observing the atmosphere of the scene, rushed to her companion and covered her mouth.

Perhaps Naruo, who was slow to react, didn’t notice anything abnormal, but Nado, whose ability to detect words, look and feel better than her "stupid teammate", had already noticed the sudden silence on the face of the "Plague Box", and she keenly realized After the warm atmosphere in the bakery workshop quickly passed away, she definitely felt a very serious breath quickly converging around the steaming white bread...

Think about it carefully, on this plane of Odola that is ruled by Kaisanoya alone, who is the visit that can make the "Plague Box" of the 28th-level legendary wizard such a big change What?

   You don't need to think too much to guess. The person standing outside the "Sweet Box" at this moment must be a legendary powerhouse at the same level as the Mage Girl!


   "I have said that, here is never open in the morning, please go back, my guest"!

   directly used "not open" as an excuse to persuade the legendary powerhouse outside the door to take the initiative to leave. Kesanoya's subtext is actually expressing the idea that she does not want to cause trouble.

   However, "Plague Box" is also a legendary member of the Silent Alliance's executives. If you can't escape the trouble and come to your door, how can a simple "no business" be useful?

   In fact, just after the frowning girl mage's voice fell, with the continuous sound of hardwood breaking, the wooden door of the "Sweet Little Box" bakery workshop was forcibly torn down by an inhuman force.

   And when the fragmented solid door was randomly thrown onto the morning dew-stained street, the "customer" who stood outside the door and visited unexpectedly finally revealed his figure.

  The third group member of the legendary warlocks with bruises and pale faces that are impressively executed-"Thunderstorm" Dietben Akama!

   It’s just that one of his arms has disappeared. There are more than a dozen **** wounds on his body, and a whole set of dark blue robes are almost dyed red.

Now this heavy-breathing dying and wounded man is leaning against the door of Kesanoya’s bakery with bloodshot eyes looking at the surprised girl mage. His swiftly explanatory words using mental power fluctuations are full of patience. Constantly anxious and flustered:

"Don't pretend to be stupid, "Plague Box", my leader! Do you really think of yourself as a breadmaker? Oh, damn... I mean now you have to save me, those gods, those gods who see the dead They are chasing me, they found my hiding place, a morning star priest led the real bodies of three weak divine gods! I would not be able to escape without using a precious moon-level magic scroll, but Those **** clubs did not give up. They knew that I had escaped into this star field. They were searching, and they would soon search every inch of starry sky nearby! I was injured too badly, and I no longer have the ability to escape. , So you have to be saved, do I understand? Kesanoya, you can't die without saving!"

   completely abandoning his usual taciturn and handsome image, and like a machine gun, Dieter, who uttered a huge amount of information in one breath, seemed to be a little bit unconscious.

The Soul of Sorrow, which has not been eliminated, has been eroding the soul of this legendary warlock for a long time. Now the heavy injuries from the outside have made his consciousness worse. It can be said that in this case, it is dying. "Thunderstorm" also knows who to call for help is not easy, and it is too extravagant to expect a warlock professional who is not far from death to express his thoughts calmly.

However, for the "Plague Box" as the "third team leader", it is definitely not a problem to get the "trust" of an unruly team member so suddenly... In fact, he is forbearing. After listening to Dieter's slightly chaotic narrative in a irritable mood, the wide-eyed Kesanoya was already thinking about blasting the warlock in front of her with a legendary killer move.

   "What did you **** just say? You brought a Pastor Morningstar and three weak divine powers to my door? That's how you asked your team leader for help?"


He kicked the top-heavy Mr. Akama as if he was drunk, and the "Plague Box" whose ears were so angry that he turned red, kicked the unresistible Dieter out of half of the city, accompanied by With a deafening roar, the legendary warlock tumbling like a rag doll almost smashed hundreds of buildings before barely stopping in the ruins. UU Reading

   However, before he could say anything, Kesanoya, who jumped heavily from the air and landed beside Dieterburn, raised her fist and once again hammered the "Pig Teammate" buried in a piece of sand.

   "Why do you think I will save you"?

   "Boom Rumble".

   "Why do you think I will not kill you"?


   "Why do you..."

"Enough, Kesanoya! The gods of the Pantheon have already acted. If I am the hapless first, then you are the second hapless next. Among the entire performers, we are the two. Don’t you know the weakest one!"

   The "thunderstorm" that did not resist was hit by the angry "Plague Box" in three hits, and the geological structure of the entire Honey City collapsed due to the heavy punch of the Maiden Mage.

However, when the "Plague Box" with killing intent in his eyes raised his fist again and aimed at his head for the third attack, Dieterbun, who was gasping for rough gas, quickly spoke out and said forcefully. I have already thought of a good excuse.

The "Plague Box" is a mage. It's nothing to get a fist or two from her, but if Kesanoya in front of her is really dazzled by anger, then Dieter, who has completely lost the ability to resist, would have fallen Blood mold.


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