Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1244: Golden figure

"Miss Linka, don't be kidding, approaching the magic tower or something...Even the guys who cross the Hatak Plain in order to complete the journey as soon as possible without their lives dare not mention it."

Silently walked behind my eldest lady, stretched out her pale fingers to tidy up the scattered long hair of the girl known as "Miss Lynka", the young maid with a gentle smile couldn't help but pretending to be mature and spoke with a rational attitude. Words.

Although she knows that the girl who is worrying definitely doesn't want to hear her say these boring things, but as a "personal maid", it is necessary for her to correct some of the wrong ideas of the master, isn't it?

So patiently tied the long chestnut hair of the eldest lady with a white jade hairpin, ignoring the girl's slight complaining eyes and continued to explain patiently:

"Well, there are many legends about the archmage called "Destroy Whispers". After all, it is said that the magic tower has existed since the Khatak Plains existed, but it is necessary to ask a legendary powerhouse how powerful it is How powerful is... I only heard from Mr. O'Rourke, who taught the Miss Geography course, that someone had studied the plate structure around the Hatak Plain a long time ago, and then discovered a large area spreading out with the plain as the center. There have been obvious and unnatural fracture marks in the terrain. Those should be the cracks created by powerful spells. So maybe the terrible legendary powerhouse can really destroy the country easily with gestures......well, hair tied. Don’t mess up anymore.”

After combing and softening every hair of the aristocratic girl, the maid named Anna looked at Linda with pity as if her sister was looking at her sister. She knew that the "rich aristocratic decent" method she used to tie her hair would have How uncomfortable, but there is no way, the world of nobles is so ridiculous, noble children without professional talents can only dress up and become helpless goods, who can say that the daughter of a noble family is truly happy? ?

Of course, the noble girl who has not been married to a foreign country for the time being is still eligible to continue to maintain a little bit of curiosity that belongs to her alone. Sitting on the tall siege beast, she can also enjoy the beautiful magical magic in the distance. Tower, dreaming about the adventures and adventures in the story of the bard.

It's a pity, where is there any "adventure" in the real helpless life? Some are only the wind and sand during the journey and exhaustion after the journey...

"Miss, it's breakfast time, the chef has prepared your favorite red bean pie."

Just when the noble girl was talking with her maid and couldn't touch the margins, a plain-looking girl in an apron appeared on the high-rise deck stairs of the Siege Behemoth.

She was the servant who came to inform the noble lady to go to dinner.

"Thank you for the reminder, tell Miss Zweig that you already know~"

Thank you from afar. After responding instead of the aristocratic girl who was still staring at the dusty sofa in the distance, the young maid who watched the food notifier walk down the wooden stairs did not forget to quickly turn around and remind gently:

"Miss, it's breakfast time, Master Zweig is still waiting for you, and the red bean pie won't taste good after a long time......well, what are you looking at"?

Anna, who looked back, thought that her own lady would be happy to hear the red bean pie just like before, and temporarily forget the prairie scenery and the magic tower in the distance to the table, but this time she found that Linka who suddenly stood up was not there. Regarding the hearty breakfast, he clenched the railing probe of the deck and looked in the direction of the caravan.

Siege behemoths are generally more than 50 meters tall and travel at speeds of up to 80 kilometers per hour. Stretching their heads at this height to look out is a bit dangerous even for apprentice fighters.

So after discovering the curious girl's sudden probe behavior, the first reaction of the young maid was to grab Linka's shoulder and try to pull the other person's seemingly petite and thin body.

Of course, with the power of an ordinary woman, it is impossible to sway a professional who has two professional levels anyway, so in the end, the helpless Anna can only look at the wind and sand with the wayward lady. .

"What's the matter, is there something?"

The young maid who doesn't possess extraordinary power certainly can't see too many details. Even with her eyes wide open, she can only see a glorious golden light in the rolling sand with her ordinary eyesight.

But for Linka, who is an apprentice warrior, her vision far beyond that of a falcon is fully capable of capturing the rare light and shadow under the cover of wind and sand, so she just stared at the direction of the siege behemoth for the first time. , The noble girl has discovered a very amazing shiny existence.

It was a young man dressed as a knight wearing a golden armor. Even the flying dust could not conceal the gorgeous brilliance that he exudes. The two suns in the early morning could only be reduced to a setting in the sky, although the other party Just standing quietly next to the caravan's route without making any moves, but Linka can still swear that she has never seen such a handsome and handsome male character.

Prince Charming? Hero hero? Merry and suave?

This kind of adjectives are not enough to describe the handsomeness of the young man in the eyes of the noble girl at this moment. She can only feel the acceleration of her heartbeat and the hot cheeks under the glittering golden glimpse, and it will last for several seconds of stunned time In the past, the "eldest lady" who had suddenly reacted hurriedly grabbed a young maid with misty eyes and narrowed her eyes and said loudly:

"Wow, hurry up and tell Master Zweig to stop advancing, you are about to... hit someone"!

Well, the driver of the carriage found someone standing in the middle of the road and stopped quickly to avoid a traffic accident. It can only be said that Linka's way of thinking is very consistent with the thinking and logic of "normal people".

However, although the maid placed next to the noble lady may not have the ability to fight, her knowledge and maturity are definitely not comparable to that of a pampered noble daughter, so after hearing the "nonsense" of her own eldest lady, her expression was big. The changed Anna said urgently:

"Here is the border of the Khatak Plain which is two or three years away from the nearest could ordinary people and even ordinary professionals appear in front of our road? We must hurry up and take this matter. Report to Master Zweig, we..."


"Kacha Kacha"!

It must be admitted that there is nothing wrong with the young maid’s initial thoughts. In this dangerous world, if you encounter strangers who suddenly appear in unreasonable places, you should be vigilant.

However, she obviously does not know how fast the official-level professionals can react. If even an aristocratic girl who is casually watching and watching finds that there is an "obstacle" on the way forward, the official-level bodyguard employed by the caravan How could there be no response at all?

In fact, she didn’t even wait for Anna to finish her words. The wooden floor of the siege behemoth that stopped moving had already cracked the gap due to the huge inertial impact, and the violent ground vibration immediately interrupted the two girls. Conversation between.