Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1227: Mysterious existence

When the last very weird "Come on together" suddenly appeared in the lively air of the small town, not only was Oakles stunned, who was still smiling in the last second. Zi also stunned.

There are only two people present, so where did the third sentence come from? How can the guy who can use the mental power information to participate in the conversation of the legendary professional is an ordinary person? Why does this unknown existence hide and stare at the two "common traveling merchants" and suddenly expose their figure in such a nasty and interesting way?

So there is no need to hesitate more, the two "executors" have the most vigilant response in the first time.

There are enemies! And the enemy is around!


"Who? Who is talking"?

Pulling out the small dagger pinned to her waist, Mimibezi, whose eyes widened in an instant, immediately entered into a fully armed battle state. The Devil Grand Duke beside her also decisively pressed his lips and turned and glanced behind her. .

In fact, up to this moment, the two legendary professionals who had been immersed in emotional expression just now were surprised to find that since when, the emerald green leaf town where people come and go has become a bit strange. The pedestrians who come and go seem to have subconsciously ignored the two vigilant young girls in the corner. The hustle and bustle of civilization seems to have been completely isolated from the corner of this square, and they are in the cold shadow. In the middle, the warmth brought by the bright sun has long since dissipated............

Facing an enemy in the dark is a terrible thing, and facing a powerful enemy who can let yourself into a trap without knowing it is an extremely terrifying experience, and now the "Candy Merchant" feels most terrifying-- Less than a second ago, this completely unknown "secret observer" took the initiative to participate in the discussion between her and her brother, but now Mimibezi and Oakley are very vigilant back to back. After spinning three times in place, they still didn't find any traces of the "enemy"!

So it didn't take long for drops of hot sweat to drip from the little businessman's white forehead.

She had no idea what the purpose of this mysterious and mysterious uninvited guest was to tease herself so, was it to deliberately let the opponent fall into a suspicious state of fear and unable to exert their full strength, or because... the other party has the confidence to easily solve the two problems A legendary professional, the current "joke" is just deliberately showing a powerful force?

The only thing that Mimibez can be sure of is that-both the former and the latter undoubtedly represent a fatal danger, and the feeling of knowing that the danger exists but not being able to find the source of the danger is definitely worth any legendary powerhouse sweating all over.


"Since your Excellency has come here but has not attacked yet, does it mean that there is no absolute need to fight between us? Then, in this elven forest, you can do things like yours. Who is the strongest?"

Silently analyzed, Oakles did not blindly regard the unknown existence as an inevitable enemy. In his words, the true identity of this strange legendary powerhouse is even more important than his purpose of being a light bulb to disturb his brothers and sisters. .

In fact, the answer to this question is not difficult to answer, is it?

Before arranging for the legendary twin sisters and brothers to enter the Eternal Forest, Punk also told them about the professional intelligence information of the Elf King Court, so both Mimibezi and Oakris knew that there are three legendary professions in the Eternal Forest today. The two "enemies" who only reached the level of ordinary legends are the "Legendary Druid-"Quenching Bite" Rodati-Bladefang, and the legendary ranger-"Misty Morrowind" Rikhos-Thin rain.

And the other priest who reached the realm of Morning Star during the last visit of "Whisper of Destruction" is the famous chief priest of the Cult of Life, "The Pious" Aikar-Call of Life.

So, among the three legends under the goddess of life, who can have the power to proactively "mouse" the two legendary warlocks and make the other party unable to find themselves?

I'm afraid it can only be the chief priest of the weird priest who made the "Destroy Whispers" unpredictable, right?

"... Huh, my lovely brother, your advice is really correct. Now we have the information, but our traces have also been exposed. This is completely finished."

Mimibezi, who silently put down the dagger in his hand, shook his head helplessly, had basically given up all unnecessary resistance.

She and Oakley are just ordinary legendary professionals. It is absolutely unrealistic to expect two ordinary legends to fight against a morning star powerhouse.

What's more, it’s been more than 100,000 years since the last time punk saw Aikar. In such a long time flow, since the “Destroy Whispers” that were a bit lower than the “Pious” back then have been Becoming a powerful person in Huiyue, what kind of realm will the current "Call of Life" enter?

This question doesn’t seem to make much difference to the hapless Legendary Gemini. Anyway, neither Chenxing nor Huiyue can beat them. Now since the powerful existence observing from the dark has not taken action to kill the "invaders swaggering into the Eternal Forest "Then, as the weaker party, it is better to give up the arrangement of resisting and provoking and waiting for the enemy.

Although this "response to the enemy" method is very spineless, as long as it can survive...what's the use of spineless things? Can you eat it?

Decisively leading his younger brother to raise his hands to express surrender, whether it is the "Candy Merchant" or the Devil Archduke, they are all "time-savvy people". In the short process of judgment, they have already recognized their position.

"Well, we failed. We asked for the treatment of humanitarian prisoners from the deity of the good camp. In return, we will answer all your questions do you think"?

"... Are you really the subordinates of the stinky and hard-tempered "Destroy Whisper"? This kind of casual personality is really different from the impression that Mr. Sai'an gives, but I have to admit what you did The choice is very wise, so that we can all reduce a lot of unfriendly collisions with each other."

"Kacha Kacha"!

Accompanied by the sincere surrender words of the "Candy Merchant", a small green sapling planted on the edge of the square suddenly began to grow rapidly. Less than a second passed, the lush sapling just now It has grown into a towering tree with luxuriant branches, and among the trunk of the tree, a smiling man in a white robe also slowly revealed his figure from a green brilliance.

Obviously, Oakley's guess is correct. The mysterious existence who has been watching the young girl and suddenly interjecting to show his sense of existence is this powerful priest "Pious" who always smiles!

And what is most worthy of the surprise of the two legendary warlocks is that the Aikar who came to them at this moment is already a terrifying and terrifying bright moon powerhouse!