Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1283: Absolute dream

"Isn’t it good to have a peaceful and happy life? Your playmates are all clean and clean like spring water. They all regard you as their best friend. Even the rare and delicious food is willing to share it with you unselfishly. You have the idea of ​​killing just for pure pleasure. Is this... really good?"

This is an external voice that appeared in Kane’s heart. Of course, the blond boy who is no different from ordinary children must not be able to distinguish the source of the voice, but a simple question is naturally impossible to dispel. It has been discovered. The thought of the “monster” of the soul’s nature, so after holding a bright smile and calmly accepting the wooden stick that the girl Aisha handed over, it was almost completely invisible that the little Bisadas was already in his heart. Strengthen your will:

"A peaceful life is too boring. I wanted to find something interesting a long time ago, but now I finally found my interest. How could I give up because of some ridiculous things like "goodwill" and "sharing" Why do you want to kill such a fun thing? Yes, I want more, more bloody, more beautiful killings, especially to torture and kill the weak girls with kind hearts, that must be very, very interesting, just thinking about it makes people very excited... ………Of course, it’s not now! It can’t be now! I'm just a "little young master" from a "little nobleman" family. Even in this small village, I can't be too arrogant. I need to have a truly unscrupulous identity. For example, the professional that my father often said...Yes, I want to become an extremely powerful professional, so that I can bully the weak as much as I can"!

He confirmed his thoughts very firmly. On the surface, little Kane, who seemed to be like ordinary children, had a fire and barbecue with his friends, but in the dark depths of his heart, he watched his two childhood playmates with a pair of twisted and hideous eyes.

He is a sensible boy. Thanks to the strict teachings of his father’s father, Kane has been very sensible and good at controlling his emotions. Although he is not old enough, he knows that he can do as a "little noble child". What and what cannot be done.

For example, he can shout and drink to the farmers in the village, but he cannot really kill people for nothing.

So in order to continuously and perfectly satisfy his own evil desires, how should a "monster" act more appropriately?

There is no doubt that the professional is the only choice for Little Kane. After all, the evil professional in the stories he knows can be reckless in one place for hundreds of thousands of years, although the "villain" is always unavoidable. "Heroes" and "Braves" were knocked down and defeated, but in fact, as long as their intelligence can reach the average level of normal people, they can actually easily crush those ignorant teenagers who dare to challenge themselves without thinking about their ability, right?

Little Kane is pretty sure that he is much smarter than those no-brained "big monsters". He is sure that if he becomes a "villain" he will be able to tear all the idiots trying to "maintain justice" to pieces. Then since the big monster With such a good head and so happy, what is there to hesitate in the ambitious little than Thadace?

In an instant, the idea of ​​becoming a strong professional took root in the handsome boy's heart.

Become strong for unscrupulous bullying!

This is the dream of a certain crazy existence, and also his unchangeable firm will. In order to trample the goodness under his feet, to enjoy the desperate cry of the weak, even Kane, who is still young, doesn’t mind running recklessly towards fullness. Difficult and difficult career path.

Maybe this kind of evil and chaotic thinking is terrifying and amazing, but...this is also the belief of a "strong man"!

"In order to be able to bully the weak without restraint, I must become the most powerful professional in the entire multiverse. If my father can't help me, I will go to the city to find a mentor, go to the forest to find the ruins, even if I lose my life. Anyway, no matter what kind of difficulties, I can never stop my will"!


With the firm determination ignited in the soul, the world in front of Little Kane suddenly freezes at this moment. I saw a large swath of sunlight directly shattered with space and images, and then there was a mechanized "trial. The first stage-through the voice prompt, the boundless darkness instantly swept the vision of the boy with stagnant thinking.

In the next instant, in a pure white space with no visible edge, the Bright Moon Knight wearing a golden armor finally slowly opened his eyes. At this point, all the seals on the **** seat level have been lifted, and the "instant kill gun" His power and memory are back.

That’s right, the first stage of the trial of the Great Master of God is to test whether a legendary professional can break free from the happiest and most peaceful time in their life. After all, many people in the world become professionals because of The persecution of helpless life and the "golden finger" of chance coincidence are nothing more than the "gold fingers", then if the good life is smooth and happy ~ ~ will the intelligent creatures in it choose to embark on the adventure of chasing power?

In fact, this is the first requirement specified by a god-seat powerhouse for his disciple-he asks an "ordinary person" who has not yet become a professional to be purely pure when he is not sure of his talent and does not have any golden fingers. His ambition or "dream" actively abandons the happy and peaceful life at his fingertips to pursue power at any cost, and only a legendary existence with such a crazy will can pass his first stage of trial.

Is it harsh? Is it absurd?

To say harsh is harsh, and to say absurd is also absurd. After all, it is too crazy and persistent to be able to make the decision of "leaving home to find a mentor and looking for relics regardless of life" as an ordinary person.

But at the same time, for a legend who truly possesses the spirit of Netheril, such requirements are neither harsh nor absurd. After all, mastering both reason and madness is the ability that a professional should have, and leap The advancement of the realm is bound to be a gamble with a slim chance. If the legend of infinite life loses the enterprising spirit, it is fully capable of enjoying the perfect life, so no matter how incredible it is, but if the great master wants to cultivate a truly useful His disciples still have to choose those talents who can ignore their lives for the sake of "dreams."

"A madman? What people want is a madman! Monsters? The original purpose of this trial is to select monsters"!

There is no doubt that Kane is the most typical madman and monster. Even though the "beliefs" or "desires, ambitions, and dreams" he insists on sounds terrifying, the mad knight at this moment does pass the first place. The trial of the stage.


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