Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1278: set off

"God, I'm showing you stuffing, Sai'an, you guys still don't know how to act as always, tusk tusk, you can't fool such a worthless idiot."

The Bright Moon Knight, who stood beside him for a long time because of his lack of culture, finally found a chance to interrupt, so he hadn't waited until Kentianu's roar and roar sounded through his mouth, which came from the "instant killing gun". The ridicule of's appeared before "Destroy Whisper".

Well, a certain golden guy still owes a beating and has nothing to do, but nowadays punk does not have time to quarrel with any baboon who is not idle. After all, for now, although he does not have a perfect disguise as "Katra" The Archon of the Lent Chamber, but he has at least asked enough information.

So next... it's time to start a deliberate action.

"Shut up your mouth, Bisadas, you guys who don’t even collect the most basic information are not qualified to point fingers at others. Next, we will meet the queen of constructs. If you don’t want to die too Too worthless, I suggest that you still use your inanimate brain to think about whether you have missed anything else, facing the battle of the strong sun, no negligence can be tolerated"!

Looking at the unreliable mad knight with a gloomy look, punk's eyes looked as silent and gloomy as a deep secluded fountain, because as the history and secrets that once happened to the cyborg eye were revealed bit by bit, The cautious Huiyue Mage always felt that Ketaloran was not as easy to deal with as he thought.

Maybe the former queen of makeup is really just a "little loli butler" who has no fighting ability and works hard every day, but to this day she has already learned to hide secrets and use secrets, for the two but Huiyue levels For "Challengers", it is very disturbing that the enemy who was originally called "incomparably powerful" has a more unpredictable hole card.

Of course, the carefree Mr. "Instant Kill Gun" does not seem to worry about the troubles before the war. In fact, facing the serious question of the caster, this guy is still interested in joking while holding the gun behind him. .

He pointed his finger at the crazy legend who was firmly pressed against the wall by the lavender magical palm. The Huiyue Knight turned his head and then straightforwardly explained his thoughts:

"Oh, even if you ask this uncle, there is no way for this uncle? After all, this uncle's abilities are limited. What you don't know is that you don't know... By the way, you are planning to go to the trial and meet Keta. Roland? So what about this idiot? Leave it here?"

"After killing Ketarolan, we have time to extract his soul to search for memory, but let him stay here now. My "Hand of the Arcane" is fully capable of holding him so firmly for about three thousand years. If the next battle with the Constructed Queen is smooth enough...Three thousand years should be almost the same."

"Three thousand years......... What a poor "senior", now, I heard that, you idiot should be taken here for at least three thousand years, anyway, you have nowhere else to go, right? Your love And the previous Netheril civilization has perished, and now you are just a homeless and madman."

Kentianu kicked and fell down in the corner with wicked fun. The "Instant Kill Gun" with a bright smile spoke out the fact that the crazy legendary mage had escaped for 1.6 billion years.

Anyway, for the heartless Kane, the emotions and all beliefs held by any human beings are just a bunch of self-deceiving jokes, so just for fun, in the middle of the eye of Dorasz The "Instant Kill Gun" in front of the square doesn't mind seeing the painful appearance of a person who has lost everything to please himself.

Of course, the ridicule of the mad knight must be able to get what he wants. After he used the most straightforward and sharp mental power fluctuations to knock the most unbearable facts into the depths of the opponent's soul, Kentianu, whose fists squeezed out blood, also roared like a wild animal.

It was a howl of extreme despair and a roar of extreme grief. At this moment, the leftovers of the unconscious era finally reluctantly embraced the most painful sobriety, and then got the most complete madness...

"Stop playing, Kane, we have to contact Ketarolan to tell us the steps to participate in the trial."

"My uncle is just a hard worker, okay, okay, here it comes."

The brilliance of Mira and Chicasa has gradually sunk into the shadow of Faerun, and the cyborg moon finally ushered in its own silence-I have to admit that the sound insulation effect of the mailing center building is really great , No matter what the ear-piercing, sharp, space-sounding sound, don't think about going out from here, don't think about a single word.


Through the intelligence punk and Kane deceived from Kentiannu’s mouth, they knew that in the cyborg eye, there is a "trial device" that helps the great austrians select apprentices. As long as they can pass the trial, they can get the Talloran's personal interview, even if he did not pass the trial, he would not encounter any danger.

You must know that this is a very important piece of information, and it is also a piece of information that needs to make a After all, no one knows what kind of "trial" the Great Austrian Council prepared awaiting their own" "Apprentice", and the high-end level belonging to the "God Seat" is inevitably daunting.

Although in that declaration, several of the most powerful spellcasters once used the name of Netheril to ensure that this trial is safe and reliable, the powerhouses of the gods have already fallen one after another, and they have been idle for 1.6 billion years. Can the long-standing "tools" remain "safe and reliable" as always?

Well, for the time being, I believe that the creation of the gods is strong enough to withstand the erosion of time, and for the time being, I trust that the program written by Your Excellency himself is as flawless as the weapon permissions on the "City of Sleepless Eyes" so that you can be Ketaloran, who was constructing a manager, was helpless, but...

But can the two professionals who came to the Eye of Dorothy to pursue wealth really pass the trial? Is there really no need to make any more special preparations? Everyone has only one chance to participate in this kind of trial. Wouldn't it be extremely embarrassing if they fail?

But at least "Instant Kill Gun" and "Destroy Whisper" are very clear. In this way, seeing the Queen of Constructs hiding in the hub hall is definitely the most convenient and feasible method for now. They still want the wealth they are seeking, so there is absolutely no reason to give up this trial.

Even if a little risk is inevitable, but...the necessary risk is always necessary, isn't it?

So with such a solemn heart, the two adventurers who left the mailing center indifferently walked towards the central square of the Eye of Dorothy.

There, a god-sacred magic facility that has been dormant for more than a billion years is already waiting for the long-delayed visitors.


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