Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1201: awkward

From the perspective of "Plague Box", on the quiet plain covered by night, the atmosphere she can feel should not be described as "a bit embarrassing", because the feeling is really... "very embarrassing." good or not?

Take a look at other legendary professionals, including the silent Mr. "Thunderstorm" and the somewhat lonely Grand Duke Oakris, everyone standing still and posing coolly, the kind of Taishan collapse in front of you An unchanging appearance is in line with the aura that a group of legendary powerhouses should have, isn't it?

But let’s look at myself and the smiling little businessman Mi Mi Beizi-setting up a bonfire to grill sea bass, carve up the food, and discuss cooking techniques. It is obviously a very serious legendary gathering. She is now abruptly turned into a picnic banquet. The aroma of grilled fish floated in the air, and the solemn atmosphere that everyone had created for thousands of years disappeared in a flash.

"Plague Box" can hardly imagine what kind of expression would the "Destroy Whisper", who has become the caster of Radiance Moon, come to speak at this time, although the "newlywed" dress she gave to the big spider butler Linton Hugh before this time may not be better. The grilled fish of the "Candy Merchant" is even more embarrassing, but in front of so many people, it destroys the atmosphere but still makes Kesanoya, who has a calm personality, develops a subtle feeling of "attracting hatred" in her heart.

How to do? The perception of that ogre and a few others seemed to be concentrated! Sure enough, it's too wrong to have an open-air barbecue at the door of Master Huiyue's house... Well, anyway, let's take a bite of the grilled fish first.


Cough, awkward, awkward, but wasting food is not a good habit. Watching the fragrant and delicious food delivered to the mouth, and eager to "destroy the evidence", the "Plague Box" subconsciously bit off after swallowing saliva. Half a grilled fish tail.

I have to admit that Mimibezi’s skill in controlling barbecue heat has really improved a lot during the boring waiting time of 20,000 years. Now the food she barbecues is not only crisp on the outside, tender and golden on the inside, but also It has a smooth taste and a crisp aroma. The spice smell perfectly blends with the sweetness of the sea bass, and the fusion is intertwined. Eating in the mouth is like tasting a symphony of natural creatures and handmade dishes.

With the temptation of exquisite food, the "Plague Box" that can't be pretended to play cool stone statues soon no longer thought about the simple question of embarrassment or embarrassment. I saw this gluttonous girl mage eating three times and five times. Cleaned a whole grilled sea bass.

Chewed with the bite force of a legendary powerhouse comparable to a pulverizer, even the bones of the Hatak bass, which are as tough as steel, will only release a large piece of deliciousness that overflows the mouth with the crisp sound of crushing. The crispy texture can of course give food lovers a good mood.

So thanks to the friendly sympathy of the fragrant grilled fish, Kesanoya, who had been upset because of boredom and waiting before, quickly returned to her optimistic state of smiling.

"How? It tastes good, right? Before becoming a professional, I learned barbecue skills from a devil chef for a long time. Although I didn't have much time to practice later, it's not too late to pick it up now."

Seeing the "Plague Box" mood improved, the "Candy Merchant" who proudly raised the wooden sign in his hand also teased his "barbecue experience" while tasting the food in his mouth.

Of course, discussing these insignificant things is just a necessary prelude for Mimibezi in order to bring up important topics. After seeing his "cooking friend" clean a grilled fish, he approached Kesanoya's Mimibezi did not forget to ask the other party in a very strong, gossip-talking tone:

"Hey, there is only one lake in the Hatak Plain, and there are not many perch in it. When I go to catch it, I must carefully consider the quantity and coordination to avoid fishing, since you have eaten such a precious and lovely little fish. , Then just talk to me about the Master Huiyue Master? Have you seen him before, right? Tell me about it, I can also tell you some little things about the "past"."

how to say? The little businessman really deserves to be a little businessman, she can always find business opportunities on various occasions.

For example, now she went to the "Plague Box" to try to know a little bit about the "temporary reviewer" of Punk-Sean.

For an adventurer who is interested in participating in various dangerous tasks, it is very important to understand the basic intelligence of her immediate boss. The small businessman is a member of the Silent Alliance who has only recently joined the "executors". She has reason to think that she is Many cognitions may not be accurate enough.

Facing a chat request from a "candy merchant" close to her, Kesanoya did not choose to keep her mouth shut and eat the grilled fish for nothing. After all, she, a semi-reclusive "home girl", also wanted to know what Mimibei said. The little things of the past".

So amidst the fragrant night of grilled fish, the "whispering" activity between the two beautiful girls began indifferently.


"What do you want to know? Your Excellency Sai'an and I have only met twice. When we first met, he was just an ordinary legendary professional with mediocre strength, but then I was able to be with that gentleman. I felt an unusually terrible pressure on my body. From the later facts... I felt right at that time. A monster is a monster. It is impossible for a normal intelligent creature to be comparable to a monster. When I saw "Destroy Whispers" for the second time ten thousand years ago, I was still a twenty-sixth-level little mage, but he has become an incredible luminous professional."

Some envy and some helplessly told his impression of the "monster", the "Plague Box" with the wooden sign rotating between his fingers still looked a bit lonely.

To be honest, the feeling that "people of the same age have become but I still do nothing" is always difficult to adapt, although the process of punk becoming famous in the multiverse is not abrupt and even reached half human Everybody knows the extent, but it is precisely because of such a sharp contrast that ordinary legends who are in the same session with him will inevitably feel that they can't hold their face.

Especially the legend of the "home girl" like Kesanoya who has not been promoted at the first level after more than 200,000 years...Oh my god, it is too shameful, the heart of retiring is almost there, people "thick rock "Babun is about to start the morningstar dash now, the "Candy Merchant" standing in front of her grilling fish was not even a member of the "Executors", she has made the warlock level more than 30!

What do you say about poisonous chicken soup? You won’t know how much you fail without looking at the people around you.

The current "Plague Box" suddenly felt such an inexplicable deep pain.

"Woo... I don't know why I suddenly don't want to discuss any information, I want to eat another grilled fish, calm down..."

. Nine Heavens God Emperor