Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1287: Abrupt termination

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Magical facilities at the **** seat level must have bug self-checking capabilities. There is no doubt about this fact. But for now, punk doesn’t know how often this self-checking function will operate, and he doesn’t know what the magical facilities will do. Deal with bugs that happen to you.

Is it directly counted as a failure? Or as a direct pass? Or simply ignore it?

Using ordinary people's thinking speed which is a little difficult to adapt to thinking, calm "Destroy Whispers" finally can only helplessly give up meaningless cranky thinking.

In any case, he who participated in the trial still has no initiative to speak of, and thinking about these messy things, it is better to have a rare recollection of this long, long time ago life.

For example, chase after a series of dramas to see if the level of plot setting of the "calculus" of a **** seat facility can be compared to some logically innocent writers, such as feeding a lazy white cat some dried fish as snacks, or for example Fry a tomato and egg as dinner for yourself, for example, finish the "Five Three" homework and wait for the next day to go to class............

Think about it carefully. As a high school student, punk needs to do a lot of things, and his thinking speed is severely slowed down. He also needs to pay a little attention to whether he has missed some details, like eating. This kind of "common sense" thing is the same. To be honest, if it wasn't for this mortal body to feel hunger, the "destruction whisper" that has been thinking about other things, I don't know when will I think of the importance of "eating".

Of course, feeding cats and going to school must not be forgotten. Although in theory it doesn’t matter what an illusory life is like, punk feels that even if he is not sealed in his memory, he should not be too provocative. The operating rules of the trial facility are good and inexplicable. The trial of disorder may lead to what happens. Compared to the completely "unknown" results, punk is more willing to wait for a hundred years and return to the square after the trial fails.

Maybe a bit of salted fish, but it's very safe.

Anyway, he can live very well even in the "virtual reality" as a schoolmaster. A hundred years is nothing at all. As for the hapless Kane after passing the trial, will he be so embarrassed to stare at Ketaloran? The small eyes stared for hundreds of years...that doesn't matter to some unresponsible caster.

While thinking indifferently, counted out five pieces of dried fish and placed it next to the mouth of the "doughnut", the punk waved his hand and went to cook for himself.

Cats are not goldfish. They will not be so stupid that they eat to death. However, when feeding cats, they must still control their food intake, because domestic cats do not exercise too much, and they will gain weight by eating more. Therefore, it is best to feed the cat food quantitatively.

Of course, it is not effective for orange cats who can gain weight by drinking water.

Before the college entrance examination, there is a class, and the class of high school students represents troublesome review and paperwork. Even if it is definitely not a big deal for the real schoolmaster, it is boring or boring. Fortunately, the time is still on Saturdays and Sundays. , "High school students" at home alone can also freely control their time, whether it is honestly doing homework or watching anime.

After all, "Destroy Whispers" didn't have any friends when he was on Earth. The relationship between him and most of his classmates was just "knowing", and no one would invite him to play basketball or play games even during the holidays.

But for a schoolmaster, this is a good thing, isn't it? Learning takes time. It is even more rare to be able to study without distractions and distractions. In order to study and understand a math problem, the former punk had to rack his brains and calculations until late at night. The so-called "student tyrant" is so good. ?

Of course, both the math problems and the former high school student have passed. The world today is nothing more than an illusion with bugs. Everything you look at is vivid and vanity. A passing glance.

Savoring the long-lost air entering the lungs, touching the brilliance of the cold hardwood furniture, and knowing the obvious reality that follows the shadow... Honestly speaking, even the punk heart will inevitably sigh for the former Liuying.

Even if the reverberation of memory is like a small dried fish on the mouth of a doughnut, it will be eaten in two bites, but the confirmed emptiness is still easy to make people feel boring.

Have you ever thought that everything you see and know around you is actually nothing? Have you ever dreamed of being alone in the dark tasting a feast that does not exist?

Like a dream, there is nothing true or false, at least in the view of "Destroy Whispers", the "perfect" world created by the trial space itself is full of philosophical dialectics............

"The Great Master is worthy of being a Great Master. It's hard to imagine what Dorasz's test questions are really given to the apprentice, but that kind of thing doesn't matter. Now I'll try the craft of "Punk Chef" scrambled eggs."

Give up the extra emotions casually, and put the freshly fried tomatoes and eggs on the After waving away the white cat "donuts" that came together because of curiosity, like time on earth, The "Master Huiyue" who is proficient in chopsticks picked up an egg and planned to put it in his mouth.

Since it is considered as a tourist, it is necessary to have a tourist mentality, eating and drinking are essential. You must know that there is no “earth” special crop of tomatoes on the plane of Faerun. It is quite rare to be able to taste vegetables that have passed more than 400,000 years. of.

It's just that in many cases, helplessness becomes helpless not because the person can do nothing, but because the trouble of the right benefits can always just interrupt some rare opportunities.

For example, the spellcaster, who is rare to make a delicious meal by himself, has just stretched out his chopsticks. He didn't even have time to taste the tomatoes and eggs. Suddenly, this colorful and vivid world suddenly freezes............

That’s right, it’s like a movie when the pause button is pressed. Whether it’s the "doughnut" that is grabbing the sofa and stretching or the tomato that has just been picked up by chopsticks, it instantly stagnates in the silent air, a large swath of it. The colors began to light and the caster's eyes watched dimly and extinguished, and a mechanical voice appeared in his mind out of thin air:

"An abnormal condition of the trial was detected, and the subject’s memory could not be sealed. This case appeared for the first time and the rehearsal treatment plan was not inquired. The first phase of the trial was immediately terminated, and the following judgment was made in accordance with the "Special Circumstances Handling Regulations"-1 , Subject No. 13585 is counted as passing the first stage trial for the time being, 2. The subsequent judgment will be handed over to the Great Master Dorothy to personally handle, 3. The second stage trial starts normally."


Obviously, the punk bug has been found in the self-checking function of the trial device, and the first stage of the trial, when the process has completely deviated long ago, has ended.

. Nine Heavens God Emperor