Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1220: Threat of failure

"Where do you want to go? Sad worm"!

"Huiyue-level incantation system spells-"The Towering Magic Hand"!

Directly using the "towering magic hand", the most attacking branch of the magic hand series of spells, pierced the magical portal that Samoan was about to build. In a blink of an eye, the starry moon caster had passed the "super long distance" The wormhole constructed by the "Effective Teleportation" technique stepped into the undefended plane of the wave listener.

Facts have proved that smiling judgment is not alarmist. Under the rapid action of "Destroying Whispers", Pastor Morningstar, who has little or no defense, is destined to ask for more blessings, because his imaginary escape plan is compared to a Hui The speed of the monthly professional is more like a trivial joke. Perhaps from the moment he failed to evacuate from the "crisis scene" in time, there is no escape, and almost no unavoidable death. May be avoided.

In fact, before the shining fragments scattered by magic power splashed into the boundless ocean of rolling waves, even a divine spell was not released and Samoa was completely grasped by the punk magic palm. For a Huiyue powerhouse, using powerful combat spells to control a Morningstar professional is as simple as an adult picking up a child.

And in the "Destroy Whisper" angry magic surging process, it is impossible to tolerate the Morningstar priest who was caught in mid-air struggling. The seven or eight layers of magical shield on his body has already begun to be cracked in the face of huge legal pressure. Crunching.

"It looks like I'm late? My subordinates are dead? Very good, very good, so that... annoying rescue operations can become a pleasant revenge mission, don't you? You think you are now How's your mood? You reckless trash."


There is no need to say or justify, the cold-eyed punk directly controlled the "towering magic hand" and crushed the four layers of magical shield on Samoan. A large number of divine power fragments flowed and splashed in the gap of the giant hand phantom. Come, and the miserable priest who was still struggling with frenzied energy agitating for the last second also became bleeding and languid in the blink of an eye.

It only takes one simple attack to hit, and a strong Morningstar loses all resistance in the hands of punk. The current "Destroy Whisper" can be regarded as the super strong at the top throughout the multiverse, even if it is Ordinary Huiyue Mage is not an opponent at all in front of him, let alone Samoan is just an average Morningstar professional?

In fact, as long as necessary, Mage Huiyue who has captured the enemy who has "attempted to abscond" can retaliate at any time by killing all the "garbage" in his hands. He has not killed Samoan for the time being and is just trying to interrogate some intelligence. .

Although such remedial actions cannot conceal a certain "temporary reviewer"'s misjudgment in the strategic layout, the caster can at least guarantee that the pantheon's magic sticks will not be able to sway their own men and leave easily. He can "steal home and steal spring water" with the advantage of intelligence. Isn't he punk still not knowing how to paint a gourd?

Or to think about it carefully... Isn't this kind of behavior of exchanging the lives of your teammates for the lives of the enemy?

And can you use two ordinary legends to replace the other's weak supernatural power plus a Morningstar powerhouse and still have a profit?

Of course, regardless of loss or no loss, in a sense, "Destroy Whispers" must also be admitted-although the delay of smiling may not be a perfect harvest, her battle is definitely effective.

For example, punk can be sure that his speed of action is fast enough, but he did not expect to rush all the time, and finally he did not have time to rescue the hapless ogre mage and new performer.

In fact, as soon as he stepped into this plane of water with more than 90% of the area composed of the ocean, the extremely keen "Whisper of Destruction" had already noticed the bodies of two legendary professionals familiar to him.

There is no doubt that Ba Beng and the "Campfire Moth" have fallen. No matter how much excuses the account book is to change the subject, an established fact is undeniable-Master Huiyue’s rescue operation failed. Irrefutable............

"The feeling of failure is disgusting, and the irritability of losing property is even more intolerable. Little pastor who knows nothing about life and death, I can guarantee that today I am definitely the most angry me since I was promoted to the legend." If you want to get a little bit of survival Opportunity, then I suggest you better quickly tell everything you know about the Pantheon."

The unlucky Samoan who threatened the bleeding in his mouth and nose with a cold tone, the punk who had constructed a "cone of destruction" in his hand had aimed at Pastor Chenxing's head with the vertebral tip flashing dim and cold.

And in order to improve the efficiency of interrogation, "Destroy Whispers" has not forgotten the luminous moon-level spell that activates the solidification of the dark gold pupil, "horror and condensed", looking directly at the enemy's soul.

Death from power, fear from magic, pain from one's own body...Multiple Vias merge into one. I believe that most professionals with insufficient willpower will lose their obsession to resist at this moment, right?

After all, the longer you live, the more you are afraid of death. This sentence is more than just talking. In fact, most legendary powerhouses with eternal lifespan are much more afraid of death than ordinary mortals who will one day die. When the threat of death comes. At that time, more than 90% of professionals will try to seize every opportunity for survival. Punk has reason to think that the evil camp priest who is exuding dark law fluctuations in front of him is no exception.

However, the facts proved............ This time "Destroy Whispers" guessed wrong again.

Religious lunatics have always been unreasonable. They always regard themselves as slaves of the sad faith, the absurd gods as the supreme masters, and the religious scriptures that are like wicked and ridiculous words as absolute beliefs. Even death will not be seen by believers.

Perhaps most of the legendary priests and the gods they believe in are profitable cooperative relations, but perhaps because of an indescribable coincidence, or perhaps because of the intentional arrangement of the Pantheon, this time the Samo hired to participate in the war An happens to be one of the very few people who believe in the true pious Morning Star priesthood!

So when Mage Huiyue finished talking about the gloomy threat of his unpleasant mood, the Pastor Morningstar, who was caught in the "towering magic hand," not only did not break his mind in fear as punk imagined, on the contrary, he still pretended Ruo crazy laughed.

And along with the piercing laughter of the madman resounding through the sky, the violent divine power fluctuations, like the atomic energy of the fission reaction, generally began to violently expand in the narrow space of the mage's hand:

"Hey, hey, I've heard of your name, Mr. Sai'an, are you threatening me now? It's terrible and terrible, I'm really scared! But I am the heir of the dark night, the believer of Ms. Yongye, Archbishop of the Dark God Court! I don't allow myself to accept any existential threats, even death threats, so give up, you won't get anything from me, you won't get anything, hahahaha"!