Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1226: Come on

When watching his sister running towards him with a beautiful wreath of prizes, the seemingly helpless look of Oakleys is actually very mixed. He doesn't know what kind of expression he should show. Mimibez was as enthusiastic as a child who gave a gift. He didn't know what language he should use to express his feelings.

There is no doubt that in the folk activities such as the Emerald Green Leaf Town, Mi Mi Bezi suddenly stepped onto the stage like a professional player hanging on bronze children, facing the beautiful girl’s moving singing voice and the allure of the country. Wonderful dance, even if the audience can't understand what a piece of music sung in abyssal language is telling, they are still willing to vote for girls who are completely beyond the ordinary.

So after the end of this exciting event, the "Candy Merchant" who participated in the competition took away the magic wreath that was the first prize with a crushing advantage of his talent.

This is a perfect performance, isn't it? To witness the dancing of a great legend, the small town of Emerald Green Leaf is also lucky to get an incredible but useless.

Maybe mortals who don't understand the abyss language don't know what kind of story the beautiful girl is telling. Even if they understand the abyss language, they can't know what the girl dancing on the stage wants to express.

But standing in the dark corner of the square, the Devil Grand Duke, who has been staring at his sister intently, understands exactly what kind of mood this song "Persistent Light Chaser" implies, and he also understands Mi Mibei very well. How precious is the sincerity of the thoughts I want to convey to myself.

However, in fact, it is precisely because he knows his sister too much and knows what that mood means, that Okris, who is silent, will eventually be unable to say anything... Yes, he has no way at all. Open your mouth.

Oakris knew that the legendary spellcaster who stepped into the deepest part of the multiverse in order to chase the first beam of heaven and earth was named Anne Heather, a powerful wizard who was relatively famous in the ancient Age of Awakeners.

Oakleys also knows that people call Anne Heather the "persistent light chaser" because her persistent spirit is really amazing and emotional, and the most important thing is that her story can be a song The little-known songs and dances were sung because... After embarking on the legendary journey of chasing the stars, she never came back...

In the ending of the story sung by Mimibezi, the persistent light chaser finally found the magical beam of extraordinary significance. She found the perfect "truth" she dreamed of.

But in the cruel reality, who knows why tens of billions of years have passed, and the spellcaster, who had never feared all difficulties and decided to set off, has not returned with precious knowledge and gains?

That is a problem that is easy to be ignored, and it is also a problem that is difficult to be ignored.

"Oakris, it's rare to have a good holiday. What do you do with a stern face? Hurry up and bring the wreath that your elder sister gave you, and let me see if the flowers on the wreath match my lovely brother." ?

Involuntarily handing the garland to the silent Oakley, the smile of the "Candy Merchant" in the sun not only did not have the coldness of the devil, but was full of gentle warmth.

Even if the distance between the teenager and the girl is very long, and even if it takes a lot of time for the wreath to be handed to the other party, it doesn't matter. The patient Mimibezi is willing to wait for it.

She is always so patient, just like waiting for the owner to come home for the cat...

However, Oakles, who pressed his lips tightly, did not accept the gift from his sister. He watched the bright flowers blooming on the wreath. The devil's choice, who raised his head seriously, took a strong step forward, and then controlled his mental power. Gently picked up the wreath, and solemnly put it on the head of the astonished girl.

The colorful flowers and the bright red robes set off each other, and the petite "Candy Merchant" looks so beautiful at this moment.

"Sister...I promise you will not give up on myself, because since you have decided to chase the shining brilliance hidden in the night, then I will keep it in front of you anyway, waiting for your arrival. …………But don’t worry, okay? Ms. Anne Heather took a long time to find her destination. You also need to be patient. Promise me that we will not participate after this action. The dangerous actions of the "executors" are now. We can find resources to try to suppress the "Soul of Sorrow" riots, but following the "Whisper of Destruction" officer is really too risky..."

Looking at the bright and beautiful eyes of the "Candy Merchant" with extremely seriousness, Oakley's tone was still so serious for the first time since he contracted an unsolvable disease.

Facing the perseverance and perseverance of relatives, sometimes ignorant resistance is not the right choice. As the "understood" lying down on the hospital bed, it is also necessary to understand the suffering of the "understanding".

In fact, after passing the garland once, Oakley, who felt a little bit, already understood this truth.


"I promise you, Oakris, my cutest brother."

Mimibezi, who gently stretched out her hand to straighten the wreath on her head, gradually changed her expression from surprise to calmness. This time, Mimibezi did not use her sister's majesty to refute.

She agrees with the juvenile's point of view, or she is willing to believe that her brother promised her.

As a "light chaser" who is obsessed with chasing the light, if you know that a glimmer of glory will always exist in the night sky, then some eager mood will be relieved a lot, right?

So the very natural side of his head bloomed with a beautiful The "Candy Merchant" who rekindled confidence raised his head and said joyfully to the tall boy in front of him:

"Well, the intelligence of the Eternal Forest will be all over after exploring the Eternal Forest, let's do it together."

"Well, let's work hard together"!

"Yes, let's work hard together"!



That...Although it's a bit out of date, let's wait a moment.

After the first sentence of "Come on together" mentioned by Mimibezi, the person who took the second sentence of "Come on together" decisively was naturally Oakles who was in a lot of sunshine.

The question now is...

Where did the third sentence "Come on together" come from?