Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1257: Real planner

The real planner of the action is the old Eman of the Santarin Society. There is nothing to conceal. Moreover, the Moon Knight who wants to cooperate with punk can't do more concealment, so now this unreasonable fact is no surprise. Punk guessed the clue... Kane simply explained directly.

I saw that the mad knight maintained a calm tone and said frankly:

"You are right. The old Mr. Eman is our collaborator, and the main planner of this adventure is also under the crown of the ancient Sun Throne, but the fact that we cooperate with him does not violate silence. Isn’t it the interests of the alliance? After all, the "chairman" has never come back. Poor professionals like you and me are understandable even if they seize the opportunity to earn a little extra money, not to mention the old Mr. Eman is our ally, and It is only natural for allies to reach cooperation. They all help each other and help each other. My uncle believes that such cooperation does not require much attention."

Don’t ask, ask just say cooperation, ask is to help each other, betrayal or something does not exist, although punk bluntly referred to the existence of the “scarlet scepter” as the “new master” behind Kane, but The eloquent Radiant Moon Knight obviously does not recognize this fact. He positioned himself as "making extra money, not conflicting with the interests of the Silent Alliance, and of course helping allies"...

Although it sounds a bit sophistry, in fact, this statement sounds really self-deceptive, right? After all, the excuse of "helping each other" sounds really perfect.

Of course, it is not yet time for "Destroy Whispers" to express his position, and he doesn't need to make a decision on such a earth-shattering event so early, so he stared at the crazy knight's face with a perfunctory smile, and the understatement revealed it. The punk on this topic continued to ask:

"Then why does old Mr. Eman look for you and me, these two "allies" as the cooperation target of this "cooperation"? If he has the confidence and means to deal with the makeup queen, let him be a powerful one Isn’t it good for the throne of Yaori to go to the Cyborg Eye to harvest wealth in person? As long as the price he pays is attractive enough, I don’t mind selling him the identification code of a great master. You must be heartless. The Cavaliers are also willing to sell your fake identity at a reasonable price, right?"

There is no doubt between the words, the problem of punk still grasps the key point as always.

Yes, since the old Eman knows that there are two professionals in the world today who hold the identification code to enter the Eye of Doroth, then why doesn't he go and swallow the wealth on the moon? As long as the bid is appropriate enough, the identification code is not impossible to buy, right?

But in fact... the idea of ​​the "scarlet scepter" that has lived from the end of the Age of Awakeners to today is obviously difficult to figure out, and even Kane cannot explain such a problem on behalf of a mysterious Sun Throne and punk.

So after the caster’s doubts, the "Instant Kill Gun", who silently shook his head, just resigned helplessly:

"Oh, this is not a question I am qualified to answer, but this uncle can guarantee that as long as you are willing to participate in this operation, Mr. Eman will definitely give you a reasonable explanation, but this uncle thinks you don’t need it either. Too suspicious, isn’t it? Isn’t it true that the "Scarlet Scepter" is called "the lowest-profile shining power ever" for no reason, and in this era of legendary islands, even if it is as strong as the shining throne, Find a few powerful helpers?

In theory, there are six Huiyues in the Silent Alliance, including you and this uncle, but have you seen the other four people even show up once over the years? Pastor Huiyue under the Pantheon’s banner is less than eight, but who else can they instigate besides a "smile" that doesn't know the sky and earth? As the saying goes, the longer you live, the more you are afraid of death. The more you understand, the more timid you will be. God knows if you and I can live for millions of years, will you become a reclusive legend like those guys like ostriches?

As for the old Lord Eman, needless to say, his subordinates who can command originally only have a few ordinary legends and a "death pattern wind lantern" that was originally qualified to advance to Huiyue, but I heard that Walkway That lunatic was killed by you... Now, apart from two ambitious adventurers, you and me, he can't find anyone else who is capable and willing to help him find the secret treasure of the semi-mechanical moon, right?"?


It must be admitted that Baron Bethadas’s words are very reasonable. As he said, this is a desperate era called a legendary island. In fact, there will never be a lack of opportunities, but with ancient resistance. The difference between the Serel period and even the vigorous Awakener era is that few legendary professionals now regard "opportunity" as "opportunity".

The tide of destiny has come twice. The legends of the older generation who were not safe enough have all fallen into the roaring waves. The rest of the people can be said to be "rising stars" who have "experienced the heights of the sky". The identity of a professional watched the fall of the strong while silently learning the low-key and convergence.

Once low-key and astringent become a habit, it is very difficult to get rid of it.

"I already have an infinite lifespan and the power to enslave the plane. Why should I risk my life to fight or explore the world? Isn't it good to stay in my own one-third of acres to eat, drink and play? Anyway, the multiverse is so big, If I don’t go out to Langyaori, professionals can’t even know my existence. Why should I have nothing to do to challenge the long river of fate to "find my own way"? I think this thing is quite good. It has many legends about mixed eating and death. Friendly!"

Although it is very unimaginable, this mentality is the true thought of many The members of the executor, including Punk and Kane, are all "unusual" special cases. The long time of billions of dollars has long obliterated the ambition and greed of most people, and the fall of one after another has also scared the professionals who are afraid of death.

Especially those morning stars, luminous moons, and even shining suns who live longer, their strength is stronger and it is easier to become satisfied, their knowledge is broader, and they are more afraid of "destiny."

Look at Messoul back then. His ambitions were so great that his plan was perfect, but what did he end up with?

Let’s take a look at the “lowest-key Yao Sun Throne” Old Eman. To tell the truth, punk has never heard of this “evil legendary organization super boss” and anyone has fought with each other, but they just sit on the mountain and watch. "Tiger Fight" killed all the other Yaori thrones of the time.

Presumably, Mr. "Scarlet Scepter", who is finally ready to plan something now, must be very emotional. His low-key is too successful, and there are too many imitating him. Now he wants to find a qualified helper. But it was really hard.

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