Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1218: The Wave Listening Plane

The multiverse "wave listener" plane, this is the closest place to the goddess of the water element goddess, I saw the endless and vast blue ocean waves constantly surging, and the turbulent tide made the roar of the sky and the earth. Accompanied by the endless waves of anger, the spray splashed and intertwined with white foam. As the darkness before dawn gradually receded, a gleam of light appeared between the sea and the sky.

   The blooming light burns the dark blue sea water and the purple ash cloud like a lit torch. As time goes by, the entire sky is burned red and transparent.

This is the dawn before dawn, this is the solemn honor of the divine power plane, in the silent and gorgeous rainbow, two small suns created by ancient magic are rising from the palace of the sea, and the time is glorious between the sea and the sky. Bright, the slanting wind and drizzle of last night has already sneaked into the earth in this glory, turned into bursts of rain, and melted into the vigorous vitality of the surge.

The wave listener plane is undoubtedly a very beautiful water element plane. Compared with the fiery heat of the fire element world and the irritability of the wind element field, the sea on the water element plane is like a projection of the sky. It seems that it can be integrated with the hustle and bustle in the clear water, and the corals on the seabed seem to describe the beauty and silence of this indisputable place.

   However, in fact, there is never "silence" in the multiverse.

For example, at this moment, there has been a very dazzling and conspicuous flaw on the beautiful sapphire of the sea of ​​listeners, and in the middle of the vast ocean, only two blood-red waves stand on the ground. The white robe professionals on the surface of the ocean also used an amazing legendary power to instantly break the rare harmony in the morning light beauty.

   Those are two powerful priests, one of them is the real body of a weak divine god, and the other is an evil formation deity priest of the morning star level!

I have to admit that after many years of research and experimentation, the Pantheon still has a lot of experience in taking advantage of the clergy. Because of the tragic failure of ambushing Punk and Kane in the last battle of the Karamus Empire Now, the gods of the good camp have almost lost all the priests of the good camp that can be instructed. Therefore, the gods of the good camp dominated by the gods simply no longer want to rely on themselves to win this alliance with the silent. The war between the gods is now, the strategy adopted by the gang of gods is to first establish cooperation with the neutral camp gods, then let the neutral camp gods hire the evil camp gods, and finally let the very few good formation gods use the name of "surveillance" Follow along.

This is a very clever strategy, because in this way the Pantheon will be able to effectively circumvent the clergy iron rule that "good gods are not allowed to get along with evil gods", and it is precisely because of this "combined vertical and horizontal" strategy. , On the plane of listening to the waves today, there will be the fact that a neutral god's true body and an evil **** priest stand side by side to work for the Pantheon.

   And their "part-time job" content is also self-evident-that is to receive emergency reports from other gods, specifically to kill the "silent alliance members" who were sent to the enemy's territory by a certain Huiyue spellcaster to collect intelligence!

  Before the war officially began, punk once asked himself a question, that is, "If my executors can't beat the enemy, can they not run away"?

   He has always believed that the weakness of his men is limited, and the strength of the enemy is also limited. It should be the common sense of all legendary powerhouses that they can't beat them.

   But the facts now prove that... His judgment this time may be wrong.

It’s hard to judge whether Samoan, a priest who has reached the level of the Morningstar, is considered strong, but at least compared to the legendary punk, Kane, and even smile, the "thick rock" ogre and the level 38 The "bonfire moths" who just joined the "executors" are far too different.

   When the mighty enemy attacked fiercely, can they really not get away with the "experienced" combatants?

  The answer is...I can't get away!

In fact, as the first ray of morning light on the plane of the listener slowly brushed across the sky, the blood-blurred "campfire moth" and the legendary ogre Babeng had already extinguished their lives under the evil curse of Samoan. In the light of the fire, and bathed in the light waves of the ocean, the Pastor Morningstar, who is holding the head of an ogre mage, has even begun to raise his hands and offer joyful prayers to the **** he believes in:

"Praise the dark lady Bonasa, who is in control of disasters and despair, this wonderful sacrifice represents my excited heart. Following your will, I have used the lightless, shadowless, colorless and invisible curse blade to cut it down. The enemy’s head is lost, in this dark..."

   "That... Mr. Samoan, can you pause your prayers? Our magic communication card seems to have received some urgent information."

"...What's the matter, Noodor? I said you are also a true god, don't you know that it is very impolite to interrupt the prayers of a devout believer, my beautiful dark goddess is still there? Waiting for my sacrifice?"

Hearing that his companion or "follower" interrupted him with a flustered Samoan, whose expression looked both vicious and impatient, turned her head and expressed herself in arrogant words Dissatisfaction.

In essence, the ancient goddess of darkness is already a "machine **** who has lost his feelings and thoughts, but it is precisely for this reason that Pastor Samoan, as a devout believer, can control the entire dark church and maintain himself. His absolute piety, now as an extremely rare "Legendary Pious Disciple", it is of course not pleasant to be interrupted in his important prayers, so Pastor Morning Star's tone must not be better.

Of course, the guys who can be hired by the Pantheon must have the most basic sense even if they are professionals in the evil camp, so even if their attitude is very bad, Samoan still mumbled and took out the difference. I put my white energy card in my palm.

   After detecting the source of the magic card information, even the dark priest, who had a frantic expression and distorted eyes, had to calm down quickly.

  Because the sender of the message displayed on that white card was not someone else, it was the highest decision maker appointed by the Pantheon in this war-the "God of Killing" smiled.

   This is an "emergency divine communication" sent by a medium divine power god!



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