Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1265: Cyborg moon

Fight, kill, gore! The tone that belongs to Sen Luo Binghan will never stop in this world. The high platform built with bones in the sea of ​​blood is the stage of the strong, and the sorrow and cry of the weak will never be known.

People often ask what the so-called "becoming stronger" is for? Why does the so-called "power" always have such a huge attraction that one after another outstanding geniuses abandon the shackles of human nature and rules to act recklessly?

Perhaps this is something that many kind-hearted creatures will never understand, but in many cases, "strong" itself is a meaning of existence, and it is also the most precious and unparalleled wealth in the world.

In order to have the opportunity to become stronger, mortal people bet their lives to become professionals, professionals do their best to become legends, and legends spend hundreds of millions of years to openly fight against "destiny"... To be strong, no matter what The adventure of a life of nine deaths is also not hesitated. No matter how miserable the situation is, it can be ignored. Such a belief can also be called a dream!

Unscrupulously pursue your dream, this is the spirit of Netheril!

In fact, it is precisely because of this kind of spirit as the driving force that at this moment, the two Lunar professionals from the plane of Faerun will step into the mysterious forbidden place, the semi-mechanical high hanging and sky. "Eye of Dorothy" of the Moon, this time, two ghostly collaborators will work together to deal with a powerful mechanical construct, killing her life, plundering her wealth, and admiring her defeat.

Even if everyone has no grievances before this.


The Eye of Dorasz is not a planet in the conventional sense. Although its diameter is a million kilometers, there is no atmosphere or gravitational magnetic field on the periphery of this spherical structure, which surrounds the entire semi-mechanical moon. The magic structure of is actually a layer of translucent special shield, and the existence characteristics of this shield can even exceed the understanding of any legendary professional.

In theory, it is not any known law in the multiverse, but a "special existence" that resembles a law but is more "lively" than a conventional law.

In fact, it should not be possible to discover this weird special shield based on the perception ability of the legendary level alone. The reason why the shield on the Eye of Dorothy is so obvious and it is also stained with a little white light is obvious. It is the "light and shadow effect" deliberately added to prevent an ignorant stunner from running around. In fact, in the eyes of the punk who is close to this protective shield, in addition to the slight brilliance that this shield deliberately exudes, today's In the multiverse, it is impossible for even the strong at the shining sun level to use any other perception or detection ability to discover the existence of such a "heavenly moat". After all, this mysterious protective shield is supposed to be suspended above the plane of Faerun. The **** seat level defense possessed by the sleepless watcher is now.

It’s definitely impossible for the **** seat-level defense equipment with the words "Incomparably Dangerous, Prohibited to Approach" to enter the Cyborg Moon through this layer, so the current "Destroy Whisper" and "Instant Kill Gun" have come to one. Suspended on the metal platform of the orbit of the Eye of Dorothy, there is the only entrance to this military city.

"Okay, we have arrived at our destination. Although there is a bit of turmoil, this uncle can't help but ask again, have you taken what Elman gave you? I mean Yaori armor, alchemy potions, and …………"

"There is also an enchanted hard card used to crack the Yaori Library, right? Don't worry, they are all ready."

Responding to the Radiant Moon Knight's speechless behavior, Punk has also taken all the tools that are always ready to deal with Ketaloran from the storage ring into a vacuum.

A two-person high alchemy armor is the strength capital of the empress in the face-to-face challenge construct. The three bottles of "Noramsi Quick Mind Solvent" potions are the "time limit" to increase the caster's reaction speed, and one is only the size of a palm and is engraved The metal card with mysterious bright silver texture is the enchanted hard card that the "scarlet scepter" finally gave to punk.

This hard card is a powerful magic method used to forcibly crack the information database of the Yaori Library and obtain the knowledge of Netheril. According to the words of the old Eman, although it is impossible for him to spend more than one billion Keta Roland Things that time can’t be done, such as seizing control of God’s weapons, but what Ketaloran has done, he is absolutely able to do, such as usurping control of a "low-level information processing library". .

In fact, according to the old Eman’s statement, the principle of using this hard card is quite simple. After all, the current Cyborg Eye information database has been opened by the Construct Queen, right? As long as punk and Kane can kill Ketaloran, this hard card can take the fruits of Ketaloran’s labor to read the information in the library, and the legacy of knowledge from the predecessors of the Netheril era will be natural. Collect all "Whispers of Destruction" in the bag.

"Well, we have spent enough time to do the most perfect pre-work. Researching the Yaori armor given to me by Elman for more than a thousand years has even improved my professional level. Although it is impossible to determine the actual combat effect without practice and experiment, at least the theoretical functional effect has been almost understood by me. We no longer need more so-called "preparation" to waste time."

Indifferently reminding the crazy knight that he can start the process of entering the Cyborg Mage Huiyue has not mentioned the fact that he was promoted because of his research on Yaori Creation.

That’s right, the punk standing on the metal platform of the cyborg eye is already a fifty-seventh-level Huiyue Archmage, but the world can learn from him at this time when he talked about this matter. The fifth-level mad knight showed off the meaning.

However, in the eyes of Kane, who has resentment lingering around him... It is hard to say whether this kind of meaningless "telling the facts" can bring a greater blow to people...

"Okay, okay, let's go formally, I think the current Ms. Ketarolan may have been watching us intently... Come on, Sai'an, put that structural mecha with The medicament and the hard card "are put together on this array. We can't bring these things in directly. They must be sent to the 96589 cargo collection office."

Sui Sui Nian muttered to himself to vent his dissatisfaction, but the action in the hand of the "Instant Kill Gun" did not stop because of this. The mad knight with proficient operation only tapped on a metal plate slowly floating in the air. After a few times, a complex array of fiery red colors appeared in front of the two Huiyue professionals.
