Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1285: Demon

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"Beat your own fear"............

The subject of the trial is unknown. After all, this subject is just Kane’s guess, but at least "Instant Kill Gun" feels that his guess should be correct. After all, his most feared monsters have already appeared in front of them, right? ?

So now that Punk Saiyan has squeezed that pale scepter and is watching him, what reason does the Lunar Knight, who has never flinched, not to meet the battle?

So waving the lance in his hand, thinking hard about how to deal with the "instant killing gun" of the false mage in front of him, he rushed directly.

"Counterfeit, can you show how much of that guy's strength? Come and try it"!

"Huiyue-level fighting skills-Poker's angry blow"!


Directly erupting the Huiyue level fighting skills, the violent fluctuations of vindictiveness gushing out from the mad knight's body, turning into a light-trained spear and piercing the "punk" directly in the head, in order to pass the trial as soon as possible, or to calm himself down as soon as possible. Constantly irritable, Kane’s attack did not mean any mercy at all. At the foremost position of his lance, even the lightly flowing time at this moment is full of cracks under the sharp spikes. .

But in fact... the full attack of the mad knight is meaningless.

Because just when the tip of his gun was about to touch the face of the false mage, the expressionless figure in the black robe suddenly disappeared!

Unlike its state when it slowly appeared, this sudden disappearance was not only surprising but also made Kane feel a little familiar.

Yes, of course you will feel familiar, but it is strange if you are not familiar, because this is the most fearful and weird Radiance Moon level spell that a hapless knight has seen with his own eyes! At the mailing center of Cyborg Eye, the fearless "Instant Kill Gun" was almost startled by the caster who appeared behind him instantly.

"Seeing the undead, isn't this a displacement method like punk's nonsense? How can this thing be used? How should this method be dealt with?"!

With a horrified heart, he quickly turned his head and rode his spear. The split-eyed Kane only felt that his spinal cord was faintly cold, because even if he was too late to use any perception abilities to probe, he could probably guess that he suddenly disappeared. Where will the fake punk run in front of him and avoid "Poker's angry blow".

That's right, just like when faced with the real "Destroy Whisper" before, the "Destroy Whisper" like a nightmare in the dark must be watching yourself with those eyes that look at the dead from behind... …

"Damn it, don't be arrogant, this uncle is super powerful, Sai'an, you don't want to scare this uncle with this inexplicable subtly"!

The cold sweat on his forehead evaporated instantly, and Kane, who was vindictive and sharp in his pupils, couldn’t be said to be not acting fast, but in an instant, this guy’s lance had already shredded the space and traversed a semi-circular shiny track Sweeping behind him.

Even in the face of the most terrifying enemy, the first thought of the mad knight is always only the strongest counterattack!

But such a counterattack... Does it really make sense?


The deafening sound oscillated like thunder on the ground. Amidst this roar, the Moon Knight, who had just swung his spear halfway through, flew out like a rag pocket that was thrown away. The vindictive shield on his body was shattered into debris layer by layer, and the "instant kill gun" with a large dent in the back armor continued to "hit the ground and then hit the ground like a rock used to float." The process of "flying" was hundreds of kilometers away.

Obviously, he swings the gun too slowly. It is impossible for him to smash the gun on the opponent before the fake punk who is already standing behind him, so he is now knocked into the air by an "unexplained but powerful spell" Kane became a "not sturdy sandbag."

Only this time the attack continued, and all the bones and all the organs in his body were almost broken into slag.


"Unexplained but extremely powerful spells", "unexplainable peculiar means", "always watching your gloom from behind"... Is this my greatest fear of that monster? This trial can be said to manifest all my fears.

The mad knight, who spit out the heart and lung lobes that were broken into fleshy flesh, stretched out his hand to deduct his burst of eyeballs while trying to stand up and shook his head helplessly.

This injury on his body is insignificant for a Lunar professional. Kane’s soul can easily kill and smash broken organs and create new lungs. Even if the qi shield is broken, it just takes some more time to refill. That's all, in fact, after slowly standing up, the combatants who had already developed a pair of brand-new eyeballs had returned to their peak state unscathed.

At this moment, the surging fighting spirit still whizzed and circulated in his soul, and the golden lance still gleamed in his hand.



This time I couldn’t even see the shadow, and the explosive power coming from me once again knocked out the luminous moon knight who was just about to start fighting skills, so in this white and endless space, the unlucky "instant kill gun" "He repeated his "floating career" again.

He even flew farther than last time.

"Seeing the undead... How do you fight this? Can someone with strong offensive power suddenly appear behind him again and again for nothing? Can the real Sai'an be so powerful? It should...should not~ But how did his weird displacement method do it? Damn it."

Angrily, he directly drew out a small dagger and stabbed him behind him indiscriminately with the feeling. The Huiyue knight who gritted his teeth only felt that he was frustrated and frustrated in his battle, and that he was not right.

Since the Great Master of Gods seat guaranteed "the trial is absolutely safe and will not cause harm to professionals", Kane is not worried about his life being threatened, but the problem now is...that is just like playing football." The "fake punk" of "slinging" oneself does not seem to be a killer. It just keeps the silent and indifferent appearance, appearing behind itself time and time again, hitting itself with unexplained power again and again. fly! Watching a certain hapless mad knight again and again is as annoyed as a real baboon...

This feeling is too angry and helpless. As the battle continues, the "Instant Kill Gun" even vaguely doubts his own strength. After all, the "fake Sai'an" that appears here today is just repeated use. It is said that a mechanized two-stroke attack can fight oneself without the power to fight back, so how powerful will a real punk be?

Maybe the opponent doesn't have the outrageous explosive attack power of the fake Sai'an, but how should the method "suddenly appear behind" oneself respond?

If you can't deal with it, doesn't it mean that you will actually be beaten as sandbags by a cold monster in reality?

If you can't deal with it, doesn't it mean that the power you have gained through hard work is completely meaningless?

The so-called heart demon, the maggot of the tarsus, is born with a thought and moves with the heart.

Repeatedly the desperate process of being defeated by "fear" without fighting back, at this moment, Kane's heart was a little confused.