Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1270: Mailing hub

Silence, silence, only silence.

Walking in the dark metal buildings, passing by the dark metal walls of the same size, and turning around according to the signs that are still radiating light, except for the sound of footsteps on the floor, the atmosphere is filled with atmosphere. Only the boundless silence tells the depth and mystery of a magical institution.

This is the mailing storage center of the cyborg moon. All magic items collected at the entrance to the "Sleepless Eyes" will be sent to this super large building with enough volume and volume to hold several mountains. There are tens of millions of floors in the building, and each floor has hundreds of millions of storage cabinets with spatial folding effects.

These storage devices, which are unified on the large-scale magic circle, will automatically accept the mailed items and sort them into categories, and finally wait quietly for the owner of the item to take it away.

It’s just that today, almost all metal counters have become empty. Even the solid Yaori alloy cabinet doors still protect the privacy and safety of the storage space, but those empty spaces are destined to be inside. Only some air lingers around, and the empty mailing center that once had the prosperity and hustle and bustle is now destined to be long and quiet.

Until... new guests enter here...

"Dang! Dang! Dang".

The crisp sound of metal collision left a long-lasting concussive echo in the not-so-wide corridor, and the sound of footsteps that were too soft in comparison was even inaudible.

There is no doubt that the professionals who have set foot in the ancient building of Netheril’s mailing center at this moment are destined to be the "instant kill gun" and "destruction whisper" not long after stepping into the eye of Doroth. , They had just left the metal platform and arrived at the storage center shortly after they were preparing to take the important equipment used to deal with the Constructed Queen.

It’s just to abide by Netheril’s laws before defeating Ketaloran and avoid being attacked by the Queen of the Construct, so even the impatient punk and Kane now have to step up the stairs to themselves. The location of the destination.

Even in order to get what they want as quickly as possible, they have to find a way to ride the "high roller coaster" that belongs to the "Netheril military city" alone!

Well, the so-called "roller coaster" is actually a magical vehicle that can help professionals who come to pick up the stored items to quickly reach the designated location according to the established route. This one only needs to say the cargo number to send the "guest" The "small mine cart" in front of the locker can be said to be a perfect solution to "Under the premise that the use of magic flying or speeding is not allowed, it is too much time for professionals to fetch goods in super large magic buildings". A thorny issue.

But what do you say? All the problems that try to use one problem to solve other problems will only bring new problems. For example, the new problem brought by this convenient "small speed car" is that it is not free.

First use cumbersome "rules and regulations" to restrict convenience, and then charge fees to provide convenience. What is business? This is called business.

Of course, the charge for public transportation is certainly not expensive. It only takes three Netheril magic points for a round trip. In the era of Netheril, any official-level mage could not change his face. Give out such a small amount of "little money" to the "deficit makers" of the mailing management agency.

But the question now is how to solve the poverty that is severely limited by the times?

For example, at this moment, the two professionals standing in front of a shiny silver floating convertible seem to have to stare at such a convenient means of transportation and then froze...

"Kane, how did you go when you helped Ketaloran fetch things? Did you ride this kind of "flying car"?"

"'s indeed a small car like this, but Kertaloran pays for the toll every can the uncle have any money"!

"...Then you mean that we must now maintain a speed of less than 60 kilometers per hour and climb up tens of millions of floors from the first floor of the postal center to get my equipment?"

"It seems to be...cough cough cough cough, don't worry, don't worry~ My uncle remembers the route, even if it takes a little time to go up on foot, that...Should we ask if the generously constructed queen would come out? Can you help us pay the toll? Anyway, she waits in the hall as well."


"Oh, there is a bit of money in Vedrazia’s account, but you and I don’t have a Netheril magic savings card. Without a storage card, there will be no points to use. Forget it, you can only walk slowly and patiently. Right".

Helplessly stepped over the metal trolley that was unwilling to move because it had not received the money and walked into the track originally provided for the "high-speed roller coaster". The expressionless caster obviously did not want to pay attention to what a mad knight said Suggestions that are both absurd and unreasonable.

Still calling the queen of constructs to come and pay? The only person who could say this was Besadas who didn't know what his face was.

But thinking about it carefully, punk felt that he didn't seem to be irritable. He did think that his schedule was a bit smoother before.

After all, the system that recognizes hundreds of millions of digits at the door of the Eye of Dorothy is obviously too cumbersome, isn't it? A "convenient" magic facility will definitely not allow low-level professionals who are eager to fetch things to squeeze in a narrow street and spend more than ten minutes and then enter the complex ID code So this kind of transportation The payment method must only be charged by reading a specific savings card.

So what do the two "imposters" who don't have a savings card need to think about? You don't need any extravagant hopes for convenient tools, so let's walk hard and move forward honestly.

As for whether this advancement will be smooth enough... According to the "Destroy Whisper", as long as one's luck is not bad, walking all the way to the top of the mail access center should be smooth... right?

"Hi, Sai'an, I don’t know if it’s necessary to remind you, but when I took this "small speed car" through the tunnel two or three times before, he found other "small speed cars" driving in the front and back of the tunnel for a short time. The traces of the past, you know, this kind of itinerary constructed by tampering with the law of space looks narrow and slender. But in fact, even if it can accommodate tens of thousands of "small speed cars" at the same time, there will be no collision, so this The uncle has always suspected that there is still a "small speed car" in the tunnel nowadays, which often speeds up and down for unknown reasons. However, the guy Ketaloran has never answered my uncle's question directly...Well, this uncle is saying that we go through the tunnel. Is it really okay? This............Is this uncle a little suspicious"?