Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1240: Aikar's calculations

"Your words sound very unpleasant, Mr. "Call of Life", you should be thankful that I am busy now and have no spare time, otherwise you will definitely not end well today. You must know my professional level. It’s about to improve, and now I really want to find a sandbag that doesn’t have long eyes to practice my proficient skills in actual combat spells.”

Hearing Pastor Huiyue’s arrogant remarks and attitude, the punk with slightly narrowed eyes became a little angry, watching the still smiling priest standing with his back against a tree with only half of the canopy left, whispering "Destruction" in words In the course of the confrontation, he was unwilling to suffer.

To be honest, the caster doesn’t care if he is helping a real bad guy. After all, as the "evil archmage" well-known throughout the multiverse, the bad reputation of the "temporary reviewer of the silent" is already in the wizard's union and Wan The successor propaganda of the two legendary organizations in the temple cannot be broken anymore.

God knows that most legends now generally believe that a certain "monster spellcaster" living in the Great Plains of Hatak is evil and crazy, and will kill anyone he dislikes indiscriminately? Among the bards of the mundane world, the title of "Destroy Whispers" has been demonized into "the unstoppable world destroyer, the ultimate ruler of all things, and each awakening will crush half of the multiverse life." Great Demon"!

With so many terrible reputations, wouldn't the punk still care if he has one more or one missing "Elven King Slayer" title that doesn't sound enough?

Anyway, the only legendary organization in this world that may use "punish evil" as an excuse to be nosy is only the Pantheon, and the punk who killed the "large group" of priests in the Pantheon has long been feuded with that group of gods. So, it doesn't matter if you are more "evil" or not. For a "great demon god" such as the caster of Bright Moon, more bad reputation can also increase some dispensable deterrence.

It must be admitted that what the "piety" said is correct in this respect. He can confidently and punk confess his conspiracy and cruelty without any consideration, because even if Master Huiyue recorded all this information Then it spread everywhere, and the legendary professionals with normal minds and rational judgments could not believe the words of "Destroy Whispers" to question Aikal's actions.

What's more, in this era of turbulent legendary islands, which legendary professional would care about the truth of things that have nothing to do with his own personal interests?

We must know that the life **** cult has long been led by the "piety" to withdraw from the pantheon. The current "good priest" only needs to deceive the remaining compatriots and two ordinary legends with poor brains to complete his Conspiracy—and given the fanatical prestige that this guy has built over millions of years, he wants to do this without any effort.

Well, this is a very complete conspiracy and plan. The calculations and execution steps are even worthy of a humbly study by a spellcaster who has no strategic vision.

However, no matter how perfect Aikar’s plan is, the bad-tempered punk will not be indifferent to the fact that he is being used. In fact, he really wants to immediately twist the head of the arrogant "piety" into magic. Handicrafts, it's just that for reasons of reason, Master Huiyue, who wants to know more about the other party, didn't reveal his excessive anger for the time being.

Yes, more intelligence!

Punk knows that Aikar's conspiracy may have hidden important connotations. For example, the wealth of a great divine **** who "has no power to bind the chicken" is easily interesting.

Psycheona is an ancient and powerful god. How could the wealth she has accumulated over the years not be exciting? Since the current Pastor Huiyue has the courage to use his punk subordinates to achieve his ambitions, isn't it a natural "retribution" to be robbed of many or all of the results by the bitter master who came to him?

There is no free lunch in this cold world.

So staring indifferently into Aikar's eyes, the unemotional spellcaster in his tone did not hesitate to speak calmly and threateningly:

"Yes, no one will doubt that you, a "good priest", have a series of nonsense. The destruction of the Elf Royal Court has been one of my achievements since the moment it happened, but... you think After you let me know so many things, would I just let you go? To put it bluntly, I am very interested in the wealth of your so-called goddess of life. As an unexpected collaborator, it is also time for you Take out those mysterious things and "share".

Hmm, how can the robbery of the legendary powerhouse be called robbery? This is called sharing! It is a form of active or passive cooperation.

The "whispering of destruction" at this moment is to charge reasonable "back-to-back fees" from the blinking "piety". The so-called business is business, and the sale of stolen goods is stolen. The scapegoat is never the point.


"I often hear that "Destroy Whispers" is greedy, arrogant and defiant. What I have seen now is that it is true... Well, your time is precious and limited, and my time is also not to be wasted. After all, everyone still has a lot of trouble to do. To deal with it, in this case...then we have absolutely no reason to play endlessly here and waste each other's time, right? So..."


I took out a large square lavender metal block more than one meter high and placed it on the clearing in the center of the Ikal who slowly retreated hundreds of meters away is rare. Put on a serious expression and said to punk:

"This is one of the collections from the Kingdom of Psyche-a full ton of Otitata metal ore. It is a very precious luminous moon level magic material. Now I am willing to take it out as this How about the compensation for this incident? Is Mr. Sai An still satisfied? You must know that there are many such good things that only I can get in the kingdom of the goddess of life, but I don’t need it as a priest, so I think We can become business partners without having to worry about a little misunderstanding and refuse to let it go."

Once again confidently showing a friendly smile, Pastor Huiyue's figure has been almost completely hidden behind the huge Otitata metal ore without knowing it.

Obviously, this calculating priest has already figured out how to deal with punk's "robbing". As a conspirator, Aikar's layout and methods really exceed those of professionals who have not experienced human calculations. Up.

. Nine Heavens God Emperor