Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1259: consider

The "guildmaster" once told punk very seriously that the existence of the Judgment Eye contract always has a price. Before Huiyue, this "price" was an expensive "sacrifice" required to summon the contract. In the future, a little sacrifice is no longer a price, so the price of "order" will also change accordingly.

Don't get me wrong. Although change is not good or bad, since it is a "cost", it will definitely become more unacceptable, and it has become beyond the conventional "cost" category.

The hurriedly coming and going under the crown of the Yaori Throne did not elaborate on the specifics of this "cost", but punk can probably guess that the so-called "cost" that is worthy of a key reminder by a Yaori powerhouse must be no small thing, even if it is Professionals who are as strong as the sun must also carefully consider not to be ignored, so since there is such a huge "cost"... Can the Judgment Eye contract be signed?

This is the most perfect guarantee of order in the multiverse. Although it cannot be said to be perfect and without any solution, the gaze that belongs to the existence of the gods is enough for anyone who tries to violate it to weigh their own weight and judge. The characteristic of the Eye Contract is that the more people involved, the higher the level of power involved, the stronger the effectiveness and unbreakable nature of the contract, and the stronger and stronger it is. If it is just a contract signed with ordinary legendary professionals, it can still be used. The very difficult to obtain feathers of the "filthy bird" unilaterally terminate the contract, then the contract signed with the Yaori powerhouse can reach the point where it is almost truly unbreakable.

In fact, such an extremely reliable guarantee of "order" is precisely the basis on which the three interests of "Destroy Whisper", "Instant Kill Gun", and Old Eman can reach cooperation and trust. Without this contract, the so-called There is no way to talk about the adventures and wealth of the people. After all, this is a terrible world that uses each other. Even considering the relationship between allies and common interests, guys such as Kane and Punk will never put their backs on "other people." "'S watching.

But even so, the cost of the totally unknown Judgment Eye is not considered by those who cannot cast the spell.


"Kane, you must be very clear about the problem with the Judgment Eye Contract for you and me? And for a shining professional, the so-called price will only be higher, so if that's the case... I think Lao Ai Mr. Man will definitely come up with a perfect response method, right?"

Questioning the grinning golden knight blankly, the punk's gaze quickly moved from the parchment in the opponent's hand to his expression.

When trying to conceal something, the crazy knight's talented expression doesn’t show any clues. On the contrary, this guy is definitely more annoying than anyone without intending to conceal certain details. Cover up.

So after punk saw through a few things that he "deliberately ignored", the "Instant Kill Gun" shook his head reluctantly and simply shrugged and admitted:

"Okay, okay, I know you can't fool your iceberg face... Yes, signing the contract for the Eye of Judgment does require a price, but there has never been a price in the world that cannot be wiped out by skills and means. In fact Of course this uncle has a way to prevent the great supervisor of order from using its so-called cost to restrain us, and the specific operation process of this method will be told to you by the old Eman... Don’t worry about being deceived, "Pass A certain effective way to help Punk-Sean wipe out the side effects after the signing of the Judgment Eye contract "is also part of the contract terms. Now you, a troublesome figure, can safely sign the contract boldly, right"?

Once again, he handed the simple and mysterious parchment to punk. Kane’s gaze had become calm and ordinary. It seemed that he really made all the information he needed to explain clearly. The next decision that punk will make is not I need anyone to intervene...

Now, the unforgeable contract is true, and the problem is quickly solved.

Although "using the Eye of Trial Contract to ensure that the side effects of the Eye of Judgment Contract is effective" sounds a bit contradictory, but in fact punk knows that this method of signing is not a problem.

Judgment Eye is essentially a "monitoring system" with wisdom. He does not have any unnecessary emotions, anger, sorrow, and joy. He will only act according to the rules for thousands of years without interfering with the real contract content, which is also a "part of order." .

As long as the process of signing the punk, Kane, and Elman contract is in full compliance with the "rules", even if the content of the contract involves a plan that violates order, according to the rules of order, Judgment Eye must selflessly protect all "to comply with order." The scheme that violates order" can be carried out according to "order"!

As for stopping the ongoing "chaotic conspiracy"? That is the work of the lawful camp gods, and it has nothing to do with the judge, the Judgment Eye. This rigid and inflexible standard of judgment is also part of the order!

For now, the core problem has actually been kicked back to Punk-is this adventure necessary to appear in his journey to the moon? Is it really a wise decision to plan a treasure with a Yaori-level construct? Giving up the task of "retaliation against the pantheon" and participating in the old Eman's plan will make the "chairman" think?

These are thoughts that punk has to worry about and must be concerned He is a luminous moon spellcaster, and the status of a luminous moon member in any legendary organization is enough to be considered pivotal, as a backup The attention-grabbing "Supernova of the Silent Alliance", "Temporary Reviewer personally appointed by the Sun Throne", "Destroy Whisper" must take into account the reaction and response from the eyes of all quarters. He needs to consider many, many things...

But... but Netheril's knowledge is too tempting!

Although from the name of the "Yaori Library", only the knowledge of the Yaori level will definitely remain, but even the knowledge of the Yaori level is extremely valuable, right? These knowledges are the crystallization of wisdom from the ancient Netheril era. They are treasures that can not be found in this legendary era of loneliness. They must be able to perfectly make up for the dilemma of knowledge faults that appear after punk reaches the Lunar stage. They can Help "Destroy Whispers" reach the threshold of Yaori!

So on the premise that he has a lot of Sun-level knowledge, is it really necessary for the contemplative Huiyue caster to pay too much attention to the possible reactions of the "guild leader"? Don't forget that he has already messed up the work of the "provisional reviewer"...
