Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1279: command

"Are you going to participate in the trial now? This is a good method. It is set according to the procedural order. As long as you can pass the trial, this lady really must come forward to welcome the apprentice of the Great Austrian Master."

Ketaloran never left his sight on the two intruders. Punk and Kane had just set off for the central square of the cyborg moon. This little loli, who was floating in the air like a spirit behind, appeared in the two again. In front of a bright moon professional.

She didn't stop the "Trial" plan of "Destroy Whispers" and "Instant Kill Gun", and her construction butler could not stop the legal decision of the legal citizen of Netheril.

But even so, she still doesn't mind using thin words to try to shake the enemy's will, at least when the opponent's behavior actually threatens her, even if the queen is constructed, she can't continue to pretend to be non-existent and stay in the control center. Isn't he indifferent watching a bunch of permissions he can't use?

So along the way before the caster and the mad knight arrived at the central square, the girl who was trying her last effort never stopped thinking about it. It is presumably the teacher of Kane’s broken mouth. Let’s take the crown of "Ketaloran, who is theoretically knowledgeable about human relationships and the world"...

"Participate in the trial, and then force this lady to leave the closed throne? It's really a very good idea, and it has a very practical feasibility, but please pay attention, the trial prepared by the great master of God is not so easy to pass. The trial failed. No, once you fail in your trial alone, Mr. Sai’an, you will never have the chance to participate in the second trial again, and you will also lose the last chance to meet this lady, and then lose All the wealth you dream of... How, are you really ready? Are you really not looking for ways to collect a little intelligence anymore? Is it really good to be so reckless and arrogant about the only opportunity? Why not? What about the consequences of failing? You came to this lady’s kingdom with full confidence, but you might get nothing. Why don’t you spend a little more time searching for this city of sleepless people? Ask yourself, are you too overestimated? You are yourself"!

As if the evil spirit whispered in her ears, she was completely unwilling to leave the intruder for half a step. The queen completely activated her "mental interference" ability, reaching the level of Yaori, which could not be dispelled, may not carry any hypnotic or hallucinogenic effects. , But the question that has been repeatedly mentioned still inevitably makes ordinary people feel like "Can I really do it?"

It must be admitted that it is dangerous to be branded with such a mental seal before participating in a "trial" that is not destined to be easy. After all, self-doubt is the first step to shake the will, and Keta Roland is now The seeds of "self-doubt" are planted deep in the heart of one's own enemies.

The strategy is simple and the method is old-fashioned, but it is certainly very effective against most "normal people". It is the reality of the so-called repeating a lie a hundred times, not to mention the "lightspeed whispers" that constructs the queen more than repeating a mere 100 all over?

It's a pity that the two professionals running on the empty metal street are far from being "normal". In fact, even if they listened to the malicious whispers of "Little Loli Butler", the punk expression and His eyes still have no emotional fluctuations like a stagnant pool.

As for Kane, who is following Master Huiyue...

This guy who makes people unable to guess his mind has even begun to pick up Ta Luolan's thoughts in reverse.

"Hey hey hey, it's really annoying to talk endlessly. This is the first time this uncle found out that you can become so broken-mouthed. Keta Loran, wow, wow, is it... is that you are scared? Your Honorable Construct Queen? Are you afraid of us tearing your body to pieces? Are you afraid of us smashing your soul and central chip?"

"Huh? Why should this lady be afraid? This lady is also worried that a certain white-eyed wolf and his iceberg companion can't come to this lady and be dumped."!

"Then your behavior is so funny, how can such a meaningless delay of time be useful? Your soul transformation plan has not had time to officially start? You have no chance again."

"Don't be ashamed, and seek your own death! Kane, you are just an arrogant and ignorant aggregate. You don't even know that you are heading for the darkest demise!"

"Are you talking about my uncle? Tsk tsk, my uncle thought you were talking about yourself..."

It is worthy of being a "mentor and apprentice" who have been with each other for hundreds of thousands of years. Kertaloran and the mad knight are almost the same, but this kind of bickering is very helpful to pass the time. In fact, it is between Kane and " When the "Little Lolita Butlers" were insulting each other in full swing, a group of three people with extremely high action efficiency had already walked straight through the metal street to the central square of the Eye of Dorothy without stopping.

And there...there is nothing for now...

"Well, Kane, shut up your noisy mouth, and Ketaloran... Now, in the name of the legendary Netheril Arcanist, I request to participate in the "Apprenticeship Test" published by the Great Austrian Council. "Lian", as the build steward in the city of "Sleepless Eyes", you have the obligation and responsibility to guide us to start this trial!"

Completely ignoring the noisy disputes of one person and one projection behind, the punk who stared at the empty square gave orders to Ketaloran without hesitation.

Yes, it is an order, an order that cannot be denied!

Even if the current Netheril civilization has died out, the maker of the City of Sleepless Eyes has long since fallen, but it is said that the queen of ten thousand constructs is still the "alchemy steward" here, and her original duty is forever They are all for the great Austrian teachers who come and go in a hurry, so now that the irrevocable relationship of the "mortal enemy" has been determined, the words "Destroy Whispers" need not be euphemistic and polite.

Now that he wants to start the long-lost trial, it is very natural to order the "butler" here to help.

Of course, the moment after hearing Punk's order, Ketaloran's expression also became gloomy.

She is a tool born for "commands", but she is also extremely disgusted with any so-called "commands." Now punk's actions are no different from an intolerable insult and provocation to her, but as a person who has not yet broken out of the cage "Construct", she must also provide help for her enemies.

It can be imagined how angry Ketarolan, whose delicate face is gloomy like the water of an ice lake, will be angry now. In fact, at this moment, the words of the queen of construction have already lost the slightly joke element just now. His bickering attitude.

"Do you want a trial? Very good, very good! This lady will help you start this trial, but don't forget... Never forget, even if you pass a few small trials, this lady is still there? The end of the "room" is waiting patiently for you, Punk-Sean!"


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