Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1276: Old letter

Maybe it’s really good luck. After meeting Kentianu, the luck of the two Lunar professionals seems to have quietly improved. Although there are still many ways to go to defeat the Construct Queen, at least they are After the mad mage, who used punk as a savior, helped pay for the travel expenses, he was worrying about the long journey of "Destroy Whispers" and finally was able to retrieve the magic equipment that was mailed to the storage center as soon as possible.

So at this moment, the caster standing in front of a steel room with an open door regained the gloomy appearance of wearing a jet-black robe and gleaming dark golden eyes.

"Is this where you usually work"?

Looking at the room in the door, punk's words couldn't hear any special emotion.

Kentiannu is also a legendary professional anyhow, even in the Netheril era at its peak, the status of a legendary powerhouse must not be underestimated. So even if the place where he currently lives is just an "office location", the room where this guy works is definitely not too small. The studio that punk sees is the size of a basketball court in terms of free activities alone. On the floor is painted full of magic runes connecting the outside world.

From this point of view, the crazy mage should really not lie, because the internal structure of a house that looks like a whole "data circuit" board does meet the working standards of a "data examiner", and a person who is familiar with the road enters. Kentianu of the studio quickly couldn't wait to take the initiative to open his own permission management database.

Of course, because I don’t know how many years it has not been carefully organized, this room that was supposed to be clean and tidy has already become messy and unsightly. I saw that several unknown shapes that seemed to be magic furniture were all distorted and broken. The way is curled up in the dark corners that do not belong to them. The obvious traces of spell bombing on the ground and the large swaths of blood that look quite fresh clearly prove that a smiling mad mage is far from what he looks like on the surface. Going up is harmless to humans and animals.

But what does it matter? An ordinary legend can't make any waves in front of the two Huiyues.

"Here you, Mr. Kind, this is all the data and information records of my work over the years. The planning template here is the trial notice written by Your Excellency Dorasz himself. I am very serious in sorting them out."

Respectfully summoned a translucent energy template, Kentiannu, who had entered a long series of passwords, immediately sent the thin information document to the punk with both hands.

Up to this point, the amazing secret that the queen of makeup had hidden for 1.6 billion years was finally exposed to her enemies unscrupulously.


"Sai'an, is this guy speaking reliable? My uncle really doesn't know what trials exist."

With an extremely simple curiosity, the "Instant Kill Gun", who had been silent for a long time, also stretched his head to look at the data in the hands of "Destroy Whisper".

However, with his "illiterate" level of education, he certainly couldn't understand the magic records that are full of technical terms, so the helpless mad knight could only turn to the orthodox "professionals" to inquire.

It's a pity that the "professionals" at this moment do not intend to deal with the "baboons that are no longer useful", so even if they heard the extremely low-key Huiyue level mental communication from a certain golden knight, they looked through the information blankly. Mage Huiyue just kept on thinking in a deaf ear.

Well, a certain crazy knight has been ignored by gorgeous............

In fact, it is not difficult to verify the authenticity of Kentiannu’s words. After all, no matter how good at hiding and disguising him, it is impossible for him to make the non-existent "Divine Seat Level Trial Facility" appear out of thin air. Have the authority to forge the words of the great master Dorasz and add fuel to the semi-mechanical database, so as long as you can find the unexplorable "path of trial" and the "inspirational declaration" of Dorasz back then, this must be true. Pseudo does not need to be too suspicious.

Don't forget, can the memory of the former Vedrasha and the "trial" mentioned by Kentiannu be mutually demonstrated? A piece of unwarranted history may be able to deceive Kane, but absolutely don't want to deceive the punk who holds all the memories of the once "far-space scholar"!

"These are the energy storage data of the Eye of Dorothy... 70% of the remaining energy? Is it enough to maintain a minimum consumption of 124 trillion years of continuous operation? These are the revolution constants, these rune structure maintenance reports... ……… Are these hundreds of thousands of years without work records blank and garbled? It is Kentiannu’s diary for more than a hundred million years? There are still a bunch of messy self-talking? Hmm... found it, this It should be the original manuscript of Dorothy's own words"?

Immersed in the ocean of data, letting the data and information that have been recorded for nearly 3 billion years rushed through my mind, punk, who was repeatedly thinking and searching faster than light, finally spent a full ten minutes of silence. Later, in Kentiannu's "Serious Records" and "Crazy Words", the original information of the original notice issued by the Great Omen of the Gods was found.

This is an information communication with the unique imprint of Doros-Krutiwege, although it is actually only a letter marked with the "sign of the strong man of God", it is also a magical aspect. It’s impossible to carry the real god-level aura, but the Netheril’s "God-Australian Badge" is certainly not allowed to be forged by anyone without authorization, so Ketaloran, who lives on the cyborg moon, has not fully grasped it. It’s impossible for Cyborg Moon to fake things like this and she would never allow the "Netherel Citizens" under her surveillance to "joking" with such things.

Therefore, even if only seeing such an emblem, punk has reason to confirm the authenticity of the content of the letter. After all, this is the credibility guarantee of a former powerhouse of God, and it is also derived from the credibility guarantee of the ancient Netheril civilization.

Even though the great masters of the gods have already fallen one after another, the "rules" and influence he once forged with his own hands are still not something that a lunatic mage and an alchemy golem can violate.

"Then let's take a look at what the Great Osman said. If the trial he said is indeed more seems like a good way to try it. After all, Ketaloran has always I can’t beat her when I stay in the hall built with Yaori-level armor. I can’t force her to leave her nest.”

Thinking carefully about the next action strategy, the gloomy "Destroy Whisper" finally opened the energetic title of the letter in his hand.

It must be admitted that the information provided by Kentiannu was really helpful at this time.