Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1221: Suicide

Samoan is a mad believer in the evil god, even if the goddess of darkness he serves has actually become a divine machine without self-awareness due to the erosion of the priesthood a long time ago, but this obviously does not affect the madness of the devout. His own deity offers faith.

According to the doctrine once formulated by the God of Darkness, it is the most cowardly and intolerable performance for a dark believer to succumb to the threat of the enemy, so even the current Morningstar priest has been used by the luminous moon strongman to represent death and fall. Aiming at his head, but the dark archbishop who was so scared that his pupils were trembling still restrained the normal creatures' instinctive fear of death with crazy faith and piety.

There is no need to hesitate and think, the next moment Samoan will go crazy and run the divine energy in his soul. He is now trying to use self-detonation to add even a little trouble to the enemy.

In fact, as early as when this unreasonable priest received the warning with a smile, he was probably prepared to use self-destructive means to defend the "supreme" majesty that the Dark Court should have!

"I am Samoan, the person of dark praise. I serve the goddess of darkness to spread evil to the world. The eternal night is destined to swallow the entire multiverse, and the deep night is destined to turn into a god's skirt to blow the souls of all living things... Come on, give me death, arrogant caster, but your victory tells nothing at all. My fall is just a new journey, and you are destined to be silent forever in the dark one day, haha, hahahaha" !

"It's an unreasonable lunatic. Belief is just an epitaph for the cowardly to deceive themselves. I didn't expect that even in the realm of Morningstar, there will be idiots being fooled by "belief."

Bathed in the violent wind energy flow set off by the divine energy, feeling the waves of the misty ocean, because of the gathering of wind and clouds, turbulent waves erupted, staring blankly at Samoan, who was firmly pinched by the "towering magic hand" "Destroy Whispers" did not show any extra emotional color.

I saw that after a brisk wave of understatement, a luminous and dim dark black cone shot out from the punk's hand, and the "cone of destruction" of the torn space and law in an instant was even easier to penetrate. The moving head of the Morningstar priest.

So after the brains splashed into the sea with fragments of soul merged into the ocean current, the breath and energy that Samoan had just condensed to half came to an abrupt end.

Obviously, after losing half of his head and all his soul, he has fallen on this vast ocean of wave listener planes. Under the gaze of a shining strongman, the prolonged prelude of the Morningstar professional "blows" but It was a helpless joke. Before some crazy souls had condensed enough energy to cause an explosion, a random spell attack of the Moon level was enough to interrupt this slow explosion.

Of course, Samoan must also know that his so-called self-detonation is actually impossible to achieve any effect. His behavior is just seeking death as soon as possible. Now a "destruction cone" has penetrated the soul, which is almost The guy who can escape from birth can be regarded as getting what he wanted...

"The **** fool is dead, so now...this young and weak divine god, do you have to give your life for the faith of seeing the dead like your predecessors did"?

A casual glance confirmed the death of Pastor Morningstar. The disappointed "Whisper of Destruction" was not too entangled in his low gains. After all, even if Samoan’s mouth was hard, he would not say anything, but now he is watching "Senior "Will the weak divine power "fellow" with every muscle trembling all over the body of the corpse is so stiff?

The horror of death is always effective. In the face of death, most creatures are destined to have no choice. Although the amount of information that a weak divine power can know is definitely not comparable to a strong Morningstar priest, what about that sentence? Speaking of?

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat. A little intelligence is better than nothing.

Anyway, punk no longer expects his subordinates to be able to bring himself any valuable information or results, so now "Destroy Whispers" has decided to take care of the work of collecting intelligence after the battle-because of teammates Too stupid, he has already taken care of everything that should be taken care of, so there is no shortage of intelligence work.

So staring indifferently at the frightened **** Noodore, Mage Huiyue, whose dark golden eyes flickered with cold light, asked directly:

"Come on, talk about what you know about the Pantheon. How many great divine powers are there among the decision-making members of the Gods Association? How many people have you sent against me this time? Smiling? What are the plans? Report the whereabouts of my subordinates to the Pantheon where the goddess of harvest and the goddess of water elements went? I can see that you don’t want to die, don’t you...that not worth mentioning killing The gods will never come to save you, and now your life is in my hands."

In the gloomy words, every word, "Destroy Whispers", all pointed to the key points of the Pantheon's plan.

Although punk does not know the skills of interrogation and the art of questioning, he believes that suspending a moon-level spell "Destroy the Death Cone" on the enemy's forehead is the most efficient method of questioning For example, now, just now The weak divine power who had witnessed the fall of a Morningstar priest and looked completely desperate seemed to be unable to sustain it.

"I...I can tell you everything I know, but...but how do you guarantee that you won't kill me after I tell everything"?

"There is no guarantee! There is no need to guarantee. Today you obviously have only two paths to choose. First: I will kill you immediately, and you will definitely die! Second: Tell me, I’m in a better mood and may take you. Exchange some ransom with the smiling guy. Which path do you want to choose?"


Well, the so-called choice is actually no choice. I believe that in the face of "sooner or later" and "immediately", people with a slightly stronger desire to survive will choose the former, not to mention the fact that punk's words are faintly given. There was a little more hope out of Noord.

It must be admitted that "the so-called and unlucky girl **** of greedy Huiyue mage asking for a ransom" is the only hope of this weak divine power at present, even if this hope is matched with the "Destroy Whisper" that resounds through the multiverse "legendary killer" "How do you think about the title, but... even a little hope is worth fighting for."