Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1190: Weak Warlock

The "Plague Box" was completely unscathed, so she was still stunned and shocked because of the punk Huiyue-level professional level, but Dieter, who stood next to her and suffered from the pain of the soul for three thousand years, could not wait any longer. Now, this bloodshot and hoarse voice Warlock only wants to find someone to help him as soon as possible.

I believe that when seeing a powerful luminous moon spellcaster arrive, Mr. "Thunderstorm" who has been unlucky from beginning to end must have felt a kind of joy like a life from desperation. After all, the time when he lost all his power and couldn't move People are unbearable.

   So before Kesanoya could say hello politely, Ditben, who was confused and unclear in his speech, tried his best to stand up and tell Punk:

"Dear... Honorable Master Huiyue, I am one of the legendary members of the "Executors", the legendary Warlock "Thunderstorm" Dittben-Akama of the 24th level, the Pantheon...the Pantheon A morning star priest and three weak divine powers launched a despicable attack on the plane of "Hemenido" where I lived. Although I was lucky enough to escape my life, I was seriously injured, even though I had the "Plague Box" lady. During the operation, I have temporarily suppressed the further deterioration of the wound, but now my soul's self-healing ability has completely failed. I need your help, very urgent..."

   succinctly said all the things he wanted to say in one breath. The panting "thunderstorm" for the next second swayed and limp beside the stone pillar of the temporary camp like a sickly boy who ran five kilometers in one breath.

It seems that although this guy claims that he has successfully prevented the wound from getting worse, in fact his injury has increased a lot during the three thousand years of waiting time. Now if it is not for the spell of punk prophecy, it can clearly determine the "thunderstorm". The soul has reached the legendary level, and it is impossible to determine that the critically ill patient in front of him is a professional based on the superficial perception of "Destroy Whisper"!

It must be admitted that the legendary warlock who sweats profusely with just a few words is too weak. This weakness from the soul level once made his soul fluctuations unable to be successfully discerned by anyone. This situation is enough to prove What a dangerous life-and-death frontier that miserable Dieter was on!

Morningstar-level attacks are not so easy to resist. As the legendary warlock himself said, he is now very urgently in need of punk’s help, if the dying state of knife-point dancing like his is still within a thousand years Without proper treatment... the lingering energy of the strange laws will completely shred a fragmented soul, and the fall of a powerful professional will be doomed!


   "President"'s subordinates? A legendary member of the "executors"? My colleagues? The third group of "thunderstorms"? A troublesome guy brought a troublesome news. I didn't expect that I had just finished promotion, and these horrible things have already followed one after another."

   staring blankly at Dietburn, who was lying on the ground and venting more and less air, the punk who stretched out his fingers to rub his temples only felt that his hard-earned good mood had been wiped out in a flash.

He knew that the decision made by the "guild leader" before he left would definitely affect the situation of the entire multiverse. He also knew that the impact of the Great Sun War that took place in the Karamus Empire would never be possible. It was as simple as destroying one twentieth of the surface of the plane of Faerun.

   Check it out now! If all the information that Dieter said is true, then the Pantheon has already attacked the legendary members of the "executors" first!

However, the huge Alliance of Silents and even the Santarin Society named "Allies" actually "Jackals" did not respond to this. It is not difficult to guess if the "Plague Box" and "Thunderstorm" did not come to the plane of Faerun in time to find themselves. The Morning Star Tower, now the two of their "weakest executors" will probably die in the cold astral space!

"In this way, the position of the so-called "temporary reviewer" is not only not easy to hold, but also a bit hot! No wonder the "chairman" will give me so generous Huiyue level knowledge, even the precious Huiyue killer moves. "Give it away" directly... Sure enough, there is no free lunch in the world."

   silently sighed in his heart for the "guild leader"'s good calculation of squeezing the labor force, and punk, who reluctantly shook his head, still lightly used a "mage's hand" to lift the "thunderstorm" on the surface.

   Since I took the "money" under the crown of Yaori's throne, he should not be too perfunctory, and the "colleagues" who should be rescued should not be left alone.

   What's more, punk still needs to survive Dieter Ben to provide himself with more information about the Pantheon. He is really curious about where the gang of gods who have severely reduced their combat power got the confidence to take the initiative!

   "Follow me, "Plague Box", I still have something to ask you".

   Like a balloon, he led the half-sleeping Dieterbun to his magic tower, and the order punk issued to Kaisanoya was not polite.

   "Okay...Okay, Mr. "Destroy Whisper", alas, I'll follow along..."

Hearing the unrelenting and clear instructions from Master Huiyue, the girl mage who just wanted to pretend to be a transparent person and stay in the temporary camp just froze for a moment and had to sigh helplessly while trotting two steps to follow the punk back. When "Whisper of Destruction" was an ordinary legendary professional, Kesanoya would have been uncomfortable because of being close to this eerie spellcaster. Now punk has become a brilliant Master Yue, the "Plague Box" that had to follow the opponent even felt as if a deep sense of ignorance was slowly wrapping every inch of his soul.

It was a kind of inexplicable fear, and even a kind of coldness that could not be blocked by clothing. Such a feeling as if it were close to the "danger" itself made the girl mage who couldn't laugh have a kind of nakedness. Zhixiong's illusion of helplessness.

Although the "Plague Box" repeatedly told herself that these abnormal sensory experiences were just because the pair of "Dark Golden Eyes" had imprinted her mind stamp on her, in fact, Kesanoya has always vaguely understood her fear. It's not just a pair of eyes that are not looking at him at all.

   What she has always feared... is other more terrifying and inevitable... "Future"!


   By the way, due to the rush of fleeing, the restless girl mage is still wearing the gorgeous boss lady's dress that doesn't look like a spellcaster until now.



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