Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1192: Distract

In fact, a long time ago, shortly after getting the "Piknat's Soul Fusion Technique" left by Messoul, punk thought deeply about a very important issue-the so-called "gray energy" and "sorrow." Is it true that "Soul of Soul" is actually a by-product invented by the dead "Archmage" in the process of developing "Piknut Soul Fusion"?

   After all, some of the characteristics of "Sorrowful Soul" are really too similar to some of the characteristics of "Soul Fusion" described by Messoul.

   For example, they all become an indestructible part of a professional through the way of merging with a soul, and for example, they can essentially make an unfortunate soul undergo a huge change.

Punk has not enough magic theories. He still can’t understand the secrets behind the Shining Sun spell model left by the "former Mage Guild President", but if you have the opportunity to see the "Soul of Sorrow" into the soul of the legendary professional Master Huiyue felt that he would have the opportunity to learn some rare knowledge more or less.

Of course, whether there are certain risks in such a "little experiment" "Destroying Whispers" is temporarily unsure, so before officially embarking on a bold attempt, the prudent spellcaster will have to support some obstructive guys— —The reason should not be too awkward, and the performance should not be too deliberate. If the future "chairman" asks, you must leave an excuse for answering...

   "Plague Box", I'm fairly satisfied with your answer. Now I already know a lot of information about the attack, but there is one more thing I need you to do next."

After thinking for a while, he raised his head. Under the shadow of the hood, punk looked at the girl mage without any extra emotional color. Amidst the flickering of the dark golden eyes, the words of Mage Huiyue sounded It looks extremely cold:

"In order to help our Mr. "Thunderstorm" recover safely, quickly and without sequelae, I need to prepare a morningstar-level alchemy potion for him to take, but I do not have the necessary materials for this potion for the time being. I need you to find me all the ingredients on this list. Can it be done, Kesanoya? It doesn’t matter if it takes tens of thousands of years, just find them all and come back.”

Without knowing it, he used his powerful mental power fluctuations to force a list of tens of thousands of ingredients and formulas into the mind of the girl mage. The insidious caster who appeared to be questioning on the surface actually did not leave it to the "Plague." The box" has any room for doubt.

And before the "Plague Box" almost stunned to say anything, the punk who was so patient with the explanation had already blocked all the excuses of his "temporary subordinate" with another more "righteous" speech. Up:

"Don't ask me if I have the right to issue orders, because the "chairman" has appointed me to act as a "temporary reviewer" during her outing, and I will follow the "executors" principle of action to give you generous Remuneration...or I have already advanced the generous remuneration to you, haven’t you? The list you get now is a detailed formula of Morningstar's Potion!"!

The space in the vacuum laboratory was deserted, and Dieter’s faint groan of pain became more and more looming. The brightness of the magic light may not be able to illuminate the face under the hood of "Destroy Whispering", but it is fully capable of holding Kesano. Ya's beautiful face became pale against the background.

The first time she heard the task that punk had to entrust her, the intuitive and sensitive girl mage had a very uncomfortable feeling. Although the request made by Huiyue Mage seemed reasonable and reasonable, she always felt "looking for medicine materials". This order is not just for making a potion.

   However, in the face of the solemn order of a powerful Huiyue professional, what reason can there be to refute the "Plague Box" that has been "accepted"?

   In the early stage of agreeing to the caster’s instructions as soon as possible, the helpless girl mage could only end the unequal conversation with the last specious question:

"Okay...well, I...I will try to collect materials, do have the ability to treat Dieterburn's injury? Right? The guy "Thunderstorm" has always trusted when he was injured. and you".

"Of course, I am very good at various healing spells, and I also have a wealth of legendary medical experience. Although Dieter's injury is relatively serious, but this is not enough to trouble me, rest assured, girl, I will heal him ...If there are no accidents."

   Without changing his face, he made an empty guarantee, but the punk's dark golden eyes had already stared at Kaisanoya's emerald green pupils.


   Accompanied by an almost undetectable low-pitched sound, a portal connecting the Great Plains of Khatak suddenly appeared in front of the "Plague Box".

"Appropriate seeking knowledge may bring knowledge, but excessive curiosity will only summon misfortune for yourself. I think you have asked enough unnecessary questions. Now, you should seriously carry out your own tasks. Up"!


   "Whoo, I... I will try to find every material on the list... Dear Mr. "Destroy Whispers"."

She sighed with a trembling tone, and shook her head helplessly. After hearing the warning from the caster, Kesanoya, who turned and stepped into the portal, was witty and didn't say anything more~www.mtlnovel .com~ Although the anxiety in my heart has not diminished in the slightest, the relationship between the girl mage and "Thunderstorm" is nothing more than "acquaintances who have worked together". After all, Kaisanoya is just a legend of a neutral and kind-hearted camp. Professionals, just "acquaintances" level of relationship is not worthy of her offending a powerful Huiyue professional for the safety of Dieterburn.

What's more, at the moment when she saw the dark golden eyes of "Destroy Whisper", the psychological defense of "Plague Box" was basically destroyed. She just wanted to leave this cold morning star as soon as possible. Tower, the farther away from the "some monster" living in the tower, the better!

"Sorry, my subordinate in name, I am afraid you will have to ask for more blessings in the next "medical process". For you, I have given up the beautiful Odola plane. I, the third group leader You can be regarded as being benevolent and righteous."

   comforting herself silently in her heart, Kesanoya, who didn't look back, walked into the portal opened by Huiyue Mage in one step.

   No matter what happens to the hapless legendary warlock, at least her "Plague Box" can successfully escape from "Destroy Whisper".

   Well, actually at this time, the girl mage is still in a good mood...



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