Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1286: Trial of punk. .

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []https://fastest update! No ads!

Information about Obama? I don’t know if it’s true or not, but at least it doesn’t look like a fake.

It must be admitted that the real-time calculation ability at the **** seat level is too powerful and outrageous. In fact, let alone fabricating the life deeds of a foreign president, this thing can be deduced out of thin air with the memory of punk in just half a second. It is almost impossible to compile all the historical information of a whole planet and civilization, and it is almost impossible to expect to find flaws in the illusion of the **** seat level, even if all the records in the history of the Internet in the information age are for a **** seat structure Data storage is only a drop in the bucket.

So just flipping through the webpages on the mobile phone punk can be sure-the information on the Internet in the fantasy world is extremely comprehensive, from celebrity gossip to tourism science popularization, it must be more logical and logical, and in-depth and detailed. The details, even "Naruto", "One Piece" and other anime have been abruptly updated on time!

If you want to say that the only thing that makes people feel a little offense...It may be that these animated works that are calculated in real time are more sophisticated and the plot is more exciting...

All in all, what punk knows is also known to the test terminal, and people who punk doesn’t know can make it seamlessly. Considering the powerful power of the gods professionals, a virtual reality illusion is fully capable of guaranteeing one plant, one tree, one flower and one tree. The arrangement of the atoms of, will not go wrong, down to the temperature difference, up to the Milky Way, the stars can move freely. Finding flaws in such a false world is purely a dream, and "Destroy Whispers" does not think that the great master Dorothy. The hard-working trial is a ridiculous game of "Let’s find the difference", so...

"Does it cost me that this trial is to seal my memory, and then test certain questions about will? As a result, because my willpower is too strong, even the god-level sealing methods are helpless, which led to this situation. A "seemingly inexplicable" situation arises?"

Suspiciously, he put down his phone and looked around, watching the flowers on the balcony sway in the wind, and sniffing the summer fragrance in the air. Punk seemed to have thought of some facts that should not be ignored.

He felt that his guess was inseparable. After all, this was the only reason why he could be so sober in the illusion.

But if this kind of bug that is not a bug really occurs because of this, how can he, an out-of-spec professional with too strong willpower, pass the trial?

Find a higher place to jump down and try? Will the chance of direct failure be great? This is a precious trial that every legendary professional can only try once, unless it is the most lasting moment, otherwise any reckless decision must be considered twice.

But if the final result of the caster is that he cannot pass the trial, wouldn't the hapless Kane face the Construct Queen alone? Didn't he and the old Eman's knowledge of Netheril also all soak up?

It seems quite annoying to think about it this way.

However, punk really has nothing to do with such a situation beyond his control. He cannot control the progress of the trial. Today, when Netheril has been destroyed for a long time, he cannot call GM to deal with "program errors." In this embarrassing situation, even the "Destroy Whisper" finally shook his head helplessly, and then sighed casually while walking towards the door:

"Oh, the sky is unpredictable, the moon is cloudy and sunny, but I tried my best. I really didn't expect this situation. I can't help it. Take one step and count it. It will be a hundred years to be thrown out of the trial space. This is the itinerary of the Eye of Dorasz, I am afraid it can only be regarded as an unpleasant "going out for relaxation". As for the knowledge of Netheril...Forget it, I will discuss the countermeasures with Elman at that time." .


Turning the handle and unscrewing the door, the punk strode forward, keeping his unemotional gaze, and walked into the living room of his own home.

When on earth, although punk was not the son of a wealthy family, he was in a well-off family. The five-bedroom and one-living house was not too big but not too small. The furniture in the living room was not high-end but it should Complete.

Of course, due to the fact that parents often travel for three or two months to work, the cleaning of the house is left to the punk of the year. These tasks usually include sweeping the floor, cleaning the table, washing clothes, and... feeding the cat!

That’s right, the punk family keeps cats, or the same sentence, if you are a city-level three-good student who has never fallen to the top three in the exam since childhood, then keeping pets and playing with mobile phones are not a problem at all. Is he able to do whatever he wants? Also play games to feed For students with poor grades, it is called "playing with things," and for students with good grades, it is called "relaxing properly".

For example, the "Whisper of Destruction" as a "good student" has already seen the snow-white kitten lying on the side of the window basking in the sun.

"Doughnut...Is it even simulated? After being attacked by the void storm, all the matter in the entire solar system and even the Milky Way in the real world will definitely be wiped out so that there is no scum left, right? The souls carried by the wind obviously have no life except myself, and the souls of ordinary creatures that have not been taken away are even less likely to exist for too long in the universe without material protection... Human civilization and don't know how many unlucky ones. The Star Civilization has long ceased to exist, and I did not expect to see my "doughnut" here."

With a little emotion recalling the time he played with the cat when he was a child, the punk who walked to the window sill decisively picked up the soft white cat.

The simulation of the illusion is extremely real. The character shown by the cat "Doughnut" is no different from the lazy house cat in the memory of Master Huiyue. For example, this three-year-old cat doesn't like being hugged by anyone. , So after struggling with a few meows, the white cat that found the gap like a liquid "flowed away" directly from the punk's arms.


The "Master" stared like a warning, and the "Doughnuts" who jumped on the window sill again found the most sunny place and lay down.

At this moment, it is not too hot in the summer in the afternoon, and the air conditioner in the punk home is maintained at a temperature just right to make people feel comfortable. For a cat, such an environment is indeed too suitable for a nap.

Although the cute little guy lying here today is not the real "doughnut".
