Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1200: Gatherers

The plane of Faerun, on the Hatak Plain.

If someone came to this vast land with fine green grass growing at this time, he would be surprised to close his mouth from ear to ear, because the Khatak Plain now looks much more lively than before, and there are enough A powerful legendary professional is gathering here.

Yes, it is a legend. Those who can stay in the Great Plains of Khatak at this time are without exception the legendary existence equivalent to legends for mortals, but their gatherings have neither serious discussions nor disputes. The heavens and the earth have changed majestic and majestic, and some... just a dead silence.

Most of the eight legendary professionals stared at the shining magic tower in the distance like a stone statue without saying a word. They all waited here patiently for a full 20,000 years. In a sense, their expressions and mentality It may not be much worse than the real stone statue. After all, the boring time of 20,000 years for the legendary professional with endless life span only needs to be empty of thoughts and forbearance.

Of course, the choices between people are different. Some people choose to wait quietly and patiently, and naturally others choose to wait patiently "not so quietly", although everyone is helplessly accepting a certain Hui Master Yue’s suggestion is to "wait patiently", but for a very small number of legendary professionals with "life sentiment"... even if they are "patiently waiting", they must wait for something exciting, right?

As a result, surrounded by seven "stone statues" in isolation, a petite figure in a robe with pale red flowers seemed a little out of place.

Because only this short guy did not find a place like the other seven people to stand and face the morning star tower in the distance to pay attention to. In fact, just after Faerun’s night was slowly falling under the cold wind, one Cong was igniting a bonfire on the bleak grassland, and the legendary professional who lit the bonfire was the petite and beautiful girl.

She is the "Candy Merchant" Mimibezi who has reached the thirty-second level!

That’s right, this legendary devil who once liked to find people to sell goods and intend to build his own business empire has now joined the "executors" and has become one of the craziest desperadoes in the multiverse. She and her The younger brother, Grand Duke Oakles, did not give up an adventurous life because of the last Soul of Sorrow event.

Especially Mimibezi-after more than one hundred thousand years of hard work, her professional level abruptly from the 26th level of the year to today's 32nd level, maybe this kind of promotion speed and punk Or Kane’s incredible "monster" is still not comparable, but at least compared with the semi-reclusive "homegirl" professionals of the "Plague Box"............ Small merchants are also rare in the multiverse Successful people.

Of course, successful people belong to successful people. Now that everyone has nothing to do on the territory of a strong moon, what the "successful people" are doing is still very grounded.

In fact, with the slow burning of a bright bonfire, Mimibezi had already skewered three Hatak perch caught from a distant lake and placed it next to the flame.

Obviously, she is grilling fish, and judging from her proficiency in grilling operations, it is not the first time she has grilled sea bass here.

"The night of tranquility, the moon of radiance, sweet, aromatic, and bloody.

Cold meat, pale bones, cold light blades, heavy mist.

Bloody food, chewing teeth, broken bones, notorious.

Swallowing into the abdomen, blending into one, evil ghost talk, the clothes of the red devil...

Okay, the sea bass is grilled. Does anyone want to try it? Kesanoya, Oakris~ come and see if my technology has improved."

He hummed a peculiar song with weird tones and lyrics, picked up three golden yellow grilled fish and stood up. The "Candy Merchant" smiled happily like a little **** a camping trip, and the light of flame dancing shining on her The white face and the blades of grass moving in the wind made a rustling sound as if they were accompanying the song.

And against the backdrop of such a background that is incompatible with the four words "Legendary Strong", the person Mimibez is calling is a girl with a rather helpless expression and a stern face without a word. Tall boy.

It was Kesanoya who had returned to the Hatak Plains without fruit after searching for the materials for the Morning Star, and the Devil Grand Duke Oakles who was walking with Mimibezi. In fact, the reason why the small merchant prepared three grilled fish at the beginning was just to distribute Two of my own friends.

"Here you, Kesanoya, the grilling method you taught me works really well. The meat of Hatak's sea bass is cold and hard. Grilling with a high fire will only destroy the fattest structure of the grilled fish, which is to use a low fire. Slow burning is more appropriate. In other words, how did you think of the way to put spices in the belly of the fish, and then let the delicious aroma gradually penetrate into the fish? This is really creative."

Happy to sprinkle all kinds of precious condiments and fine salt on the steaming fragrant grilled fish. The little businessman who was a little shorter than the "Plague Box" reached out and handed a Hatak bass to his face. Embarrassed girl mage.

And at almost the same moment, Mimibezi, who used his mental energy to hold up another grilled sea bass, did not forget to pass the food to his brother far away-because the effective transmission distance of the "Soul of Sorrow" is 50 meters. Right, so now the "candy merchant" who is also a warlock professional with Oakley can't get too close to her Even if she just shares a piece of food, she can only use this far The way of distance delivery delivers deliciousness.

However, the gloomy Oakris waved his hand and pushed away the grilled fish that was delivered to him. It could be seen that the Devil Archduke was not in the mood to eat anything at this time...

"Haha...well, it seems that you still don't like grilled fish...hey, I will take such a delicious thing and share it with Miss Kesanoya"!

A little embarrassed smile, the "Candy Merchant" who took back the grilled fish looked a little lonely.

However, within ten thousandths of a second, the optimistic Mimibezi returned to her apparently happy state of mood, because in front of her, the tangled "Plague Box" did not refuse to deliver the delicious food to her lips.

She frowned and accepted the grilled fish:

"Hey, I said Mimibezi, is it really good for us to eat fish with brazen grilled fish like this? Why do I feel so embarrassed... crunch, well, although grilled fish is really delicious... ..."