Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1284: Kane's Fear

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It turns out that the first stage of the trial is to seal memory and power and allow the trialer to "enjoy" life in their childhood before becoming a professional? It’s really a simple test. You don’t need to think about it. No matter how many times you choose, the "Instant Killing Gun" of this great master can never be like a group of kids playing in the mud and not aggressive, right?

With arrogant words on his mouth, he looked around indifferently. The mad knight, who had not found anything in the clean white space, recalled that his behavior in the virtual world just now still inevitably felt strange.

In order to ensure that the trial can be completed smoothly in a way that is as free as possible, the memory fragments captured by the trial facility must be the most leisurely time and scene in the life of the subject before becoming a professional, and those The deduction of the virtual scene must conform to the most satisfying life state in the heart of the tester as much as possible.

You know, the only things that appeared in Kane’s childhood memories were his two playmates and a field full of wild flowers. His father did not show up, and the poor village did not appear. The monotonous but full of laughter is actually a story. The perfect expression of the most perfect desire deep in the heart of the young mad knight.

Yes, Kane knows himself. He knows that he is a total villain. He hates his father who only knows how to restrain his father with the useless and useless aristocratic manners, but he also knows how important the basic education he received as a child is. Until today, he, a mad fighter, would claim himself as a "Baron Besadas" while doing things that are totally irreconcilable to "aristocratic demeanor", and he was thinking of reviving the family. Aklan Besadas, the old nobleman and the biological father of the Moon Knight, did not show up in Kane's illusion at all.

As for the other two playmates, Tib and Aisha............

When talking about these two poor children, even the golden knight who usually talks badly could not help but shook his head and sighed his **** childhood:

"I really didn't expect that the two of them with the same fate will appear in front of my eyes again...Speaking of which, my uncle's dad had to marry his just thirteen-year-old uncle to marry a cousin from a distant house who was the right partner as his wife. Aisha was not allowed to get close to this uncle, but later that little girl actually married Tib’s dwarf radish, which is really super~ unpleasant, she obviously wanted to get her! But it doesn’t matter, doesn’t it? At that time, my uncle was already a first-class fighter. Quietly lit their house with a grudge, no one would know. Since my uncle can't get it, let them all die."

He casually complained about the vicious behavior of killing two childhood playmates with his own hands, and the mad knight who walked inadvertently into a hazy white fog really had no psychological burden at all. The horrible act of killing a friend was just spoken by this monster. It's like discussing whether to add milk to the afternoon tea. In fact, the golden knight carrying a lance has already turned his attention back to the second stage of the trial.

Everyone knows that the trial of the Great Austrian Master is divided into two stages, but each stage of the trial will not give any hints before it is completed. For example, Baron Bethadas has passed the first level now, but Now he has to rely on himself to find out what his second level is.

And the information about the "test questions"... will soon be revealed.


Standing calmly, he used the golden light flashing lance to point at the mist directly in front of him, and the luminous knight with his tight lips instantly lost every smile on his face because of the misty mist in front of him. After quickly dissipating, a figure wearing a jet-black robe with a pair of dark golden eyes appeared extremely clearly in the white radiance.

It was a very familiar figure, and it was also the figure Kane was most familiar with. Only by simply relying on a visual glance, he could recognize the pair of emotionless eye pupils and the pair hidden in the hood. The cold face in the shadow, recognizes the hands with seven storage rings, recognizes the staff that I have tried but failed to succeed...

That’s right, Kane recognized at a glance who his “enemy” was, as if he was staring at a roadside stone. Looking at the existence of the multiverse now that allows him to see a shadow, he is subconsciously ready to fight. only one person.

There is no doubt that it is not someone else who is standing in front of him quietly at this moment, it is an existence that a certain mad knight can never ignore-Punk-Sean.

Or to be more precise... it was the "nightmare" that was destined to linger in the deepest part of his mind. After all, Mage Huiyue must still be participating in the trial.

"So, is this the second level trial? Is this a question about "defeating fear"? Sure enough, the monster that the uncle fears most and can't ignore is this guy."............

With a wry smile, he shook his head, and the gaze of "Instant Kill Gun" looking at "Punk" was full of complicated meaning.

Every legend needs to understand and reflect on his own heart. Baron Besadas, who is usually careless but never loses the chain at critical moments, is no exception. Long, long ago, he knew that there was always an oppressive force in his heart. The shadow of lingering, that is a spellcaster named "Punk-Sean"-a monster that can be higher than him no matter what!

The cooperation between him and the monster is not once or after reaching the legend, they also belong to the "League of Silent Persons" and they have planned several adventures together, and in this "seeing with their own eyes" In the process of what is called a monster, even Kane who looks extremely arrogant can't fail to be deeply afraid of a certain strong, seemingly boundless mage.

After all, deep down in his heart, "Instant Kill Gun" is very clear that his own strength is no better than a spellcaster who doesn't know how many hole cards he has, and the secrets and wealth he possesses will definitely make a greedy existence extremely jealous.

You must know that the opponent's power is increasing every minute and every second, once your own strength is slightly behind............ the blade from the "old friend" may appear at any time.

This kind of hell-like feeling is hard to say and even no different from being pursued and killed. This is not a mental state formed overnight, but a long-term accumulation of numerous experiences over 400,000 years.

If there is such a thing as "heart demon", then punk can be said to be Kane's "heart demon"...

"Isn’t even the memory seal needed anymore? That’s right. Until the trial, my uncle was always worried about whether that fellow would ruin my uncle again... Dead, anyway, is to defeat the fear, right? Kill this shadow even if it is defeated, right? Real uncle Sai'anben may not be able to fight, but this one who knows it is fake will not be defeated? Damn... let's try Let’s see if you, a counterfeit, can exert the strength of that monster"!

Holding the lance tightly, staring at the figure of the mage who represents his own "spiritual fear", the warrior of Bright Moon who knows that he is undergoing the trial will inevitably start to become irritable even if he does not pay attention.

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